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1、1,English of Science and Technology 专业英语 Lecturer: Na Liu Email: N,2,课程的目的及任务,1、 扩大词汇量,尤其是专业词汇2、 巩固语法知识3、 提高阅读科技文章的水平,3,教学基本要求,1、能顺利阅读物理学有关专业的原版教科书、参考书及其他参考资料,能掌握其中心大意,抓住主要事实和有关细节。 2、对其中重要的论著和文献等材料能正确理解、抓住要点,并对其内容进行分析、推理、判断和综合概括 3、阅读速度达到每分钟70词。能运用简洁的专业英语进行初步交流 4、能写作简单的专业语句,能正确无误地写作论文的英文摘要。,4,2. Exam

2、s Classroom participation :45% ;Final exam : 55%,1. Contents,3. Suggestions for You,5,英语分类,公共英语 (Ordinary English、Common English、General English )专业英语 (Specialized English、Professional English、English for Special Science and Technology),6,It all began on New Years Day in my thirty-second year of bei

3、ng single. Onceagain I found myself on my own andgoing to my mothers annual turkey currybuffet. Every year she tries tofix me up with some ,7,Under the havest moon, When the soft silver Drips shimmering Over the garden nights, Death, the gray mocker Comes and whispers to you As a beautiful friend Wh

4、o remembers.,Under the summer roses, When the fragrant crimson Lurks in the dusk Of the wild red leaves, Love, with little hand, With a thousand memories, And asks you Beautiful unanswerable questions,Under the Harvest Moon,8,Dynamics is the study of forces and their effects on the motions of bodies

5、. The cause of acceleration is a force exerted by some external agent or environment. The fundamental properties of force and the relationship between force and acceleration are given by Newtons three laws of motion. The first of these laws describes the natural state of motion of a free body on whi

6、ch no external forces are acting, whereas the other two laws deal with the behavior of bodies under the influence of force.,9,两者的共同之处:词汇、语法基本相通。两者的不同之处:具有各自的特点。例如,公共英语:随意性(randomicity)、口语性(colloquialism)、感情性强(emotionality)。专业英语: 1、客观性,被动语态多,传统上,一般尽量少用或不用we、you、I、 they。近代打破了这个清规戒律,但还是要尽可能减少出现次数。,10,I

7、f the battery is disconnected, the capacitor retains the charge and the voltage associated with it. 如果断开电池,电容将保持电荷和与电荷相关的电压。,Also if a coil is placed on an iron core, its inductance will be greater than it was without the magnetic core. 而且,如果线圈中放一个铁芯,它的电感将比没有铁芯的线圈的电感大。 此句than引导一个比较状语从句。,11,2、专业英语长句多

8、。一个句子除主句外,往往在句中穿插许多从句和分词、不定式非谓语形式。例如: Finally looking into the future, it is possible to see the development of antibodies to chemicals associated with food breakdown being included in packaging materials to produce color changes clearly indicating the freshness of the food 句中associated with food br

9、eakdown是分词短语修饰chemicals, being included in Packaging materials也是分词短语修饰antibodies, to produce color changes是表示目的的不定式短语,clearly indicating the freshness of the food是分词短语修饰changes。,12,3、专业术语多,许多词汇只在本专业使用. 如 cold boot, circuit diagram、 energy band。4、半专业词汇较多,介于公共与专业之间,不同专业词汇含义不同. 如 driver,司机、驱动源、驱动器opera

10、tion 机械操作 军事作战 计运算 医手术carrier 机械托架、底盘军事 航空母舰 半导体载流子医带毒者通信 载波 航天运载工具 、火箭 日常搬运工(车、船),13,5、利用前后缀合成新词多,前后缀共有500多,必须掌握50 个最基本的前后缀,如Sub-,有下面(sub-layer)、次(sub-wave)、小(sub-quantity)和子(sub-field)的含义。6、缩、略写的词多,如,laser( light amplified by stimulated emission radiation )、PE(potential energy)、KE(kinetic energy)、

11、FCC (Face-centred cubic)、HCP(Hexagonal close-packing)、BCC(Body-centred cubic)。,14,7、省略句The first treatment would require a minimum of 48 hours, while the second treatment would require only 26 hours.第一次处理最少需要48小时,而第二次处理只需要26小时。可以省略为: The first treatment would require a minimum of 48 hours, the secon

12、d only 26 hours.,15,- If(it is) alloyed with tin,copper forms a series of alloys which are known as bronze.如果将铜与锡熔合,就能形成叫做青铜的一系列合金由关联词that或which引导的定语从句,可将关联词和从句谓语中的助动词一并省略。如上句中的which可予省略,留下作定语用的分词“known as bronze“;并且还可进一步省略成: - Alloyed with tin,copper forms a bonze.用锡合金化,铜就形成青铜。,16,常见省略句型,As already

13、 discussed 如前面讨论过的As noted later 如后面所说明的If any (anything) 如果有的话,即使需要也If convenient 如果方便的话If necessary 必要时,如果必要的话If possible 如有可能If required 如果需要(的话)If not 即使不If so 如果是这样,果真如此When in use 在使用时;当工作时When necessary 必要时When needed 需要时,如果需要Where possible 在可能的情况下,如有可能,17,翻译技巧,18,一、翻译的标准,准确、简练、流畅,19,1.译文要忠实于

14、原文,准确完整表达原文的内容,使译文在表达思想、精神、风格体裁上与原文完全相同。2.语言必须符合规范,符合本民族语言习惯。3.专业术语正确,数据无误,具有科学性。,20,准确,You cannot be too careful. I couldnt get home fast enough. 我恨不得马上回到家里。 No man can have too many friends. 朋友愈多愈好。,21,简练,Let those who can serve as teachers. (让那些能当老师的人来当老师。)能者为师 When a straight bar is subjected to a tensile load, the bar becomes longer.直杆受拉,则伸长。,22,流畅,The assumption of a uniform distribution of stress is frequently made in design.在设计中,常常采用压力均布的假定。,23,应该注意避免死译和乱译,死译 -the Milky Way (牛奶路) 银河 -black tea (黑茶) 红茶 - bulls eye (公牛眼睛) 靶心 -talk horse (谈马 ) 吹牛,


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