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1、英语专业毕业论文写作指导,一、毕业论文的基本要求 二、毕业论文的准备 三、英语毕业论文写作过程 四、毕业论文的语言要求 五、毕业论文的答辩,一、毕业论文的基本要求1)毕业论文必须用英语撰写。语言正确规范,通顺合理。2)毕业论文必须在指导老师的指导下按时独立完成。3)毕业论文的篇幅不得少于5000单词。4)毕业论文的写作必须坚持学术的诚实(academic honesty),杜绝剽窃。,二、毕业论文的准备,(一)、毕业论文的选题 1、选题的基本原则 科学性原则、可行性原则 2、选题的要求和方法 兴趣、熟悉度、与教师的指导相结合,(二)、毕业论文的资料收集和使用 1、资料搜集的原则和方法 真实性原

2、则;有效性原则;特殊性原则 途径:图书馆、网络 2、资料的使用 资料使用必须详略得当;资料要为论题服务;资料使用应当符合逻辑 3、拟定题目和提纲 什么是合适的题目,三、英语毕业论文的写作过程,一、毕业论文的组成 汉语封面英语封面-作者声明目录中文摘要英文摘要正文参考文献-致谢,1摘要的结构要素 论文标题应揭示研究的主题信息,而摘要则是读者的第一个信息来源,摘要应简要地描述论文的主题、研究的目的、研究的方法、主要研究发现、研究的结论和所带来的启示。摘要应具有前瞻性和预见性。 摘要一般应在主体毕业论文完成后才撰写。毕业论文摘要应有一个严格的结构。摘要应包括以下内容: 1)论文研究的主题/范围是什么

3、? 2)作者提供哪些背景信息? 3)本研究的目的是什么? 4)研究是如何进行的? 5)有哪些主要研究发现? 6)研究所带来的启示是什么? 请阅读以下摘要(见TESOL Quarterly, 2002):,Speaking and Writing in the University: A Multidimensional Comparison Abstract-1 (1) The dozens of studies on academic discourse carried out over the past 20 years have mostly focused on written aca

4、demic prose or on academic lecture. (2) Other registers that may be more important for students adjusting to university life, such as textbooks, have received surprisingly little attention, and spoken registers such as study groups or on-campus service encounters have been virtually ignored. (3) To

5、explain more fully the nature of the tasks that incoming international students encounter, this article undertake a comprehensive linguistic description of the range of spoken and written register at U. S. universities.,(4) Specifically, the article describes a multidimensional analysis of register

6、variation in the TOEFL 2000 Spoken and Written Academic Language Corpus. (5) The analysis shows that spoken registers are fundamentally different from written ones in university contests, regardless of purpose. (6) Some of the register characterizations are particularly surprising. (7) For example,

7、classroom teaching was similar to conversational registers in many respects, and departmental brochures and Web pages were as informationally dense as textbooks. (8) The article discusses the implications of theses findings for pedagogy and further research.,作者在第一、二句中提出了研究的主题(academic discourse)、论文关

8、注的对象(textbooks、study groups和service encounters)和背景信息(dozens of studies over the past 20 years、Other registers have received surprisingly little attention, have been virtually ignored.);在第三句中,作者指出了研究的目的;第四句简要说明了研究的方法;第五句则是研究的发现,最后几句则是该研究发现为教学和对以后研究所带来的启示。 由此可见,摘要共有六个结构要素:主题阐述(Topic Specification, TS)

9、、背景信息(Background Information, BI)、目的陈述(Purpose Statement, PS)、方法论和语料(Methodology and Data, MD)、研究结果/发现(Results/Findings, RF)和研究所带来的启示/结论(Implications/Conclusions, IC)。,Analysis of Gone with the Wind from the Perspective of Feminism,AbstractAs a great master in the modern literary world American fema

10、le writer Margaret Mitchell gains a world-wide reputation merely on the strength of her singular work Gone with the Wind. As the first novel which depicts American Civil War from womens perspective, Margaret focuses on the sufferings from the war of those women who stay at home and their difficult j

11、ourney of reconstruction. Ever since its publication in 1936, Gone with the Wind has received extensive attention from literary world. Literary critics, on the basis of their respective knowledge and understanding, have given different evaluations about this novel.,Most of their researches concentra

12、te on the historical background of American Civil War, the abolitionist thought, Scarletts particular characters and the cultural discrepancy between the North and the South. Meanwhile many readers only treat this novel as a simple love story, fascinated by its intricate and moving narration yet neg

13、lecting its implicit ideological values. Starting from the feministic perspective, this thesis will elaborate on womens social status and values a series of vivid female images and the relationship between nature and women, thereby to analyze the awakening of female self-consciousness reflected in t

14、his novel and its immense and positive effect on the cause of womens liberation.Key Words: Gone with the Wind women feminism eco-feminism,2摘要的语言信息 摘要乃是毕业论文整体中的一部分。摘要中到底应安排多少的信息量?毕业论文又该采用哪些类型的句子来传递这些信息呢? 摘要是一个篇幅较短的语篇,可长可短。对英语毕业生而言,毕业论文的摘要一般在300-400词之间。摘要中的信息应精练,概括性强,绝不能累赘冗长。用最少的语言传达最多的信息,并保证语篇结构连贯完整。

15、 摘要中往往省略具体的主语,代之以抽象的主语,如:The article discusses/describes/ analyzes 等。无论是学术论文还是毕业论文,切记:绝不要用第一人称写摘要,如:In this article I analyze/discuss/describe ,而应用第三人称等。,三、毕业论文的正文,1绪论(introduction) 绪论应说明研究这一课题的理由和意义。其核心是提出问题或者论点。还应对这一课题的历史研究进行回顾,并说明将要使用的研究方法。如论文较长,有必要对本论部分加以概括介绍,便于阅读理解。 1)毕业论文的绪论部分包括: (1)通过介绍研究课题的有

16、关情况,引起读者的兴趣; (2)将讨论聚焦到某个问题层面上; (3)回顾相关的研究文献; (4)讨论以往相关研究的不足; (5)对某一课题或课题的某一方面提出新的、不同的研究方法。,2)绪论的结构要素 (1)引出研究课题 研究课题可通过提问、陈述或引用名人名言等方式引出。其目的是在于引发读者的兴趣。可以先提问,接着由作者自己作答,或提一个间接问题,再作答。如: What happens in the language classroom is intimately linked to social and political forces in the world at large, and

17、the practitioners must not only be aware but also understand these links if they are to be fully effective in their work. (摘自OPALS 2000) 也可进行评价来归纳和概括。如: Research on learner beliefs in the last two decades had given us interesting insights into what language learners view are concerning the teaching and learning of a second or foreign language. (摘自OPALS 2000) 通过对interesting insights的评价而对以往的语言学习者观念进行了概括。,



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