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1、,1,2,3,4,The first period,Section A,Unit10 Can you play the guitar ?,Can you /he/she . ?Yes, I/He/She can.No, I/He/She cant.,swim,sing,dance,paint,play chess,play the guitar,What can these people do? Match the words and the people.,1.dance _ 2.swim _ 3.sing _ 4.play chess _,5.paint _ 6.speak English

2、 _ 7.play the guitar _.,a,e,f,b,d,g,c,Look at the chart and make some dialogues.,A : Can Tony/Mary ? B :Yes,he/she can.No,he/she cant.,English club,Chess club,Art club,Music club,Swimming club,A : What club do you want to jonn ? B : I want to join club. A : Can you ?,Summary :,Can you/he/she ? Yes,I

3、/we /he /she can. No, I/we /he /she cant.,1.,2.,What club do you want to join ?,I want to join club.,The second period,Section B,Can you /he/she . ? Yes, I/He/She can. No, I/He/She cant.,A : What club do you want to join ? B : I want to join club. A : Can you ?,Music club,Chess club,Art club,English

4、 club,Swimming club,drum,trumpet,piano,violin,Practice in pairs A :Can you /he /she play the drums? B : Yes, I /he /she can. No, I /he /she cant.,1a,mahch the words with the pictures.,1,2,3,4,5,drums _ piano _ guitar _ trumpet _ violin _,3,1,2,4,5,1b,2a Listen and the words you hear.,circle,violin s

5、ing dance trumpet drums piano paint,2 b Listen and fill in the chart with the words in the box.,play the guitar,play the piano,sing, play the guitar,play the piano,dance,sing,Summary,piano trumpet drum violin A: Can you /he /she play the ?,B: Yes ,I /he /she can,No , I /he /she cant.,3. What club do

6、 you want to join ? I want to jion the music club.,The third period,SectionB,Clubs,Revision,clubs,T: What club do you nwant to join ? S : Sorry, I dont know. T : What can you do ? S : I can play the piano. T : Well, you can jion the music club.,Activity 1 Groupwork,What do you like ? What can you do

7、 ? What club do you want to join ?,3b,Complete the following poster with the words in the box.,We want two good musicians for our rock band. _ you _ the _ ? _ you _ ? _ you _the _? Please call Bill at 790-4230.,Can,play,guitar,Can,sing,Can,play,drums,violin , sing ,dance Guiter, paint ,piano Can, pl

8、ay, drums,You are clever !,Summary,1. What do you like ?2.What can you do ?3. What club do you want to join ?,The fourth period,1,Add some new words.,Chinese Kung Fu club,Singing club,jazz club,3,Read the conversation and fill in the card.,Name : _ Age : _ E-mail adress : _ What can you do ?_ . Why

9、do you want to join the club ? _ .,Cindy Jones,12,Cindyj ,I can draw a little.,Because I want to learn about art.,Activity 1,Practise in pairs : A : Here are all the clubs .What club do you want to join? B : I want to join the basketball club ?I like playing basketball and I want tyo be a baskeballp

10、layer.How about you? A :Well,I like art. B : Can you draw ? A : Yes, but a little.So I want to join the art club.I want to be an artist.,Activity 2,Interview and fill in the form.,Name : _ Age : _ Teltphone number : _ E-mail address : _ What can you do ? _ What club do you want to join ? _ Why do yo

11、u want to join the club ?_,Languages for the tast,Interviewer : 1.Hi, can I help you ? 2.May I know your name ? 3.Whats your first name ? 4.How old are you ? 5.Whats your telephone number ? 6.Can you draw ? 7. Here is a card .Please fill it out.,Interviewee: I want to join the art club. My telephone

12、 number is My e-mail address is ,Thank you,Good -bye,Mouse love rice,; http:/ 墨尔本自助游 ; http:/ 布里斯班自助游 ; http:/ 阿德莱德自助游 wod68xqy 起的上课铃,身材高挑的班主任拿着成绩单和试卷向教室走来。清脆的高跟鞋声犹如一把钛合金材质的杀猪刀,毫不留情的刺入在场每位同学的心中。再配合上她那魔鬼似的步伐更如同逐步逼近的死神。“啊我已经听见上帝的召唤了。”许晨涵(友情客串)刻意压低了自己的声音,“凌娢,现在还不晚。赶快祈祷上帝让你上天堂吧。”“额比起上帝,我更愿意相信改卷老师。”慕容凌娢依


14、长,上课经常性不按老师计划行事的人,稳居全班第一两个学期,实在是一大奇迹。用老师的话来说,就是:天才是有的,但并不是经常有的。“上课了,都安静下来。”班主任黄老师已经站在了讲台上。“咱们期中考试的成绩已经出来了。”“啧啧”虽然全部同学都早已知道了这件事,但还是有几个好事的人装作毫不知情的样子发出了感叹。又因为从众心理全班至少有一半同学发出了这样起哄是声音。慕容凌娢的面无表情恰好掩盖了她那颗快要跳出嗓子眼的心。“单科成绩和排名,秦萌曦 数学 117慕容凌娢 数学 99”“真是的。”秦萌熙小声抱怨,“居然不是满分”她根本没有发现旁边的慕容凌娢已经接近石化了。“慕容凌娢 历史 50 年级排名第一”一句不算太大声的话,在此时显得穿透力极强。“真是吗!”能发出这种极尖细声音的人,不用看也知道是谁。出于礼貌,慕容凌娢用死鱼眼回敬了他。林浩也算是识相,马上闭上了嘴。此时班里的议论声已经算是明目张胆了。“怎么可能。”“这回的历史试卷可是相当难的啊!”“她居然考了满分。”“不会是”慕容凌娢已经不想再听下去了。虽然很相信自己在历史方面的能力,但经过被他人怀疑,还是很不习惯。装作毫不在乎的样子,心中有了少许不甘。一节课,就这样过去了。“好了,同桌。秦萌熙依旧心情轻快,毕竟第一依旧是她。“让我来总结一下,你的语文,单科名次是第21,英语是42,政治67,单,



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