Fish 研究生英语课件

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1、TAKE THIS FISH AND LOOK AT IT,Samuel Scudder,About the author,a. Samuel Hubbard Scudder was an American entomologist (昆虫学家) and palaeontologist (古生物学家). He was born 13 April 1837 in Boston, Massachusetts and died in the same city 17 May 1911. He had very weird sideburns.,b. most widely known for his

2、 essay on the importance of first-hand, careful observation in the natural sciences.,C. The treatise on inductive reasoning, entitled “The Student, the Fish, and Agassiz“, reflects his initial experience under the tutelage of Louis Agassiz at Harvard University.,Text Analysis,1. Group One: Scan the

3、beginning sentence of each paragraphs ( sometimes ending sentence) to find out how many times slots there are in the text. (make a list of all the time words and phrases.),2. Group Two: Scan the text to make out all the conversations that took place between professor Agassiz and Scudder.,3. Compare

4、notes and try to find something. (in each time slot except for the last one there is an important conversation),Conclusion: the text is divided into five sections.,Language points part one,Para 1. enroll: 1) Vt To enter or register in a roll, list, or record: 注册,登记:在花名册、名单或记录上登记注册或记录: enrolled the c

5、hild in kindergarten; enroll the minutes of the meeting. 注册孩子们入幼儿园;作会议记录,2) v.intr.(不及物动词) To place ones name on a roll or register; sign up: 注册登记:注册、记录某人名字在花名册上;登记: We enrolled in the army. 我们登记入伍了,Para 5. entrust 1) To give over sth to another for care, protection, or performance: 委托:把某物交与他人以照顾、保护

6、或运行: “He still has the aura of the priest to whom you would entrust your darkest secrets. “他身上仍散发牧师的气味,使你愿将自己内心最深处的秘密交付与他”,2) To give as a trust to (someone): 委托(某人)管理: entrusted his aides with the task. 他把这项任务委托给了他的助手们,Paragraph 7. Those were not the days of ground-glass stoppers and elegantly shap

7、ed exhibition jars; all the old students will recall the huge neckless glass bottles with their leaky, wax-besmeared corks, half eaten by insects, and begrimed with cellar dust. At that time ,there were not ground-glass stoppers and fine shaped exhibition jars; all the old students can recall the la

8、rge neckless glass bottles with their leaky corks which were applied with wax, half eaten by insects and made dirty with cellar dust.,Para 7 smear 1) To spread or daub with a sticky, greasy, or dirty substance. 涂沫:把一种粘着、光滑或肮脏的物质散布开或涂在某物之上,2) To apply by spreading or daubing: 敷,涂:用扩散或涂抹的方法使用某物: smear

9、ed suntan lotion on my face and arms. 把防晒膏涂抹在我脸上和臂上,3) To stain by or as if by spreading or daubing with a sticky, greasy, or dirty substance. 弄脏:用或似乎用扩散或涂抹的方法用粘着、油滑或肮脏的物质弄污,4) To stain or attempt to destroy the reputation of; vilify: 污蔑,诋毁:玷污或企图毁掉某人的名誉;诽谤: political enemies who smeared his name.,Pa

10、ra 7 besmear: 涂搽抹, 满(with) 抹脏, 玷污; 中伤 His face was besmeared with blood. 他的脸沾满了血。 The incident besmeared her reputation. 那一事件玷污了她的名誉。,Para 7 begrime vt. 1) To smear or soil with or as if with dirt. (灰尘等)弄脏 2) 玷污, 败坏 His hands were begrimed with oil and dirt. 他的手被油和污物弄脏。,Para 7 aversion: pet aversion

11、 最厌恶的东西人 have an aversion to 讨厌, 不爱, 不喜欢 take an aversion to 讨厌, 不爱, 不喜欢 have an aversion from 讨厌, 不爱, 不喜欢 take an aversion from 讨厌, 不爱, 不喜欢,I have an aversion to getting up early. Big dogs are an aversion of little girls.,Para 7 For gazing at a fish did not commend itself to an ardent entomologist.

12、 For gazing at a fish does not interest an passionate entomologist.,commend 1)推荐 2) 称赞, 表扬, 嘉奖 3) 把.付托给 4) 吸引; 引起兴趣 We should commend good people and good deeds. 我们应当表扬好人好事。 She commended the child to her aunts care. 她把孩子托付给姑母照管。 This book doesnt commend itself to me. 我对这本书没有兴趣。,Para 7 haunt Vt 1) T

13、o inhabit, visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being. 以鬼魂形式出现:以鬼魂或其它超自然物体的形式居住、拜访或出现 2) To visit often; frequent: 经常拜访;常去: haunted the movie theaters. 经常去电影院,3) To come to mind continually; obsess: 时常萦绕心头;使困窘: a riddle that haunted me all morning. 一个困扰我整个上午的谜语 4) To be c

14、ontinually present in; pervade: 时常出现在;弥漫: the melancholy that haunts the composers music. 经常出现在那位作曲家音乐中的忧郁,Para 8. resuscitate vt. 使复苏; 使复活; 使恢复精力 resuscitate a person who has been nearly drowned 使已将近淹死的人复生 The doctor resuscitated the man who was overcome by gas. 医生救活了那个煤气中毒的人。,Para 8 dash dash wine

15、 with water 用水搀酒 dash off a note 匆忙写了一个便条 The boat was dashed against a rock. 船 撞到岩礁上。 He dashed water in my face. 他把水泼到我的脸上。 He dashed the bowl to bits on the ground. 他把碗猛扔到地上, 摔得粉碎。 He dashed out of the room at the sight of a snake. 他一看到蛇就冲出了房间。,Para 8 sloppy: 1) Marked by a lack of neatness or or

16、der; untidy: 邋遢的:以缺少整洁或秩序为特征的;不整洁的: a sloppy room. 邋遢的房间,2) Marked by a lack of care or precision; slipshod: 马虎的,随便的:以缺少注意或正确性为特征的;随便的: sloppy use of language. 随便的语言用法,3) Of, resembling, or covered with slop; muddy or slushy: 溅污的,泥泞的:属于烂泥的,象烂泥的或被烂泥所覆盖的;肮脏的或泥泞的: sloppy ground. 泥泞的地面,4) Spotted or splashed with liquid. 溅脏的,溅湿的:被液体弄上斑点的或溅上水的 5) Watery and unappetizing: 稀薄的,水太多的:多水的而且不能引起人食欲的: a sloppy stew. 不能引起人食欲的炖汤,What is the main idea of the first part? ( use some words to describe the authors feeling) Scudders first morning in the laboratory was characterized by boredom and despair.,


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