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1、从教育心理学视角谈英语教学策略,主讲人 房林玉 博士,CONTENTSSome Questions Teaching Pronunciation Teaching Grammar Teaching Vocabulary Teaching Listening Teaching Speaking Teaching Reading Teaching Writing,1、你是如何认识英语这门课程的? A.它同语文、数学等一样是一门重要学科 B.它是用于交流的语言,2、在课堂上,英语教师重点工作应该做什么? A.给学生讲解英语知识 B.教会学生如何自己学习英语 C.带领学生做大量试题,3、你认为学生为什

2、么上英语课? A.英语是考试的重点科目 B.为了获得英语交际能力 C.喜欢英语老师的讲课方式 D.可以得到自我表现的机会,4、你认为在课堂上的主要职责是什么? A.讲解英语知识点 B.帮助学生自己学习 C.组织英语情境活动 D. 分析和讲解试卷,5、你觉得不同班级的学生对你上课影响怎样? A.基本都在我的控制之下,对我影响不大 B.我经常根据学生的不同情况,临时改变我的上课方式 C.我严格按上课前的备课情况进行,6、你认为教学生英语发音的价值是什么? A学生能够慢慢自己学会,所以没必要教 B发音问题对英语成绩影响不大 C学生只要能熟练读单词就可以了 D学生需要写出单词的音标,7、学生的发音应该

3、达到什么程度? A.能够像老外一样的发音 B.只要能够让别人听懂就可以了 C.应该特别流利和自然 D.只要能够表达清自己的想法就可以了,8、你认为学生发音不好的主要原因是什么? A.认为自己做不到 B.没有条件接触老外 C.没记住音标 D.没有机会和别人说英语,Teaching Pronunciation1. The role of pronunciationIn the teaching of English as a foreign language, discussions on pronunciation are not so much around how to teach pron

4、unciation as around the value of teaching pronunciation. There are people who claim that students do not need to learn pronunciation because pronunciation will take care of itself as the students develop overall language ability. However, there are people who assert that failure in pronunciation is

5、a great hindrance in language learning. What do you think?,Task: Below are some statements about the role of pronunciation in English teaching. Read the statements carefully and decide if you agree or disagree with them. Try to give reasons for your decisions.,Results from the task above will certai

6、nly vary greatly. This is because whether pronunciation needs special attention or focus in language teaching depends on many factors.,Considering our English learning context, generally speaking, beginning Chinese learners of English need a certain degree of focus on pronunciation. However, great c

7、are should be taken over the distinction between pronunciation and phonetics. The teaching of pronunciation should focus on the students ability to identify and produce English sounds themselves. Students should not be led to focus on reading and writing phonetic transcripts of words, especially you

8、ng students, because phonetic transcripts are more abstract and less meaningful.,Phonetic rules regarding what sounds a letter or a cluster of letters should be pronounced are helpful for students to develop the ability to cope with English pronunciation and they should be introduced at a suitable s

9、tage. However, they should be avoided at the beginning stage, especially for young learners.,2. The goal of teaching pronunciationIt is true that language students pronunciation should be as good as possible. But should we require the students to acquire native-like pronunciation? The question is pr

10、obably not whether we should or should not require the students to acquire native-like pronunciation. The question is whether the students themselves can achive that goal at all. Generally speaking, learners of English as a foreign language cannot acquire native-like pronunciation, except those who

11、start learning English at a very young age.,The amount of exposure to English is another factor that determines if the students can acquire native-like English pronunciation. At the present time, most Chinese learners of English do not have enough exposure to English to acquire native-like pronuncia

12、tion.,Due to biological and physiological differences, individual students have different phonetic ability. Some students are more sensitive to and better at imitating sounds than other students. Although a few students can acquire native-like pronunciation, it is unrealistic for the majority of stu

13、dents to do so.,However, admitting the difficulty in acquiring native-like pronunciation does not mean that teachers should not encourage students to improve their pronunciation as much aspossible.If we should not require native-like pronunciation, then what should be our realistic goals? Our realis

14、tic goals of teaching pronunciation should be:,Consistency: The pronunciation should be smooth and natural.Intelligibility: The pronunciation should be understandable to the listeners.Communicative efficiency: The pronunciation should help to convey the meaning that is intended by the speaker.,Some

15、students take great pains to be accurate in pronunciation. This is often done at the expense of consistency. And the speech produced in this way is not only unnatural but also uncomfortable to hear.,When trying to achieve consistency in pronunciation, students do not have to and should not sacrifice

16、 intelligibility. Unintelligible speech is useless and may cause unpleasant feelings for both the speaker and the audience.,However, consistency and intelligibility are not necessarily enough in real communication. For example, it is easy to say “Sorry“ smoothly and clearly. But if the intonation is not appropriate, it may convey the opposite meaning.,9、学习英语语法的价值是什么? A.学习说汉语时并没有学语法,所以学英语也同样没必要学 B.学习语法规则是学会英语的前提 C.学习语法是学习英语的重要内容,10、你认为应该如何教语法? A.应该单独、详细讲解语法规则 B.重点放在语法习题的练习上 C.语法应该在课文中讲解和练习,


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