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1、第 1 页 共 22 页江苏省苏州、无锡、常州、镇江四市高三教学情况调江苏省苏州、无锡、常州、镇江四市高三教学情况调研研英语试题英语试题 ; 每小题每小题 2 2 分分, , 满分满分 3030 分分) )请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出 最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A ASummerSummer SCHOOLSCHOOL PROGRAMSPROGRAMSREADING/LANGUAGEREADING/LANGUAGE ARTSARTS ANDAND MATHMATH PROGRAMSPROGRAMSHyde Park Day School

2、Summer Program offers an intensive multisensory (多感官) reading and math program for students with learning disabilities, in 2nd through 8th grade. Students can enroll in either or both programs. The Program aims to: To improve understanding of sound/letter relationships and phonemic rules;第 9 页 共 22

3、页 To improve reading and listening comprehension; To review and strengthen grade-appropriate math concepts, operations, and word problems.MathMathJune 20 July 29, 20178:15 AM 9:20 AM Cost: $1,300(no class July 4th)Reading/LanguageReading/Language ArtsArtsJune 20 July 29, 20179:20 AM 12:30 PM Cost: $

4、2,800(no class July 4th)PARENTS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO APPLY BY MARCH 28TH. Students participating in the Northfield Campus Summer Math Program may join Tick Tock Child Care, a licensed facility for children through age 12 with flexible hours for afternoon activities. Transportation from HPDS to

5、 the facility can be privately arranged through Tick Tock Child Care. Students must register separately for this program.Students participating in the Chicago Campus Summer Reading/Language Arts Program may be interested in enrolling in afternoon activities at the Laboratory Schools Summer Lab 2017.

6、 Summer Lab will provide shuttle service from HPDS to Lab at the conclusion of morning classes at Hyde Park Day School. Students may bring their lunch or purchase it at the Lab cafeteria. Students must register separately for the Laboratory Schools camp or courses.56. According to the above informat

7、ion, we know_.A. summer school programs are intended for the disabled students B. one student can participate in two summer school programs第 10 页 共 22 页C. students can improve written language skills through programs D. students have classes each day from June 20 to July 2957. What is true of the tw

8、o afternoon activities? A. Both of them are free of charge. B. They are held in the same area.C. Students are asked to register by themselves. D. Transportation service is arranged for the students. B BWith a presidential campaign, health care and the gun control debate in the news these days, one c

9、ant help getting sucked into the flame wars that are Internet comment threads. But psychologists say this addictive form of vitriolic (刻薄) back and forth should be avoided or simply checked by online media outlets because it actually damages society and mental health.A perfect storm of factors come

10、together to cause the rudeness and aggression seen in the comments sections of Web pages, said Markman, a professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin. First, commenters are often nearly nameless, and thus, unaccountable for their rudeness. Second, they are at a distance from the tar

11、get of their anger be it the article theyre commenting on or another comment on that article and people tend to go against distant abstractions more easily than living, breathing talkers. Third, its easier to be nasty in writing than in speech, hence the now somewhat out-of-date practice of leaving

12、angry notes (back when people used paper), Markman said. And finally, Edward Wasserman, Knight Professor in Journalism Ethics at Washington and Lee University, noted another cause of the vitriol: bad examples set by the media. “Unfortunately, mainstream media have made a fortune teaching people the

13、wrong ways to talk to each other. People understandably conclude anger is the political vernacular (行话) , that this is how public ideas are talked about,” Wasserman wrote in an article on his universitys website. “It isnt.”In Markmans opinion, media outlets should cut down on the anger and hatred th

14、at have become the model in reader exchanges. “Its valuable to allow all sides of an argument to be heard. To a greater degree, someone who is making a reasonable point but with an angry tone is hurting the nature of the argument, because they are promoting people to respond in a similar way,” he sa

15、id. 第 11 页 共 22 页For their part, people should seek out actual human beings to communicate with, Markman said and we should make a point of including a few people in our social circles who think differently from us. “Youll develop a healthy respect for people whose opinions differ from your own; the

16、 back-and-forth negotiation that goes on in having a conversation with someone you dont agree with is a skill and its not easy to master it,” Markman said.58. Why do psychologists encourage people to stop attacking each other online? A. The social problems are too complex to figure out. B. The online media outlets will r



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