最新2018年高中英语人教版精品详细学案资源-Unit 3 A taste of humour-单元学案

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1、1 最新 2018 年高中英语人教版精品详细学案资源 A taste of humour-单元学案 单单 元元 学学 习习 目目 标标 导导 航航 类别 新课标要求掌握的项目 话 题 1.Humor. 2.Different types of English humor. 3.Humorous writing:stories. 单 词 humour comedy content performer astonish astonishing fortunate unfortunately ordinary bored entertain throughout homeless moustache

2、 worn failure overcome (overcame,overcome leather chew convince direct outstanding Switzerland gesture particular particularly occasion budget actress slide amuse pancake explanation detective mountainous whisper vast mess react porridge drunk 词 语词 组 up to now feelbe content with badly off pick out

3、cut off star in 功 能 情感(Emotions) How wonderful! Im pleased we both like I felt happy because What fun! I couldnt help laughing when Its interesting that we both find funny I enjoy watching I dont think thats funny at all It surprises me that I(dont)laugh at that kind of thing because It is(not)very

4、amusing/funny that I(dont)enjoy this very much because I burst into laughter when I found it extremely funny that How enjoyable that was! Isnt it amusing that? 语 法 动词-ing 形式作表语、定语和宾语补足语的用法 1作表语 The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted!

5、 2作定语 I He grew more and more popular as his charming character,the little tramp,became known throughout the world 3作宾语补足语 lYou may find it astonishing that Charlie was to sing as soon as he could speakand dance as soon as he could walk. How did the little tramp make a sad situation entertaining? 写作

6、 Learn how to write a different ending to the given story. 班级_ 姓名_小组_ 第一课时第一课时 warmingwarming upup pred通常作表语感到惊讶的;吃惊的_. 拓展:拓展:(B 级级) be astonsished at/ by sth.对感到惊讶 be astonsished to do sth. 吃惊地做 be astonshied that惊讶 巩固运用:巩固运用: 1)He was _ what he found 他发现的情况使他十分 8 惊讶。 2)We were_ hear that their foo

7、tball team had won the champion 听说他们的足球队获得了冠军,这真叫人意想不到。 3)(C 级)To our _, the boss wasnt _at the_ news at all. 4Unfortunately his father died,leaving the family even worse off,so Charlie spent childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother 不幸的是他的父亲去世了,使得他的家境更加艰难,查理只好用他的童年时代去照料曩不幸的是他的父亲去世了,使得

8、他的家境更加艰难,查理只好用他的童年时代去照料曩 生病的妈妈和弟弟。生病的妈妈和弟弟。 badly off:in a poor position,especially financially 潦倒;尤指贫困潦倒;尤指贫困 They are too badly off to have a holiday他们贫困得根本谈不上度假。 They are not so _.他们并不那么穷。 缺少的 be badly off for在在缺少缺少 Our school was then _ teachers. 当时我们学校缺少老师。 拓展:拓展:(B 级级) 1)worse off 是 badly off

9、的比较级,意思是“境况更糟”。 2)go from bad to worse (糟糕的境况)越来越坏,每况愈下 We shouldnt complain about being poor-many families are much worse off I went to her home and found her living condition was _ than mine 我去她家一看,发现她的生活状况比我的更差。 5. No one was ever bored watching him- his subtle acting made everything entertaining

10、.看他看他 的表演没有人会感到无聊的表演没有人会感到无聊-他巧妙的表演使得一切都那么滑稽可笑。他巧妙的表演使得一切都那么滑稽可笑。 entertain 使欢乐 款待 A teacher should entertain us as well as teach.教师不仅要教书,也要能引起学生的兴趣 链接链接:entertain sb to sth 招待招待/款待某人款待某人 entertain sb with sth (用用)使某人快使某人快 乐乐 拓展:拓展:(B 级级) entertaining 使人愉快的;有趣的 entertainment 娱乐款待 娱乐演出 a most enterta

11、ining guest 一位很有风趣的客人 The local entertainments are listed in the newspaper报纸上列出了当地的娱乐活动。 9 巩固运用:巩固运用: 1)Bob and liz _us _ dinner last night. 2)He _ us for hours_ his stories and jokes.他给我们讲故事,讲讲笑话,让 我们高兴了好几个小时。 3)a very _ film 一部很有趣的电影 4)He fell in the water,much to the _ of the children他掉进水里, 逗得孩子们

12、乐不可支。 6He walked around stiffly carrying a walking stick他手拿拐杖,呆板地走来走去。他手拿拐杖,呆板地走来走去。 句中 carrying a walking stick 是现在分词短语,作状语,表示伴随情况;walking 是动名词, 用作定语,表示用途、性质等。The children walked on the way home,singing and dancing孩子们走在回家的路上,又唱又跳。 She sat at the desk _ a newspaper她坐在书桌旁读报。 随堂练习随堂练习 I 单项选择 1一 Do you

13、 want anything else for your birthday? 一 Nothing elseIm very_with what youve bought mr meAsatisfying Bexcited Ccontent Dinterested 2His failing in the exam _ us because he was alwaysan outstanding student Apleased Bastonished Cexcited Dfrightened 3I was_ to hear the _ news that he was murdered Aasto

14、nished;astonished Bastonishing;astonishing Castonished;astonishing Dastonishing;astonished 4-_ ?Why are you crying? -I lost my way here AWhats up BIts up to you CUp to speed DUp to 4The refugees(难民)were badly off_food after the big earthquakeAwith Bfor Cfrom Don 5Though he was_,he looked down upon those who had a lot of moneyAwell off Brich Cbadly off 6-Can you lend me some money? -I am_than youYou know I live from hand to mouth A. better off Bworse off Cmore badly Dmuch poor 7(2007 年四川卷)It was so dark in the cinema that I could har


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