七年级英语I want to be an actor课件6

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《七年级英语I want to be an actor课件6》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语I want to be an actor课件6(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4,I want to be an actor.,保靖民中 滕建菊,Section A Period One,Words preview,shop doctor policeman hospital now policewoman,商店; 店铺 医生 男警察 医院 现在; 此时 女警察,Lets see these jobs.,What does he do? He is an _.,actor,What does she do? She is an _.,actress,What does she do? She is a _.,reporter,What does she do?

2、 She is a _.,shop assistant,What does she do? She is a _.,teacher,What does she do? She is a _.,What does he do? He is a _.,waiter,waitress,_does he do? He is a _.,doctor,What,What _she _? She is a _.,nurse,does,do,_? She is a _.,bank clerk,What does she do,_? He is a _.,policeman,What does he do,_?

3、 She is a _.,What does she do,policewoman,1. shop assistant _ 2. doctor _ 3. actor _ 4. reporter _ 5. policeman _ 6. waiter _ 7. bank clerk _ 8. student _,Match the words with the people in the picture. (1a),f,b,h,c,a,d,e,g,Listen and number the people in the picture. (1b),1,2,3,Pair work Practice t

4、he conversation. Then ask and answer questions about other people.,A: What does he do? B: Hes a doctor. B: What does your mother do? A: Shes a bank clerk.,What do you want to be?,I am a teacher. I want to be an actress. What do you want to be?,A B C,What _he_? He wants to be a doctor.,does,want to b

5、e,What does she want to be? She _.,wants to be a nurse,What does he do ? _.,What _he _? He _.,want to be,does,wants to be a reporter,He is a policeman,1,2,3,Listen and number the pictures. (2a),Listen again and fill in the chart.(2b),policewoman,waiter,actor,doctor,student,Fill in the blanks.,Annas

6、mother has a new _ (工作). She is now a _ (银行职员), but she _ (想) to be a _ (警察). Tonys father is a _ (服务员). Hes working hard _(现在) because it is Saturday night. He _(喜欢) his job but he really want to be an _ (演员). Susans brother is a _ (学生). He wants to be a _ (医生).,doctor,enjoys,wants,bank clerk,polic

7、ewoman,waiter,actor,now,student,job,What does your mother do?,Shes a nurse.,Pair work,She wants to be a policewoman.,What does your mother want to be?,Ask and answer questions in pairs.,- What do you do? - Im a reporter. - What does he/she do?Hes/ Shes a doctor/ studentWhat do you want to be?I want

8、to be an actor.What does he/she want to be?He/She wants to be a bank clerk,Revision,,三星学科,教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友!,Quiz,Translate and write them down.,1. - 她做什么工作?- 她是一个医生。2. - 你的妈妈想成为什么?- 她想当一个警察。,- What does she do? - She is a doctor.,- What does your mother want to be? - She wants to be a policewoman.,Recite the new words and write down what your classmates want to be. ( at least 10 classmates),Homework,Thank you. Bye!,


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