(冀教版(一起))六年级上英语课件 Lesson19 Christmas Gifts(1)

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1、,Lesson19 Christmas Gifts,圣诞节,Christmas,santa,card,christmas lights,Merry Christmas,Review 一.写出下列动词的过去式。 bring_ eat _ do_ see _ give_ are_二.用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. He _(walk) to school yesterday.2. My friend _(bring) gifts for me tomorrow.3.She often _(eat) toast and jam.4.I_(walk) to the park tomorrow. 5.

2、 He _(help) me with my homework yesterday.,brought,ate,did,saw,gave,were,walked,is going to bring,eats,am going to walk,helped,三,单项选择。 ( )1.Yesterday she _cereal for breakfast.A.eat B.ate C.is going to eat ( )2.Tomorrow I _lights for the christmas tree.A.bring B.brought C. am going to bring ( )3.He

3、often_ me to his house.A. invite B. invites C. inviting ( )4.Tomorrow jenny _ a gift.A. buy B. bought C. is going to buy ( )5.Lets find a card _Santa.A.with B.for C.to,B,C,B,C,A,Object and important point :,1.Key words :Santa,something ,thing .key sentences: What would you like for Chrismas? I would

4、 like_ 2、能力目标:能理解熟读课文,学会与人合作交流。 3、 情感目标:培养学生大胆开口说英语的能力和小组合作竞争及互助意识,及通过圣诞节赠送礼物,懂得关心他人。,a big department store,things,No1、Who is he?,预习展示我最棒,小组合作探究: What would you like for Christmas?I would like?(Would you like?),合作学习闯关(一),I would like funny things .,一,从B栏中选出与A栏对应的翻译。A ( )1.a deparment store ( )2.som

5、e special ( )3.merry christmas ( )4.a young man ( )5.christmas giftsBA.圣诞快乐B.百货商店 C.年轻人D.特别的东西E.圣诞礼物,B,D,A,C,E,二,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.I want _(buy)something for my family. 2.Danny and LiMing_(shop)for christmas gifts in the store now. 3.What do you want_(eat). 4.santas _(be)fun. 5.I am going to _(give)them something special from china . 6.The _(toy) are fun . 7.What do you want_(buy).,to buy,are shopping,to eat,are,give,toys,to buy,Merry Christmas,.,.,Goodbye,


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