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1、1UnitUnit 5 5 MusicMusic基础知识默写篇基础知识默写篇一、分层单词一、分层单词 写作词汇1. vt.假装;假扮 2. vt.缚上;附加;连接 3. vt.(使)组成;形成;构成 4. vt.赚;挣得;获得 5. adj.幽默的;诙谐的 6. adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的 7. vt.履行;执行 8. vi.依赖;依靠 阅读词汇1.folk adj. 2.musician n. 3.instrument n. 4.extra adj. 5.pub n. 6.cash n. 7.studio n. 8.broadcast n.履行;执行 n.表演;演奏 n.表演者 2. v

2、i.依赖;依靠 adj.可靠的;可信赖的 3. adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的 vt.吸引 n.吸引;吸引力;吸引人的事物 4. adj.自信的;确信的 n.自信;信任 5. adj.简短的;简要的 n.摘要;大纲 adv. 简要地;短暂地 6. n.投入;热爱 vt.献身;致力 adj.忠实的;挚爱的 7. n.邀请;招待 v.邀请 8. adj.痛苦的;疼痛的 n.疼痛 二、高频短语二、高频短语 1. 梦见;梦想;设想 2. 说实话 3. 认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接 4. 用现金 5. 戏弄 6. 依赖;依靠 7. 熟悉;与熟悉起来 8. 大约 9. 打碎;分裂;解体 10. 另外,

3、也 11. 分类 12. 最重要的是;首先 三、经典句型三、经典句型31.Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the street or subway (以便他们可以多挣一些钱)for themselves or to pay for their instruments. 2.The musicians were to (彼此打趣逗笑)as well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles. 3.They put an advertisement in a news

4、paper (寻找摇滚乐手), but they could only find one who was good enough. 4.Freddy and his band (在外边无论走到哪儿都有人跟随). 5.Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked (就像他们是亲密的朋友一样). 基础知识运用篇基础知识运用篇一、语境词汇运用一、语境词汇运用(一)词汇拼写(注意单词或短语的形式变化)1.In order to (挣得)enough money to buy

5、a house, he worked late into the night. 2.By doing (额外的)homework, he soon got ahead of his classmates. 3.Learning to play an (乐器), like violin, is like learning to speak another language. 4.I have no (现金)with me;may I pay by cheque? 5.He (假装) to be listening to his teacher carefully. 6.A plan (形成) i

6、n my head. 7.Nie Er is considered as one of the most famous (音乐家)in China. 8.His voice on the phone sounded (熟悉的) to me. 9.Across the stream, a man is trying to reach out on the edge of the bank for the fruit with a net (连接)to a pole. 10.Everyone admired her patience and unfailing good (幽默). 11.It m

7、ay be a (敏感的) topic, so we had better avoid it. 12. (除了)to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight. 13.It was not until then that I realized their marriage was (破裂)because they had little in common. 14.It took quite a while to (拣出)our luggage from others. 415.Please pay (

8、用现金), for credit cards cannot be used in this supermarket. 16.Parents (认为重要) education. They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift. 17.It is wrong of you to (戏弄)the disabled in need. 18. (老实说), I dont think highly of the plan put forward at the meeting. 19.Because he (熟悉)the

9、computer, he can carry out the work easily. 20.When she was young, she (梦想)being a doctor. 21.Not having been here for a long time, I have to (依靠)my friends to help me find a job. (二)单句填空1.We need to make this type of car (attract) to a wider range of people. 2.Roger turned down the (invite) to spea

10、k at the science conference. 3.Applying for jobs can be a long and (pain) process. 4.The doctor the operation quite well and the director was very satisfied with his and praised him as a real of difficult operations.(perform) 5.I am fully of his success, for his convinces me.(confident) 6.After a pa

11、use, he began to end up the meeting with few words.(brief) 7.Few people are able to themselves fully to their careers. Once they are to them, their must bring them big success.(devote) 8.My friend is a person, and you can on it that he will give you a hand.(rely) 二、经典句型仿写二、经典句型仿写1.时间允许的话,我希望有更多的业余时间

12、和朋友一起度过,这样我们就会有更加良好的关系。(so that)Time permitting, I expect to have more spare time to spend with my friends . 2.另一个建议是练习听和说。(不定式作表语)Another suggestion is .(2015 四川书面表达) 53.我们已经给你们准备了很多书,其中绝大部分是中国小说。(most of.)We have prepared lots of Book s for you, . (2015 天津书面表达) 4.有很多学生正列队欢迎她。(现在分词短语作后置定语)There are

13、 many students . 5.没有你的帮助,我不能按时完成任务。(not.without)I your help. 6.童年的一切一下子涌来,仿佛刚刚发生似的。(as if)Everything in my childhood came . 7.通过多读、多写、多说,你会在不知不觉中提高英语。(before)By speaking more, writing more and reading more, you can improve your English . 答案精解精析答案精解精析基础知识默写篇基础知识默写篇一、分层单词一、分层单词写作词汇1.pretend 2.attach

14、3.form 4.earn 5.humorous 6.familiar 7.perform 8.rely阅读词汇1.民间的 2.音乐家 3.工具;器械;乐器 4.额外的;外加的 5.酒馆;酒吧 6.现金 7.工作室;演播室 8.广播;播放 9.浸;蘸 10.后来 11.敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的 12.滚动;(使)摇摆; 摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈 13.加;增加;加法拓展词汇1.perform;performance;performer 2.rely;reliable3.attractive;attract;attraction 4.confident;confidence 5.brief;b

15、riefly6.devotion;devote;devoted 7.invitation;invite 8.painful;pain二、高频短语二、高频短语1.dream of 2.to be honest 3.attach.to 4.in cash 5.play jokes on66.rely on 7.be/get familiar with 8.or so 9.break up 10.in addition 11.sort out 12.above all三、经典句型三、经典句型1.so that they can earn some extra money 2.play jokes on each other3.looking for ro


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