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1、机房迁移实施方案Machine room migration implementation plan 一、 机房迁移规划First, the engine room Migration Planning 1 实施流程:现场勘查与贵公司相关人员交流确定实施方案对所有设备制 定应急方案。1、Implementation Process: Scene Investigation with your company personnel exchanges to determine the implementation of the program emergency to develop implem

2、entation plans for all equipment. 2 了解贵单位现在机房的现状以及迁移后的具体要求。充分考虑在实施过程中可 能出现的各种情况, 定制详细可行性的迁移实施计划,将机房迁移工作对贵单 位的影响降至最小。2、Understand your organization the status of the engine room, and after the relocation of the specific requirements. Give full consideration to the various situations that may arise in

3、 the implementation process, the migration of custom detailed feasibility of the implementation plan, to minimize the impact on your organizations machine room migration. 二、 详细实施方案Second, a detailed implementation plan. 1 实施流程:1. Implementation process: 1 Spare tools preparation New room on-site ins

4、pection Equipment marked Data Backup Device is turned off Device off the shelf Equipment handling Device is connected Device is turned on Functional test Complete 2 数据备份2. Data Backup 数据备份需要贵单位相关人员配合。 是在设备出现故障后能否快速恢复的保 证。备份包括服务器的数据备份。网络设备的配置文件备份等。The data backup staff with your organization. To ensu

5、re fast recovery of the 2 equipment failure. The backup server data backup. Network device configuration file backup. 3.设备标记3. devices marked 如果设备没有名称,需要为设备编制名称,并在每台设备上用标签打印纸标 记名称。 If the device does not have a name, you need to prepare for the device name and the paper label on each device tag name

6、. 4.设备的关机下架搬运4.Equipment shutdown next frame handling 在关机后所有设备按从上到下的顺序拆卸,下架人员为我公司有多年施工经 验的专业人员。要求下架时先将所有线缆拆除,所有设备要轻拿轻放,以免造成 不必要的损失,设备下架后放在指定区域由搬运人员运送到目的机房。After the shutdown of all equipment from top to bottom of the order of demolition, the shelf staff for my company have years of experience in con

7、struction professionals. Requirements off the shelf when the first all cables removed, all the equipment gently, so as to avoid unnecessary losses, equipment shelf on the designated area by handling staff delivered to the destination room. 搬运过程要在设备与运输工具间加垫缓冲物,以免在运输过程中震动过大, 造成设备配件松动。Handling process

8、between the equipment and means of transport padded cushions, so as to avoid vibration during transport, resulting in the loosening of device accessories. 5.设备上架5 、equipment shelves 上架要按照贵单位提前设计好的位机柜布置图上架,布置图需要设计合理, 节省空间,便于维护,美观。Shelves in advance in accordance with your organization designed cabine

9、t layout shelves, and the need to design layout is reasonable, space-saving, easy to maintain beautiful. 6IP 地址规划6.IP address planning IP 地址规划是针对用户在迁移后IP 地址有变化,设备需要重新配置制定的 配置表。在迁移前对设备有一个详细IP 规划,在配置时提高效率避免错误。3 IP address planning for the user IP address in the post-migration changes in equipment need

10、 to reconfigure to develop the configuration table. The device has a detailed IP plan prior to migration, improve efficiency and to avoid errors in the configuration. 7.备件备品7 spare parts spare parts 根据我公司以往迁移设备经验,在迁移过程中经常会有一些易损件损坏,影 响迁移工作的顺利进行。 以下配置列表将提供额外的备品备件以备急需。待迁移 工作结束后,返还我公司。Migration, accordi

11、ng to our previous equipment experience, there are often vulnerable damaged during the migration process, migration is carried out smoothly. The following configuration list will provide additional spare parts in order of need. To be migrated to the end of the return of the company. 备品备件表:Spare part

12、s tables: 设备 Equipment 数量 Quantity 单位 Unit 尾纤 Pigtail 1 对 One pair RJ45跳线 RJ45 patch cord 1 条 Article内存 Memory 1 对 One pair硬盘 Hard disk 1 块 Block测线仪 Measuring line instrument 1 个 A网线 Cable 1 箱 Box捆扎带 Banding 1 包 Package电源 Power supply 1 个 A4 三、 应急处理Third, the emergency treatment 在设备迁移后出现异常情况时现场技术人员立

13、即检查设备,检查故障现象,确定故障位置。Field technicians in the device after migration anomalies immediately check equipment, check the fault phenomena, to determine the fault location. 硬件故障在备件准备范围内的立即更换,不在范围内的立即使用备用设备最短时间内启用备用设备。 由于配置数据或系统不能启动的立即使用系统光盘备份数据等先前准备的备用工具软件系统软件重新安装或恢复。Hardware failure within the range of s

14、pare parts ready to be replaced immediately, the standby device is not within the immediate use of standby equipment in the shortest time. Since the configuration data or the system can not start immediately using the system CD backup data to a previously prepared backup tools system software re-ins

15、talled or recovery. 四、 迁移报价:Fouth 、migrate offer: 名称Name内容数量单位单价小计备注机柜Cabinets2000*600*1000 1 台 A 3500 3500 可选Optional 网线 Cable 超 5 类Super Category 5 1 箱 Box 750 750 5 超 5 类 24 口配线架Super Category 5 24 patch panel 块Block 1 块 Block 1500 1500 可选Optional 1U理线架1U Cable Management Arm 1 块 Block 550 550 可选

16、Optional 设备搬迁劳务费Equipment relocation costs of labor 2 次 Times 750 1500 设备搬迁技术费Equipment relocation costs 2 次 Times 750 1500 设备运输费Equipment transportation costs 2 次 Times 750 1500 新机房布线New room wiring 1 批Approved 1500 1500 安装调试费Installation costs 2 次 Times 900 1800 6 其它线材Other wire 1 批Approved 300 300 设备运输保险Equipment transportation insurance 2 批Approved 500 1000 小计Subtotal 15400 税费Taxes 工程总价 +施工费 %6Of the total price + construction costs 960 总计Total 应收



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