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1、母婴垂直传播疾病,2007级临床医学(七年制) 2007级检验医学(七年制),组长:勾雪 成员:勾雪、焦藏、李亚会、廖辉燕彭娟、夏梦、冉胜强、胡金波 汇报人:胡金波,母婴垂直传播疾病,梅毒(Syphilis)病毒性乙型肝炎(Virus hepatitis-B)艾滋病(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome),胎盘传播 分娩传播 母乳传播,母婴传播:是艾滋病、乙型肝炎、梅毒等性传播疾病(STD,Sexually Transmitted Disease)的妇女在怀孕、分娩或产后、哺乳等过程中将HIV、HBV、梅毒螺旋体等病原体感染给胎儿或婴儿,导致胎儿或婴儿感染的过

2、程。,一、诊断 二、治疗 三、预防,母婴垂直传播疾病之病毒性乙型肝炎,一、诊断 二、治疗 三、预防,母婴垂直传播疾病之病毒性乙型肝炎,一、诊断,(一)、流行病学资料传染源、传播途径、易感人群 (二)、临床诊断 携带者 :无症状、肝功正常、病原学支持 急性肝炎:起病急,有症状、体征,病程6个月 重症肝炎:症状、体征极重,出血,严重并发症 淤胆型肝炎:症状轻,黄疸长,肝内梗阻表现 肝炎后肝硬化:慢性肝炎、肝功受损、门脉高压 (三)、病原学诊断HBsAg(+)、HBVDNA(+)、血清抗HBcIgM(+)三者中任意一项阳性,即可确定为HBV感染,一、诊断,(一)、流行病学资料传染源、传播途径、易感人

3、群 (二)、临床诊断 携带者 :无症状、肝功正常、病原学支持 急性肝炎:起病急,有症状、体征,病程6个月 重症肝炎:症状、体征极重,出血,严重并发症 淤胆型肝炎:症状轻,黄疸长,肝内梗阻表现 肝炎后肝硬化:慢性肝炎、肝功受损、门脉高压 (三)、病原学诊断HBsAg(+)、HBVDNA(+)、血清抗HBcIgM(+)三者中任意一项阳性,即可确定为HBV感染,(一)、流行病学,1、HBV世界流行现状:约20亿人感染,2、HBV中国流行现状 约12亿乙肝感染者,其中慢性乙肝病人数至少2000万,3、围生期的HBV感染,The risk of perinatal transmission :Afric

4、a Asia, lower prevalence of HBeAgcirculating HBV genotypesThe risk of chronic hepatitis B Perinatal HBV infection:90% adults with intact immunity:2*108 copies/mL *mothers :without antiviral treatment,discontinuation of therapy 1-3 months after delivery is safe*infants : HBV vaccine and hepatitis B i

5、mmunoglobulin mothers who meet criteria for treatment with nucleoside or nucleotide analogues *antiviral agents continued post partumLancet. 2012 May 26;379(9830):2019-21. Epub 2012 Apr 30,treatment of hepatitis B during pregnancy,Negligible liver disease(low levels of HBV replication)*mothers :may

6、not need immediate antiviral therapy *infants :vaccination will prevent transmissionHBV DNA concentrations2*108 copies/mL *mothers :without antiviral treatment,discontinuation of therapy 1-3 months after delivery is safe*infants : HBV vaccine and hepatitis B immunoglobulin mothers who meet criteria

7、for treatment with nucleoside or nucleotide analogues *antiviral agents continued post partumLancet. 2012 May 26;379(9830):2019-21. Epub 2012 Apr 30,1、乙型肝炎疫苗 (1)对HBsAg阴性母亲的新生儿用5g或10g酵母或10g CHO乙型肝炎疫苗 (2)对HBsAg阳性母亲的新生儿单用乙型肝炎疫苗阻断母婴传播的阻断率为87.8%2、乙肝免疫球蛋白(HBIG) (1)HBIG(24 h内) +疫苗(24 h内,1,6月) (2)HBIG(12 h内

8、,1月)+疫苗(1,2,6月)可显著提高阻断母婴传播的效果,On the basis of data suggesting vaccine and hepatitis B immunoglobulin failure in at least 10% of childrenLancet. 2012 May 26;379(9830):2019-21. Epub 2012 Apr 30,No antiviral agent has been FDA-approved for pregnancyEmtricitabine, telbivudine, and tenofovir are classifi

9、ed as category B drugsLamivudine,adefovir and entecavir are listed by the FDA as pregnancy category C drugs,IFN is contraindicated during pregnancy (A1).,1、lamivudine versus placebo At 1 year of age, 18% of children born to lamivudine-treated mothers were HBsAg positive, compared with 39% of childre

10、n born to placebo recipients2、telbivudine versus placebo(1)On analysis at 28 weeks of age,21% of infants born to telbivudine-treated mothers were HbsAg-positive versus 13% of infants of untreated mothers.(2)The rate of post-partum alanine aminotransferase flares was the same in both groups. (3)Conge

11、nital deformities were not increased in infants exposed to telbivudineLancet. 2012 May 26;379(9830):2019-21. Epub 2012 Apr 30,妊娠中出现乙型肝炎发作者,妊娠中出现乙型肝炎发作者,视病情程度决定是否给予抗病毒治疗,在充分告知风险、权衡利弊,患者签署知情同意书的情况下,可以使用拉米夫定,替比夫定或替诺福韦治疗(III)。,一、诊断 二、治疗 三、预防,母婴垂直传播疾病之病毒性乙型肝炎,1、母乳喂养,(1)HBsAg(+)母乳喂养不应被限制(B1).(American Academy of Pediatrics)(2)Because no differences have been reported between the rates of HBV infection in breast-fed infants and those in formula-fed infants,2、意外暴露后的处理,(1)在意外接触HBV感染者的血液和体液后,须行血清学检测、主动和被动免疫(2)CDC推荐意见(2012年 7月6日)所有医务人员和医学生应接种3剂乙肝疫苗,一、诊断 二、治疗 三、预防,母婴垂直传播疾病之梅毒,母婴垂直传播疾病之梅毒,一、诊断 二、治疗 三、预防,


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