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1、Detective stories- 1 - Unit8 Detective stories Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 班级 :_姓名 :_ 评价 :_21 教育网【学习目标 】1. 学习并掌握有关犯罪的词汇: untidy, guess, lie, go missing, tell the truth等。2. 阅读关于四个犯罪嫌疑人的笔录,学会谈论谁最有可能是凶手。3. 培养学生的推理能力,增强自我保护意识。【个体自学 】1. 展示福尔摩斯的图片或带一本侦探故事书,导入新课。T: Do you know the man in the picture?

2、 Who is he? S: T: Yes. He is Sherlock Holmes. Have you read any books about him? S: T: Would you like to be a detective when you grow up? S: T: Our friend Eddie is a detective now. What is he doing now? 2. 观看光盘中的漫画或听录音回答下列问题。Why is Eddie dressed like that? What does a detective do? What happened? 3.

3、 跟着录音朗读对话,两人一组分角色朗读并表演。4. 阅读 P107而 A 部分的警方记录和犯罪嫌疑人的简介,找出生词并一起学习。5. 四人一组,讨论案件细节,然后回答问题: What happened? When was he murdered? Where did it happen? Who murdered the young man? What is James Brown? Where was Jimmy White last Saturday? Where does Emily Smith hive? What is Frank Johnson? s appearance and

4、personality? 6. Daniel 和 Sandy 在讨论谁是嫌疑人,听B 部分录音,并回答下列问题: Who does Sandy think is most likely to be the murderer? Why? Who does Daniel think is most likely to be the murderer? Detective stories- 2 - 【小组合作 】1. 四人一组展开讨论:The person most likely to be the murder isThe reason is2. 五人一组,扮演侦探和嫌疑犯,列出一些问题,并向其他

5、四名“嫌疑犯”提问,为每个“嫌疑犯”建立档案。【教师点拨 】1. 讨论 dress, wear和 put on 有什么区别之处?2. 讨论 missing 和 lost 有什么区别之处?【练习检测 】1. 单项选择。( )1Why you like that? You look really strange. A. are, wore B. do, put on C. are, dressed D. do, dress ( )2My pen . I have looked for it everywhere but still it. A. got lost, don ?t find B. i

6、s missing, don ? t C. has got lost, haven? t found D. is missing, haven? t found ( )3He his baby every day because his wife is very busy. A. puts on B. wears C. dresses D. is in ( )4The man with glasses is to be the murderer. A. possible B. possibly C. likely Dmaybe 【课后巩固 】1. 记忆相关词汇、词组和句型。2. 复述漫画部分的

7、内容。3. 预习教材P108-P109 单词及 Reading 部分内容。9A Unit8 Detective stories Reading( ) 班级 :_ 姓名 :_评价 :_【学习 目标 】1. 会读,听懂并能拼写本部分四会单词和相关词组。2. 阅读一篇关于谋杀案的新闻报道,掌握其大意,完成相关练习。3. 培养阅读技巧,学会按事情发展的先后进行叙述。Detective stories- 3 - 【个体自学 】1. 利用图片,边看边听老师用英语介绍这桩发生在West Town 的谋杀案:confirm, victim, a computer engineer, at the scene

8、of the crime, somewhere, contact, wound, bleed, chief detective, have enemies, well-paid, be guilty of, charge, break into, system, witness, breathe, prove, offer a reward of, lead to the arrest of the murderer2-1-c-n-j-y(注意老师呈现在屏幕上的单词和短语,并跟随老师朗读这些单词和短语)2. 完成教材P110 页 B1 练习,与同桌核对答案。3. 阅读课文Para1-2,回答问

9、题。 What was found in West Town? Are the police sure where the young man was killed? 4. 阅读课文Para3-5,完成信息表:victim age job place of work time of the murder cause of his death criminal record 5. 阅读课文Para6-7,回答问题。 Are there any suspects so far? What does the suspect look like? What could the suspect prov

10、e? How much did the victim ?s parents offer? 6. 独立阅读全文,完成P110页 B2 练习,集体核对答案。7. 三人一组,完成P111 页 B3 练习,分角色朗读完成的对话。【小组合作导 】1.两人一组,讨论:Do you think the suspect is guilty? Why? 2.四人一组,一个学生扮演Detective Lu ,其他同学扮演记者对其采访,了解谋杀案的情况。【教师点拨 】1.分组讨论,提出不懂的问题。【练习检测 】任务型阅读It was a sunny afternoon during the summer vacat

11、ion. John decided to go out to watch a basketball match. Both Detective stories- 4 - of his parents had gone to work, so there was only Barky, his pet dog at home.【来源: 21世纪教育网】Just after John had left, a burglar opened the window with a thick stick, stepped through the window, and began searching th

12、e whole house. He noticed a case of John? s father? s. Then he opened the case. He took out much money. As he was about to leave, he heard a loud bark. He looked up and saw a large dog staring at(盯着看) him and he was scared.【来源: 21cnj*y.co*m 】Barky was about to jump on the burglar when John came home

13、. John asked Barky to sit down. Then he told the burglar, “ Come with me to the police station or, Barky will bite you!”The burglar reluctantly (不情愿的) followed John to the police station with Barky close behind. 根据短文内容,完成下列各题。1. What was the weather like that day? 2. Who was at home when the crime h

14、appened? 3. How did the burglar come into the room? 4. What does the word ,burglar? mean in Chinese? 5. What happened to the burglar in the end? 【课后巩固 】1. 记忆本课时的单词及短语。2. 熟读课文,完成教材P111 页 B4 练习。9A Unit8 Detective stories Reading( ) 班级 :_姓名 :_评价 :_【学习 目标 】1.能熟读课文、熟记相关单词、词组。2.能够熟练地复述课文。3.能读懂并理解相关话题的文章。4

15、.在生活和学习中要严于律己,宽以待人,及时化解矛盾,避免与他人结仇。【个体自学 】1. 根据课文内容及首字母提示填空。A young man was m . The body was f in West Town. The v_ was a computer e . When he l his office, he said he was g to visit his parents. The murder t place between 9 p.m. and 1 a.m. last night. The victim was w with a knife and b to death. The police are checking the scene for c . A witness saw a man b heavily and had b on his shirt. But the man said that he was not g . 2. 阅读课文,并与同组成员合作,从文章中找出下面短语:被看见正在做发生Detective stories- 5 - 在犯罪的现场不寻常的事情被用刀弄伤流血致死结果有仇人犯有 , 罪被指控强行闯入气喘吁吁在案发时提供 , 奖金导致凶手被捕与警方联系3. 再次阅读课文,按事情先后发展排序。a. The vic



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