外研版(三起)英语四年级下册《Module 7 Unit 1 New York is in the east》PPT课件

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Module7 Countries Unit1 New York is in the east.,北京 八达岭,海南 天涯海角,杭州西湖,海南 三亚,杭州西湖风景,喀纳斯湖,内蒙古呼伦贝尔草原,上海 东方明珠,西藏日喀则,西沙群岛-群鱼,East,east, in the east West,west,in the west North north,in the north South,south,in the south,America,(USA),The white house WashingtonD.C.,艺术宫,九曲花街 San Francisco,New York,金门桥,自由女神,Wheres Washington D.C.?Where is New York?Where is San Francisco?,Wheres Washington D.C.?Its in the east. Where is New York?Its in the east,too. Where is San Francisco?Its in the west.,Homework,Read the text for 5 times. Find out the names of more cities in America.,


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