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1、1 第 4 讲:汉英对比1.汉语先说事,英语先表态 ?听说你们开发成功了一项新产品,我们十分感兴趣。(p.56 例 2) We are all interested in the new product you have successfully developed. ?We shall be very much obliged if you will quote us the price for this model. 如蒙报此型号的价格,不胜感激。3. 收到贵方3 月 15 日询盘并得知贵公司有意购买我方绒毛玩具,非常高兴。 We are pleased to receive your i

2、nquiry of March 15 and to hear that you are interested in our plush toys. 2. 逻辑和叙事顺序(p.56) 时间地点 地点时间从大到小从小到大按时间先后说,讲究“ 先来后到 ” 先考虑信息主题,再按语法框架排列例 1 )这是正在兴建的上海宝山基础设施改造项目中的发电厂。(按逻辑顺序) This is the power plant under construction at the Baoshan Works, Shanghai, as part of the Infrastructure Improvement Pro

3、ject. (按语法框架)2)该公司在美国纽约百老汇大街34 号设有办事处。 (从大到小 ) The company operates a branch office at 34 Broadway, New York, USA. (从小到大 ) 3)该货轮于2001 年 12 月 22 日上午 8 时离开加拿大魁北克,将于2002 年 3 月 2 日到达英国 伦敦。 (时间地点 ) The ship left Quebec, Canada, at eight o clock on the morning of December 22, 2001 and is due to arrive in

4、London, England, on March 2, 2002. ( 地点时间 ) 4) Drafts to be presented for negotiation in China within 15 days after shipment, but within the validity of credit. 汇票须于装运后15 日内在中国议付,但议付须在本证有效期内办理。3. 汉语靠词汇,英语讲句型 英汉词序的不同 中小企业 small and medium-sized enterprises 男女老少2 men and women, young and old 发展钢铁工业 to

5、 develop the iron and steel industry 要分清敌我 We must distinguish between ourselves and the enemy. 英语也存在词序的问题: 1) Even the government officers admitted that some tax measures were unfair. 2)The government officers admitted that even some tax measures were unfair. 1) 每个人,包括政府官员,都承认有些税务措施不公平。(焦点在 “ 人” )

6、2) 政府官员承认,许多事情,连税务措施在内,都不公平。(焦点在 “ 事” ) 3) The committee as a whole pointed out that the world economic situation had improved. 4)The committee pointed out that the world economic situation as a whole had improved. 3) “全部的委员 ” 4) “整体的经济局势”并列的词语有轻重之分中文往往把重的词放在前,把分量较轻的摆在后;英语则恰恰相反:轻者在前,重者在后。1) 无地和少地的农民

7、 Those peasants who have little or no land. 2) 使人民经济有所增长,有所补充 We must help the people to supplement and expand their economy. 语序 汉语语序 与动作发生的先后顺序有对应关系英语语序 与时间顺序无明显对应关系 例 1)这趟航班是从北京经过广州、墨尔本再到悉尼。(按先后顺序)英译文花样多还可译为:This flight goes to Sydney from Beijing via Guangzhou and Melbourne. (时间顺序与语序不对应)英语复合句中数个从

8、句逐个修饰时,其顺序是由近及远,由里向外散射式地逐层扩展; 汉语则是按先后顺序推移,依靠语义彼此相连,由远而近地递进式展开。2) He had flown in just the day before from Georgia when he had spent his vacation basking in the Caucasian sun after the completion of the construction job he had engaged in the south . 他原来在南方参加一项建筑工程,任务完成之后上格鲁吉亚去度假,享受高加索的阳光,头一天才坐飞机回来。4.

9、 灯笼与吊灯 - 汉语与英语 例 公司在接到定单之后叫来工人连夜就开始生产了。(按时间顺序,相对独立的线性结构) 3 Summoning its workers, the company began to manufacture in the evening of the day when it received the order. Having received the order, the company began to produce that very evening when workers came upon notification. (不同的时间顺序)5. 汉语重意合,英语

10、重形合 汉语重意合 指汉语句子主要是通过语义的搭配和字词的意义连接起来,以达意为主,而不滞于形,词语或 分句之间不用语言形式手段连接。意合只求意义的整合,不求逻辑的严密。例1.枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马2. 中国队大胜美国队 中国队大败美国队英语重形合指句子有完整的结构形式和较强的逻辑关系;句中的词语或分句之间用语言形式手段(如关联 词)连接起来。形合非常重视结构上的完整和表达的科学性: 例 1) As it is part of our policy to open upmarkets in your area, we welcome specific proposals fr

11、om you, aiming at economic cooperation and technological exchange. 英语中表现为关系词结集的有以从属连词为中心的语义结构(as. . . ) 和一个以现在分词为中心的 语义结构 (aiming at . . . ) 。例 2) We are unable to advance shipment as the manufacturer is heavily committed. (由于)工厂定单太多,我方无法提前发货。例 3 样品需付定金。如需样品,请付定金200 美元。(p.60 例 18 )You ll have to dep

12、osit US$200 with us if samples are required. A down-payment of US$200 is required for any sample needed. 例 4 现在合同已签了,真是木已成舟,生米煮成了熟饭,只好如此了。 As the contract has been signed, what s done is done and cant be undone. 形合、意合翻译方法1、汉译英。 应该首先梳理出原文中最重要的信息,将其装入目的语主句,而将源文中的次要信息装入目的语的从句 ,并添加形式标记或连接词。例如 : 约翰在机场等我,

13、我得去接他 ,我不去 ,他会生气。 John is waiting for me at the airport, so I must go to meet him. If I dont, he will get angry. 2、英译汉。汉语以意合为特征,衔接手段通常是隐性的,而不是显形的。因此在英译汉时,通常省4 略连接词 ,使译文符合汉语的特征。例如 : Despite the privation, and the mounting toll of dead and wounded, however, morale remained intact, and people still smi

14、led in the street. 尽管供应不足 ,伤亡增加 ,然而士气并未受到影响。街上人们照常面带笑容。英译汉的关键在于怎样摆脱原文的形式, 用地道的汉语译出原文的意思; 汉译英的关键在于把握句子的重心, 注意句式结构的转换, 将汉语中 “ 不言而喻 ” 的东西按英 语的习惯表达法表现出来。6. 汉语突出人称,英语突出物称汉语多用表示人或生物的词作主语英语多用非生物的词作主语例1)该公司二季度共出口各种重型设备39 台,赚取外汇总计260 万美元。( p.61例 22)The export of 39 heavy-duty equipment pieces in the second q

15、uarter this year has earned the company a total of US$2.6 million in foreign exchange. 2)我们遗憾地发现789 号商品所含的那种化学成分没达到合同规定的百分比。(p.62 例 23) Regrettably it was found that the chemical content of Item 789 is not up to the percentage contracted. 3)We regret to tell you that Typhoon Matsa has delayed the sh

16、ipment of your order. 由于受台风 “ 麦莎 ” 影响,我方不得不延迟发货,深表遗憾。7. 汉英视角不同 8. 汉英修辞手段不同 ?这是一桩 “ 小鱼吃大鱼 ” 的买卖。 This is a “ minnow-swallows-the- whale ” deal.?他的呼吁见报后,读者把报社的电话都打爆了。 After his plea appeared in the newspaper, its switchboard was jammed with calls from readers offering help and advice. 3)鱼米之乡a land of honey and milk ?小事聪明,大事糊涂 Penny wise, pound foolish Ex Translate the following : the sum total 总额 an unheard-of thing 闻所未闻的事 I do it be


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