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1、12 闸门与启闭机安装12 INSTALLATION OF GATES AND HOISTS 12.1安装场地布置及要求12.1 Layout and Requirement of Installing Area 本项目闸门安装分为进水口拦污栅、进水口快速闸门、进水口检修闸门、灌溉孔进水口事故闸门与尾水检修闸门安装,安装场地较为分散。 拦污栅安装场地包括自身的工作面与上游导水槽处,导水槽可以作为堆放设备与吊装的场地使用;进水口闸门安装场地主要布置于114高程的检修平台处, 届时闸门的拼装、吊放下闸与吊装门槽都在此处工作; 尾水检修闸门安装场地主要布置于孔口下游与尾水检修平台(包含平台两边的平地

2、)处,孔口下游主要作为门槽吊装场地。The installed gates of this project include intake trash racks, intake stop gates, intake bulkhead gates, intake emergency gates for irrigation holes and tail bulkhead gates, with dispersed installing areas. Installing area of trash racks includes its working surface and upper head

3、 race channel; head race channel can be used as place for equipment and hoisting; installing area for intake gates is located at the service platform which is 114 height and where the work of gates assembly, gates hoisting and placement and gate slot hoisting will be executed; installing area for ta

4、ilrace bulkhead gates is mainly located at the downstream of orifice and service platform of tailrace (including areas around the platform); the downstream of orifice is mainly used as hoisting area for gate slots. 安装前场地要求:Field requirement before installation: 1、安装工作面与安装场地中的残余模板、废弃物与障碍物应清除干净;1. Rem

5、aining formwork, wastes and obstacles at installing working surface and installing area shall be removed; 2、书面移交安装基准高程点与门槽、孔口中心线;2. Elevation point of installing datum and centerline of gate slots and orifices shall be handed over in written form; 3、保证安装场地的施工用电与机械设施;3. Power supply for construction

6、and mechanical facilities shall be ensured at installing area; 4、保证安装场地与外围道路的畅通,运输车辆与汽车吊能自由通行。4. Installing area and peripheral channel shall be clear to ensure transport vehicle and mobile cranes can pass freely. 12.2 闸门的安装程序12.2 Installing Procedure of Gates 1埋件安装程序1. Installation procedure of emb

7、edded parts 底坎安装主轨安装反轨侧轨安装门楣安装埋件的复测二期混凝土浇筑复测。Bottom sill installation mail guide installation reversed guide and side guide installation lintel installation retesting of embedded parts second stage concreting retesting.2. 门体安装程序:2. Installing procedure of gates 门体外形及配合尺寸复测检查门槽清理、检查单节运输、吊装、焊接焊接变形处理安装

8、焊缝防腐水封安装及与水封座板间密封情况检查、处理,其他配件安装启闭试验验收Retesting and checking of gate shape and dimension cleanliness and checking of gate slot single section transportation, hoisting and welding treatment of welding deformation anti-corrosion of weld seam sealing, seal checking and treatment of bottom plate for seal

9、ing, other accessories installation hoisting test acceptance. 12.3 闸门的运输和吊装方案12.3. Transportation and Hoisting Scheme of Gates 1、运输1. Transportation 闸门从国内打包运至现场后暂时存放于现场的制作车间内,待安装条件成熟后再二次倒运至安装场地。现场的运输、倒运和吊装主要由缅方负责。Gates will be transported from China to the construction site after packed, then tempor

10、arily stored in the fabrication workshop at site; when conditions permitting, secondarily transport gates to installing place. Myanmar Party will be in charge of site transportation, handling and hoisting. 闸门的门叶、门槽采用裸运,宜采取临时加固措施防止变形及滑落,工作面与加工面应加以保护。 叠放时设备之间应有木板相隔,防止运输时因振动互相碰伤。止水橡皮应妥善包装、运输。Gate leave

11、s and gate slots will be transported unpacked; temporary reinforcement measure will be taken to prevent them from deformation and slide; working surface and processing surface shall be protected. There shall be wood board to separate it when equipment is piled up to avoid damage by vibration during

12、transport. 门槽埋件、门叶主要采用汽车运输,大件设备用平板车运输。由于现场道路都为泥沙路又不平坦,局部路段为下坡路;最大闸门(尾水检修闸门)门叶的外形尺寸为 4280mm 11888mm ,重约 28.22t ,因此运输时应特别小心, 建议有前导车带路,指挥引导其它车辆规避。Motors are mainly adopted for transport of embedded parts of gate slots and gate leaves, while trucks are adopted for large equipment transport. Because the

13、site road is sandy and unevenness with some downhill sections, the dimension of the largest gate leafs (tail bulkhead gates) is 4280mm 11888mm, with weight about 28.22t, special caution shall be exercised during transport. It is commenced that a guide-car shall adopt to lead the way for other vehicl

14、e. 2、吊装2. Hoisting 闸门的门槽、门叶等构件在现场安装时主要用50 吨汽车吊与相应的启闭设备进行吊装。吊装设备时指定一人统一指挥,做到人员、设备的绝对安全。During installation, components like gate slots and gate leaves are mainly adopted 50T mobile crane and corresponding hoisting device for hoisting. When hoisting equipment, a person shall be arranged to command so

15、as to ensure the absolute safety of personnel and equipment. 拦污栅的栅槽与栅叶( 2.8t 4=11.3t )的吊装场地选取在上游导水槽处,吊装半径约 9m ,地面高程大约在 90m ,栅槽顶端高程为 96m 。Hoisting place for trash rack slot and trash rack leaves (2.8t4=11.3t) shall be at the upper head race channel, with hoisting radius about 9m, ground elevation is

16、about 90m, top elevation of trash rack slot is 96m. 进水口闸门与埋件主要是通过汽车由公路桥运至进水口检修平台。然后,直接用汽车吊来吊装门槽, 门槽安装完后, 进水口快速闸门与检修闸门的门叶可直接在门槽上进行拼装 (较为方便) 亦可在平地上先进行组拼, 门体重量分别为18.4t 与 16.4t ,外形尺寸为 5530mm 6250mm 。门槽底部至检修平台的高度约为31m ,吊放门叶时直接用启闭机进行吊放。Intake gates and embedded parts are transported to intake service platform by road-bridge with motor cars; then hoisting gate slots with mobile crane; after installation of gate slots, leaves of intake stop gates and bulkhea



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