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1、Chapter 9 Annual Report,主讲人:庞胜杰 组员:任紫怡 王虹 商静华 韩美娜郑崇菲 李春雪 代兰凤,Key words,Corporate annual report :公司年度报告 Corporate image:企业形象 Finance statements:财务报表 Chairmans statement:董事长的声明 Operations and finances:运营和财务状况Executive directors:执行董事 ,Overview,Definition,content,The way to Publish,Functions and changes

2、,Definition,The corporate annual report (annual accounts) is a legally required document that companies publish annually.,Contact,Time limit: the previous year Main keys: operations, finances Including: strengths, weakness/failures audiences: shareholders, bankers,professional investment analysts, e

3、mployees, labor unions, teachers, etc.,The way to Publish,In designated newspapers,Functions and changes,functions: Improve the companys situation Forecast the coming years operations A showpiece reflecting the companys philosophy and character Communicate information to readers Play in projecting a

4、 favorable corporate image,Changes Used to :comprise only a set of financial statements Now :it contains more information,9.2 The Annual Report and Its Sections, varies from company to company: Some companies meet the legal requirements for annual financial reporting by giving a set of financial sta

5、tements. Others are more skilled at giving the financial statements along with narrative articles presenting their company in glowing terms.,the annual report typically falls into 6 major sections: (1) Financial Highlights (2)Chairmans Statement to the shareholders (3)Chief Executives Review (4)Fina

6、ncial Statements(5)Auditors Report (6)Board of Directors,Financial Highlights,Form :usually takes up the inside front cover the mostread part . content: presents the high points of the operations and finances ,( the sales and earnings of the company for two or three years). Function: intended to giv

7、e the readers a rough idea. dealt with more fully in the Financial Statements.,Chairmans statement to the shareholders,Direct statement function :Second to Financial Highlights in readership . content: Briefly summarizes the entire annual report gives an in-depth review of the companys performance d

8、uring the past year. major change to the board of directors is reported and the dividend is formally announced.from :a letter from the chairman,1999/2000 was another year of strong financial performance for LGA . Notably , basic earnings per share grew at 13% and order intake grew at 10%,with new or

9、ders topping the 1 billion mark for the first time. Reflecting the improving quality of the business that we do for our clients, operating margins improved from 9.7% to 11.1%.Over the past seven years , LAGs compound annual basic earnings per share growth rate has been 10%,a record achieved by only

10、eight of the top 350 companies in the London Stock Market .This level of achievement helped propel LGA into the FTSE 100 index in London in November 1999 and at (on) 30 June 2000 LGA was ranked 52nd in UK listed companies ,with a market capitalization of 6.3 billion. Over the same seven years to 30

11、June 2000,LGAs share price has grown at a compound annual growth rate of 63%. Present the financial highlights ,second to financial highlights ,give an in-depth review of LGA s performance in 1999-2000,This very strong and consistent performance has been achieved through a combination of: *A clear a

12、nd consistent strategy *Positioning LGA at the heart of key growth markets *Tight operational disciplines *Excellent people We believe that the company continues to be well placed to deliver growth into the future through this same approach. . Outlook Measures of the company have taken to have the g

13、reat success and the outlook is some wishes about the future,Chief executives review,Narrative feature articleForm Combine this section and ChairmansStatement. Function :Devote to wide range of topics concerning the companys operations plants and new products , sales trends .,Changes : the choice of

14、 topics vary from year to year some topics are chosen for a certain year others for another year. Example: where environmental protection is an eye-catching issue, the company is likely to include its work in this area .,Our engines are in service with more than 500 airlines and 2,400 corporate user

15、s around the globe.we now supply 38 of the worlds top 50 airlines. (our companys operations and position in the world) Over the next 20 years we believe annual air passenger demand will grow by five percent per year and air freight by just over six percent, compared with global economic growth expec

16、ted to average some three percent per year.By contrast, North America dominates demand for narrow-bodied aircraft and is expected to order 4,000 such aircraft over the same period .(talking about sales trends and companys goal in the next 20 years) RollsRoyce is well positioned to benefit from this

17、market expansion through its broad product range and international presence. The Trent family of aero engines is central to our growth over the coming years .This innovative ,three-shaft high bypass ratio engine is lighter and provides better payload/range and revenue-earning potential than its competitors (new products).the twin-engined A330 and Boeing 777 and will fly in 2001 for the first time on the long range A340.(plants) (new product ),


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