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1、奋斗奋斗, ,英语演讲稿英语演讲稿篇一:有关努力奋斗英语演讲关于勤劳和艰苦奋斗的英语演讲稿distinguished leaders, dear students, hello, everyone:march of the spring breeze brushed the winter cold, rains of the eight honors and eight shame singing. proud of the hard work in order to shame indolent; to take pride in hard work in order to extravag

2、ance and dissipation ashamed this sentence makes i think many, many. thought of the sweet casino 10000 bees spend their hard work results; thought vigorous, upright in pinus taiwanensis, yao ding aoyama do not relax, he served as east and west north and south korea fighting spirit of the wind; thoug

3、ht edisons genius is 99% sweat and 1% inspiration; thought of the self-sharpening blade of sword out, plum blossom incense from the bitter cold over there. thought more of us.early morning, flying willow lake, there is the sound of reading aloud in order to improve the standard of english students t

4、o study; night, self-study room, there are efforts to learn from the students of knowledge nectar; holidays, there is the social practice in order to enhance their ability or to reduce the burden on parents busy doing the hard work part-time students. in these process, the dream will be merciless to

5、 disturb alarm clock, will their brains to think independently to endure loneliness, even in difficult workingenvironment, the boss suffered criticism and blame. but more the joy, because the same too hard work, hard work is the sweet taste of fruits. however, there are around us, such as students,

6、someclassroom pour over and sleep all day nothing to harvest; some in therestaurant to buy a lot of meals, but eat a small portion of the remaining one upside down, ignoring the labor of the peasants; some self-righteous naive, rather than to tough place to sharpen. perhaps because young people are

7、always leading the consumer the latesthard work leads to successgood afternoon! everyone! nice to meet you all let me introduce name is *.im from the * *.and my topic is “hard work leads to success”. i hope you will like it .first i want to ask you a questionwhat brought people to success yes,the an

8、swer is you must work hard .we have learned that those who rise to the heights in any field arent those with the greatest natural talent,but those who working harder and harder. of course,for hard work to really pay off,we need to work effectively,heres how:the first one is “follow your dream”.you m

9、ust have a direction for your your objectives early,then devote all your energies to achieving them. and the second is “block out the time”to be beneficial,you must be regular。for example,if you want to be an experienced engineer ,then you must to give up many leisure time,you must to studying hard,

10、summing up your experiences for yearsthe third is “take one step at a time”.dont aim to reach the top in a single session,just try to improve by one percent over the session before.the last is “hold out a carrot”,whatever your work needs,always hold out a reward for your achievement. for example ,if

11、 you finish the days scheduled work,you cango out watching a movie or just eating with your good friends, such a reward will inspire you to work harder and harder.ladies and gentlemen,we all know work is a chance to find you think of work as a punishment,how can you achieve your goalsladies and gent

12、lemen,working hard does have its drawbacks ,its difficukties and painful moments,sometimes maybe you want to give up the whole we all believe,after all the drawbacks,theres a benefit.hard work is the way to the end of the rainbow.you have been a very attentive audience,thank you ,thank you all.刻苦努力才

13、是成功之路大家下午好,很高兴看到你们。首先我做一下自我介绍,我叫*,来自*。我今天演讲的题目是“刻苦努力才是成功之路” ,希望你们喜欢。首先我希望问大家一个问题:“怎样才能成功呢?” 。是的,你必须刻苦努力才能成功。 我们都知道,在任何一个领域,能攀上事业高峰的人未必都是天赋过人的人,而是努力并且倍加努力的人。当然,要使刻录努力真正得到回报,你必须提高工作效率。现说明如下:第一, 就是树立目标。你必须有努力的方向,尽早的树立目标,接着全力以付去实现。第二,就是合理安排时间。艰难的工作不是随意应付就可以的,要作出成效,就必须持之以恒。例如,你想成为一个经验丰富的工程师,那你就必须牺牲很多的闲暇时

14、间去学习,不断的积累。第三,就是一步一个脚印。不要想一步登天,每一个阶段能比上一个阶段有百分之一的进步就可。第四,就是勤于回顾。你可以经常的问自己,我有什么弱点吗?如果有,就试图的发现并努力认识自己的劣势,力图明天做得更好。最后一点就是犒劳自己。不管你忙到什么程度,只要取得一点成绩,就犒劳犒劳自己, 。例如,你完成了当天规定的工作,你可以去看一场电影,或者和朋友们一起出去聚餐,这样的一个奖励会激励你更加努力的工作。女士们,先生们,我们都知道,工作就是给我们提供发现自我的机会。如果你把努力工作看成是惩罚,那怎么能达到你的目标呢?女士们,先生们,刻苦努力的过程确实充满了困难、挫折和痛苦,甚至有时候

15、会想到放弃,但是我们相信,每一次的挫折都会给我们带来新的收获。刻苦努力才是通向成功的必由之路。女士们,先生们,让我们相信我们的愿望,相信我们自己,为我们自己,为我们的公司的繁荣,更为了我们的国家的富强继续努力,再努力吧!这也是我准备这次演讲的中心含义之一。 谢谢大家专心的听我演讲。篇三:英语演讲 为祖国奋斗投身石油 为祖国奋斗张薇献给中国共产党成立 90 周年先生们,女士们,大家早上好。很高兴能站在这里给大家做我的演讲投身石油 为祖国奋斗。我毕业于中国石油大学就读石油工程专业,去年,我怀着一颗火热的心来到河南油田,作为一名刚毕业的大学生,应该是胸怀壮志的,然而,面对这陌生的环境,从未实践过的工

16、作,我倍感忧心,无所适从,虽曾在学校学习了不少石油方面的知识,但那仅仅理论知识。日子在一天天的推移,屈指算来,我在油田已度过了 300 多个日日夜夜。油田领导们真诚热心的微笑激励了我,同事积极向上的工作态度影响了我,渐渐地,我感受到了油田的勃勃生机和活力。在这期间,我已经学到了很多书本上学不到的实践知识,与此同时,我更加意识到实经验的重要性,并暗下决心,我将继续努力学习。众所周知, “石油是国家的命脉” ,作为一名石油人,我倍感骄傲。在建党 90 周年来临之际,我要向我们的党表达我这颗投身石油报效祖国的决心。“有条件要上,没有条件创造条件也要上;宁可少活20 年,拼命也要拿下大油田。 ”这是铁人王进喜的名言,也已经渗透到油田的每一个角落。而在这里,我也切身感受到了这种精神,也是这种精神坚定了我终身服务油田、献身油田的信念。然而美好的事物后面总会带有些许的伤痛,而这些事故就发生在我们身边,给我们带来了无法预计的损失。值得庆幸的是,如果我们遵守规则,每一桩事故都是可以避免的。为此,油田为了加强职工的安全意识,大力倡导“安全才能生产、安全才能增


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