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1、1 【1】Although some experiments shows (谓语)that, 【as an object becomes familiar 】 (插入语) , its internal representation becomes more holistic and recognition process correspondingly more parallel, the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis, at least for objects that are not notably si

2、mple and familiar. 【难句类型】:复杂修饰、插入语、省略【解析】在 Although 引导的分句中,谓语shows后面跟着一个长长的宾语从句,从句中先出现一个插入语as an object becomes familiar, 之后的内容是由and 连接的两套并列的主谓宾。 其实 and前后就是两个句子, 只不过作者省略了后面的句子中与前面相同的引导词that 和谓语 become 。句子中有一个生词holistic,其实即使不认识,也能用合理化原则猜出它是后面serial的反义词、 parallel 的同义词,大约是统一、完整或同时的意思;其实只要能理解到其是与 serial

3、 相反的意思即可。【翻译】 :虽然某些实验表明,随着一个物体变得熟悉起来,其内心再现图像亦更具整体感,辨认过程相应地更趋于平行,但证据的砝码似乎在支持序列假设(serialhypothesis ) ,至少是对于那些不甚简单、不甚熟悉的物体来说。【2】If you have ridden in the rear of a jet transport, you may have noticed that it was difficult to carry on a conversation at first, and that, eventually, you adjusted the loudn

4、ess of your speech to compensate for the effect. 【解析】该句为主从复合句。句首为if 引导的条件状语从句,句子主干为you may have noticed that ,and that ,,其宾语由 and连接的两个 that 引导的宾语从句构成。【翻译】 :如果你坐在喷气式飞机的后部, 首先你会注意到进行谈话是多么困难,最终,你不得不提高音量来抵消噪音的影响。【3】 Modern science was born when Galileo began trying to explain how things happen and thus

5、originated 【the method of controlled experiment 】 which now forms the basis of scientific investigation. 【 解 析 】 该 句 为 主 从 复 合 句 , when 引 导时 间状 语从 句。 从 句 的 主 干 是Galileo began trying to explain , and thus originated the method ,句末 which 引导2 定语从句,修饰先行词the method of controlled experiment 。【翻译】 :当伽利略试图解

6、释事情如何得以发生的,从而引入了现在已是科学研究基本形式的控制实验法时,现代科学应运而生了。【4】 【Noise can have unexpected harmful effects on performance of certain kinds of tasks】, for instance, if one is performing a watch keeping task that requires vigilance, in which he is responsible for detecting weak signals of some kind (e.g., watching

7、a radar screen for the appearance of aircraft). 【 解 析 】该 句 为 主 从 复 合 句 。 主句 为Noise can have unexpected harmful effects on performance of certain kinds of tasks, have effects on sth 意为“对什么有影响”。If 引导条件状语从句,其主干为one is performing a watch keeoing task, that引导的定语从句修饰a watch keeping task 。 该定语从句的主干为that (a

8、 watch keeping task) requires vigilance ,in which 引导的定语从句做后置定语,修饰名词vigilance。【翻译】 :在某些任务的工作过程中,噪声会造成意想不到的危害。例如,一个人正执行一件需要高度警惕的观察工作,负责检测某种弱信号 (如,观察雷达屏幕上飞行器的出现)。【 5】 Science cannot really explain electricity, magnetism, and gravitation; their effects can be measured and predicted, but of their nature

9、no more is known to the modern scientist than to Thales who first looked into the nature of the electrification of amber, a hard yellowish-brown gum. 【解析】该句为分号连接的两个并列句。第二个分句又是but 连接的两个并列分句,其中 but 后的分句的主干是no more is known to the modern scientist than to Thales ,介词短语 of their nature做后置定语,修饰 no more,wh

10、o 引导的定语从句做后置定语,限制修饰Thales。【翻译】 :科学无法真正解释电、磁及重力;我们可以测量并推断其效应,但对于其本质的了解,没有哪位现代科学家能够超越琥珀(一种坚硬的黄褐色橡胶)带电的首位研究者泰利斯。【6】As an increasing number of traffic regulation schemes are devised, the poor bewildere3 d driver finds himself diverted and forced into one-way systems which cause even greater delays than

11、the traffic jams they are supposed to prevent. 【 解析 】该 句 为 主从 复合 句 。 句首 为 as 引导 的 时 间状 语 从句 ,主 干 为the poor bewildered driver finds himself diverted and forced ,,其 中包含“find oneself +过去分词”结构,意为“发现自己(处于某状态)” 。Which 引导的定语从句做后置定语,修饰先行词one-way systems 。【翻译】 :当越来越多的交通管理方案出台时,晕头转向的司机发现可怜的自己被迫转进了一条单行道,这样耽误的时

12、间超过了他们所避免的交通拥堵时间。【7】The longest extension ever granted was to Georges Valensi; his 1939 patent for color TV receiver circuitry was extended until 1971 because for most of the patent s normal life there was no color TV to receive and thus no hope of reward for the invention. 【解析】分号前是一个简单句;分号后的句子中含有be

13、cause 引导的原因状语从句,其主干结构是there was , and (there was) thus no hope , , thus 表明了句中的因果关系, for, 是时间状语。【译文】 :迄令为止批准的最长的延期授给了乔治?瓦伦西,他 1939 年的彩色电视接收机电路系统的专利被延长至1971 年,因为在该专利的大部分有效期里根本没有彩色电视节目,因此该发明没有获利的希望【8】Indeed, patent experts often advise anyone wishing to avoid the high cost of conducting a search throug

14、h live patents that the one sure way of avoiding violation of any other inventor s right is to plagiarize a dead patent. 【解析】这一句可简化为patent experts advise anyone , that, 也就是“专利专家建议人们 , ” 。现在分词结构wishing,live patents 作 anyone 的后置定语; that后的从句是 advise的直接宾语。【译文】 :专利专家经常向希望避开使用有效专利的高昂代价的人们建议,避免侵犯任何其他发明者权利的

15、一个万无一失的办法就是剽窃一个已经失效的专利。【9】 The method of scientific investigation is nothing but the expression of the nece4 ssary mode of working of the human mind; it is simply the mode by which all phenomena are reasoned about and given precise and exact explanation. 【解析】本题考核的知识点是:含否定词的肯定表示方法,被动句译成主动句这是一个由分号连接的并

16、列句。主干是The method is nothing but , ; it is simply the mode, 这个句子从两个方面对the method of scientific investigation(科学研究的方法 )进行了论述。分号后面的it即是指第一句的主语The method of scientific investigation。两个分句的主干都是主系表结构。后半句的 mode后有一个介词前置的定语从句by which, 修饰,可译作“用以 ,的方法” ,定语从句中包含有两个被动语态:are reasoned , and given, , 在这里,我们可以用“对 , 进行,对 , 给予”的句型翻译这两个被动语态。nothing but和simply 所表达的口气相似,都意为“只不过、就是,只是”。注意 nothing but 不表示否定。类似的词组短语还有 : but that+从句意为“若不是”;anything but意为“根本不”;all but 意为“几乎,差一点” ;but for 意为“要不是”等等。 词汇方法: w


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