新概念第二册lesson 1

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1、1,Lesson 1,A private conversation,NCE-2,New Concept English,私人谈话,2,private praivit adj. 私人的,privacy:隐私 its a privacy. adj. Private Ryan private soldier:大兵 private citizen 普通公民 private life:私生活 in private 秘密地,私下地 private teacher 私人教师 private school 私立学校 private car 私家车 privation 丧失,缺乏,3,privacy 隐私 it

2、s my private letter/house ; I want to talk with you about your disease in private, not in public. 我想私下里跟你谈谈你的病情,不想公开讲。 personal 个人的 public 公共的 public letter 公开信 ; public place :公共场所 public school 公立学校 open 公开的,4,conversation ,knvsein n. 谈话 (一般指非正式的谈话),subject of conversation:话题 communication 交流(强调往来

3、,交往) talk (正式谈话) dialogue 对话(强调有问有答) exchange 交流(强调交换意见与看法),5,chat 聊天 discussion 讨论(强调人数相对较多) gossip 闲话(背后说人或者嚼舌头) have a + talk/chat/dialogue/conversation/gossip 名词变动词,6,theatre it n. 剧场,戏院,cineama 电影院 street theater 街头剧院 music hall 音乐厅,歌舞厅 walk-in theater 露天剧院 little theater 实验剧场 nightclub 夜总会 cir

4、cus 马戏团 drama 戏剧,7,seat si:t n. 座位,seat oneself be seated 就坐,坐下 have a good seat(place) take a seat 坐下来,就座 take your seat Is the seat taken? 这个座位有人吗?no/yes sit down ,please take your seat,please be seated,please 更为礼貌seat是及物动词,后面有宾语,加人 seat sb; seat him; 让某人就座 sit是不及物动词,后面不加宾语,8,sit down ,please take

5、 your seat,please be seated,please 更为礼貌seat是及物动词,后面有宾语,加人 seat sb; seat him; 让某人就座 sit是不及物动词,后面不加宾语,9,play plei n. 戏,play with 玩,玩弄 It is wrong for a man to play with a womans affection. 男人玩弄女人的感情是不对的。 play on 在上玩后面常跟乐器名词 player 运动员,比赛者 playground 操场 playboy 花花公子 play day 休假日,演出日 play football play

6、basketball play the piano play the violin,vailin,10,loudly laudli adv. 大声地,aloud , loud 和 loudly 都可以表示“大声地”,但在用法上有区别 aloud, loudly只能用作副词;loud既可作副词,也可用作形容词 aloud , loud二者作为副词,都有“大声地”、“响亮”的意思,有时可以通用。 aloud 强调发出的声音能被听见,aloud与read,think连用时,表示“出声” loud用于talk,speak,shout,laugh等动词之后,在口语中代替loudly,侧重发出的音量大,传

7、得远 loudly 放在动词前后均可,含有“喧闹”或“嘈杂”的意味 angry ri adj. 生气的 be / get angry with sb. 生某人的气 be / get angry at sth. 因某事而生气,11,attention tenn n. 注意,pay attention to sb./sth. 注意;关心 We should pay attention to the people around us.我们应该当关心周围的人。 Attention ,please. 请注意 pay attention 注意 pay attention to 对什么注意 You must

8、 pay attention to that gril. pay a little attention 稍加注意 pay much attention 多加注意 pay more attention 更多注意 pay no attention 不用注意 pay full attention 全神集中精力 attentive adj. 关心的,注意的 attentively adv. 专心地 attentiveness tentivnis n. 专心,专注,12,bear b v. 容忍过去式:bore b:, 过去分词:borne b:n,bear n. 熊 bearhug .热烈的拥抱Kol

9、a bear 考拉熊 Polar bear 北极熊 Teddy bear 泰迪熊 stand 忍受,遭受,与 bear 用法相同,常常混用 endure indju忍受,忍耐比较正式的用法,指承受某种苦难或肉体上的痛苦。 put up with 忍受,容忍(非正式用语,口语中多用) bear vt. (1)承受,支撑,承担,负担: Can the ice bear my weight? 这冰能承受我的体重吗? Who will bear the cost? 谁来承担这笔费用? (2)忍受(一般与can/could连用于疑问句及否定句中): She eats too fast. I cant b

10、ear to watch/watching her. 她吃得太快。我看着受不了。 How can you bear living in this place? 你怎么能受得了住在这个地方? In the end, 1 could not bear it. 最后,我忍不住了。,13,business biznis n. 事情,生意,任务,商业,交易,business man 生意人 do business 做生意 go to some place on business 因公出差 I went to Tianjin on business. thing 可以指事情,也可以指东西 Its my b

11、usiness 私人事情 its none of your business. get down to business 认真着手办事 have no business 没有的权利 out of business 破产的,停业的 talk business 谈工作(生意) When can I have a business of my own? 我什么时候才能有一家自己的公司呢。 businesslike 管理得很好的,有条不紊的 busybody 爱管闲事的人,搬弄是非的小人,14,rudely ru:dli adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地,rude adj. polite plait 有礼貌的

12、 politely 有礼貌地,15,BACK,private adj. 私人的 angry adj. 生气的 conversation n. 谈话 angrily adv. 生气地 theatre n. 剧场,戏院 attention n. 注意 seat n. 坐位 bear v. 容忍 play n. 戏 business n. 事 loudly adv. 大声地 rudely adv. 无理地,粗鲁地,words&expression:,16,Last week I went to the theatre .,17,I had a very good seat.,18,The play

13、was very interesting,19,I did not to enjoy it.,20,A young man and young woman,21,were sitting behind me.,22,they were talking loudly.,23,I got very angry .,24,i could not hear the actors .,25,I returned round .,I look at the man and,.,26,the woman angrily .,27,they did not pay any attention,28,In th

14、e end ,29,I could not bear it .,30,I turned around again.,31,I cant hear a word!,I said angrily.,32,Its none of your business ,33,the young man said rudely .,this is a private conversation.,34,Last week I went to the theatre . I had a very good seat The play was very interesting I did not to enjoy i

15、t. A young man and young woman were sitting behind me .they were talking loudly .I got very angry .i could not hear the actors .I returned round .I look at the man and the woman angrily .they did not pay any attention .In the end ,I could not bear it . I turned around. I cant hear a word! I said angrily. Its none of your business ,the young man said rudely .this is a private conversation.,BACK,连接,TEXT:,35,译文,上星期我去看戏。我的座位很好,戏很有意思,但我却无法欣赏。一青年男子与一青年女子坐在我的身后,大声地说着话。我非常生气,因为我听不见演员在说什么。我回过头去怒视着那一男一女,他们却毫不理会。最后,我忍不住了,又一次回过头去,生气地说:“我一个字也听不见了!” “不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说,“这是私人间的谈话!”,



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