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1、Review Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?,Do a survey,How much?,Knowledge Tree,短语,句型,语法,How many?,Unit 8,cut up,turn on,pour into,mix up,How many,How much 的用法,How do you make?,Reading读,milk shake, yogurt, honey, watermelon, salt, sugar, cheese, popcorn, corn, sandwich, butter, turkey, lettu

2、ce, pepper, gravy,milk shake,yogurt,honey, salt,sugar,cheese,popcorn, corn,butter,lettuce,pepper,gravy,watermelon, sandwich,turkey,不可数名词,可数名词,可 数 名 词,不可数名词,banana, onion, book, watermelon, teaspoon, bike, tomato, apple,bread, milk, fish, meat, tea, honey, rice, yogurt,把下面方框中的单词分类,我发现了:,How many + ?

3、How much + ?,数词+量词+of + 不可数名词 Eg: a cup of tea一杯茶,拓展:how much询问物体的价格,可数名词的复数形式,不可数名词,Quick response,Fill in the blanks with how many or how much.,How much,How many,How much,How many,How many,How much,7,Review: Use many or much to fill in the blanks :,1、A: How _ watermelon juice do we need ?B: We nee

4、d four glasses of watermelon juice.,2、A: How _ watermelons do we need ?B: We need four .,3、A: How _ oranges do you need ?B: Two .,4、A: How _ orange do you need ?(小心)B: Two cups .,5、A: How _ are the shoes ?B: Ten yuan .,much,much,much,many,many,Match,a teaspoon of two pieces of two cups of three glas

5、ses of,数词+量词+of + 不可数名词,Speaking说,In this unit ,we mainly talk about how to makea banana milk shake .lets do it together,Watch carefully!,How do I make a banana milk shake?,blender,knife,glass,spoon,bananas,milk,What do I need?,yogurt,First _ the bananas.,peel,And _the bananas.,cut up,Next _the bana

6、nas and yogurt into the blender.,put,blender 果汁机,Next _the milk into the blender.,pour,Then _the blender.,turn on,Finally _the milk shake.,drink,First, the bananas. Second, the bananas. Next, the bananas and ice cream the blender. Then, the milk into the blender. After that, the blender. Finally, th

7、e blender and it,How do you make a banana milk shake?,peel,cut up,put,into,pour,turn on,turn off,drink,listening,First,Then,Next,After that,Then,Finally,buy some beef ,one cabbage,four carrots, three potatoes,five tomatoes and one onion.,cut up the vegetables,put the beef, carrots and potatoes into

8、a pot and add some water,cook them for 30 minutes,add the cabbage,tomatoes and onion and cook for another 10 minutes,dont forget to add some salt,(How to make Russian soup),Summary,How many +可数名词复数形式? How much +不可数名词?,How to make a banana milk shake,数词+量词+of + 不可数名词,What you have learnt today?,pouri

9、nto,Writing写,1 Number these instructions for making tomatoand eggs soup in the correct order. Then complete the instructions with the words in the box.,First Next Then Finally, mix everything together and serve it., cook for five minutes and add two eggs., cut up three tomatoes and put them into a p

10、ot., add some water, sugar and salt.,Next,Finally,First,Then,单项选择 1 Can you help me cut _ the potatoes?A to B into C for D up 2 Please bring me _ .A two cup of coffee B two cup of coffeesC two cups of coffees D two cups of coffee 3 First, _three oranges.A peeling B peel C peels D to peel 4 Can the g

11、irl _ a salad by herself ?A make B makes C making D made 5 The children ran _ the classroom at once.A on B into C in D of 6 I want to make a banana milk shake. Please tell me,_ milk do I need, and _ bananas do I need?A how much; how many B how many; how many C how much; how much D how many; how much,exercises,学海风暴P66 选词填空,Health is happiness. 健康就是幸福。,Thank you.,


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