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1、Lesson 38 The first calendar,calendar n.历法,日历 阳历solar calendar 阴历lunar calendar wall calendar 挂历 台历 desk calendar 电子日历 electric calendar,historian n.历史学家 historic adj.有历史意义的 - This is a historic speech. historical adj.与历史研究有关系的 historical research 历史研究,unique adj.无与伦比的,独一无二 (本身具有比较意义,不能接受比较级,可以接受qui

2、te,nearly,surely,really ,不能接受rather,very等词的修饰) -I am quite unique person. 【辨】,1)special adj. 注重性质特殊 special gift 特别的礼物 2)especial adj.强调超过其它全部 - This is a matter of especial importance. =This is a especially important matter. 3)particular adj.特定的 -Pineapples have particular flavor.,steadily adv.不断地

3、-He always study steadily. steady adj.稳固的 steady on 小心!别急! keep her steady 把定,航向不变,照直走(用在航海中),solely adv.唯一地 sole adj.单独的,唯一的 -他唯一的谋生之道就是务农。 -Farming is his sole livelihood.,video n.录像,视频 adj.视频的 video camera 摄像机 videotape 录像带 videophone 可视电话 video conference 视频会议 audio adj. 音频的,声音的 CD-ROM n. (只读)光盘

4、驱动器 (Compact Disc Read - Only Memory) CD n.激光唱片,光碟机(Compact Disc),bewilder v.令人眼花缭乱 (confuse,especially by lots of different things at the same time) -She was bewildered by so many beautiful dresses. bewilderment n. in bewilderment 茫然不知所措 【辨】,1)puzzle (某问题因复杂、微妙而令人费解,既可用主动语态,也可用被动语态。) - I am puzzled

5、 by the problem. 2)perplex 难以理解(包含焦虑不安,不知如何解决的意思),多用于被动语态。 - He is perplexed for the answer.,deduce v. (determine or decide sth by given fact) 推断,推理(有充分的证据和准则而得出结论) - I deduce the conclusion from the given facts. (deducefrom 从推断) deduction n.演绎 deductive adj.推论的,演绎的 同:infer v.推断 (不表示过程, 也不表示结论是否有充足的

6、理由) -What can you infer from the text?,scanty a.( too few,not enough) 不足的,贫乏的 scanty knowledge 一知半解 a scanty crop歉收 be scanty of sth奇缺 / be short of 短缺 -The village school is scanty of text books. 同: be want of 需要 in need of 需要,clue n.线索 某事的线索 clue to sth. -Can you tell me the clue to what happened?

7、 提供线索 offer a clue a vital clue 重要的线索 news clue 新闻线索 writing clue 写作线索,insignificant adj.不重要的 significant 重要的= important 重要的 (unimportant),shed v.使流出,泻;发散,脱落 流血 shed blood bloodshed 杀戮 流泪 shed tears watershed 分水岭,转折点 shed light on 启发. 启迪 -My teacher shed light on this problem.,advent ( coming or arr

8、ival) 出现,到来,来临(经常与the 搭配,指节气,重要事情的到来,来临。)在冬天到来的时候 at the advent of winter 自从的到来 since the advent of,agriculture n.农业 工业 industry 重工业 heavy industry 轻工业 light industry 服务业 service industry sunrise industry 朝阳产业 商业 business/trade/commerce,assumption n.假定,设想 -The theory is based on a series of wrong as

9、sumptions. assume v.假定,认为;承担 -I assumed you can speak French fluently. -I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it.,dot n.小圆点 on the dot 准时地(=punctually) -他很守时,总是按时到。 -Hes very punctual and always arrives on the dot.,symbol n.符号,象征 symbol for 代表.的符号 status symbol 身份象征 symbol of .的象征 -圣

10、诞树可能是最为人们所熟知的圣诞节的象征。 -The Christmas tree is perhaps the most recognizable symbol of the holiday. symbolic adj. 符号的,象征的 symbolize v.用符号表示,象征,engrave v. 雕刻,使铭记 engrave.on 在.雕刻. engrave with sth. 雕刻上. -She got a ring which was engraved with her name.,ivory n.象牙制品 象牙塔 ivory tower ivory carving 象牙雕刻 arti

11、ficial ivory 人造象牙,correlate v.使相互联系 与.相关、关联 correlate with/to -贫穷也许与寿命短有关。 -Poverty may correlate with a shorter life expectancy. relate 与.有联系(relate with),phase n.月相,天相;阶段,时期 in phase 按阶段地 -我们会按阶段地学习新概念英语。 -We will study NCE in phase. 混:phrase,primitive adj.原始的;粗糙的,简陋的 原始社会primitive society 原始文明 pr

12、imitive culture 原始人 primitive people(原始民族) -The conditions are primitive by any standards. -这些条件以任何标准衡量都是简陋的。,depict v. 描绘,描画(=describe) depict.as 把.描绘成 -The writer depicted a soldier as a hero depiction n.描写,叙述 词根pict相当于paint: picture 照片 pictograph 象形文字,Text: (L3) Future historians will be in a uni

13、que position when they come to record the history of our own times. They will hardly know which facts to select from the great mass of evidence that steadily accumulates.,(L3)select v.选择 adj.精选的;优等的;第一流的 Select from -We will select three candidates from so many people. The selected入围,被选上 Select peac

14、hes 上等的桃子 Selective adj. 选择的 Selection n.,(L3)mass n.团;块;众多;群众,民众adj.大量的 A mass of 大量的 A mass of hot air 一团热空气 Mass media大众传媒 mass culture 大众文化 Massive adj.巨大的,Text: (L4)What is more they will not have to rely solely on the written word. rely on= Depend on= count on,Text: (L5)Films, gramophone recor

15、ds, and magnetic tapes will provide them with a bewildering amount of information. They will be able, as it were, to see and hear us in action.,Text: (L5)But the historian attempting to reconstruct the distant past is always faced with a difficult task. He has to deduce what he can from the few scan

16、ty clues available.,Text: (L8) Even seemingly insignificant remains can shed interesting light on the history of early man. shed light on=reveal= cast light on/ throw light on,Text: (L10) Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture, for then man was faced with a real need to understand something about the seasons. Recent scientific evidence seems to indicate that this assumption is incorrect.,


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