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1、安徽建筑工业学院建筑环境与热能工程系1摘摘 要要本设计为重庆市一栋九层的假日酒店空调、通风及防排烟设计。该建筑总的 建筑面积约为 22546m2,建筑高度为 33.2m,属于多层建筑。地上共九层,其中 首层为大堂,办公室和厨房,二层为办公空间及客房;三至九层为标准客房及套 房。 根据本建筑的功能特点,分别选取了全空气系统或风机盘管+独立新风系统 的空调方式。为了节能,全空气系统和风机盘管+独立新风的空调方式均是先将 新风经过全热交换器与室内排风进行热湿交换,并且考虑到重庆地区的气候条件, 室内排风不足以将室外的新风处理到所需要的状态点(室内等焓状态点)。为保 证冷量的要求,本次设计中将新风处理

2、中未达到的那部分冷负荷增加在了盘管的 冷负荷中,重新进行了盘管的选型。设计全空气系统的地方采用了吊顶式空气处 理机组,并根据建筑空间大小采用旋流风口送风或散流器送风。地下室和地上建 筑中按建筑设计防火规范进行通风和防排烟设计。 该设计详细介绍了系统方案的确定和该系统的冷负荷的计算、新风量的计算、 气流组织的校核、设备的选型、风系统、水系统的水力计算及冷水机房的设计和 系统的布置,通风排烟设计。最后本设计还对相应的消声、减振作了简明的介绍。关键词关键词: 风机盘管加新风系统 空调水系统 全热交换器 排风排烟系统 安徽建筑工业学院建筑环境与热能工程系2AbstractAbstract This a

3、ir-condition is designed for a hotel in chongqing city .There are 9 floors in this building. Underground 2 to 1 are the garages ,and underground 3 is machine room and saveing water for living and the fire. Ground 1 to 3 are the markets and the hall for the vistors who come to the hotel or offices, T

4、he rooms of F4 to F9 is for working , The1014 F is a guest room. According to this construction characteristic and to save the place for people , the entire air system is mainly use air fan-coil system + independent new atmosphere system . primary air fan-coil system + independent new atmosphere sys

5、tem is undertakes in the room by the air blower serpentined all cold loads and new atmosphere Part of Wet loads, but the new atmosphere load undertakes by each new atmosphere unit, the new atmosphere processes through the new atmosphere unit to With the room ,and the fresh air is sent into the room

6、directly. Whole heat exchangers + independent new atmosphere system is undertakes in the room by the air blower serpentined all cold loads and new atmosphere Part of Wet loads.In the market,we use large air fan-coil system and independent new atmosphere system.To get blancer air distribution ,we use

7、 meditional powers. To make the garages under ground air ventilate the dirty air put off by cars ,we use the fan named youdao.This systerm can improve the efficience of the ventilate system. This design introduced the determination of the system plan in detail, the calculation of cooling and heating

8、 load for air conditioning and fresh air, the examination of air distribution, the shaping of equipments ,the Water friction calculation of Water system, the design of the chilling machine room and the arrangement of the system,and the design of the smoke prevention. At the end of the Whole design,

9、silencing device and shock mount is concisily introduced. KeyWordsKeyWords: primary air fan-coil system + independent Air condition water system Line up the breeze row smoke system安徽建筑工业学院建筑环境与热能工程系3目录目录第 1 章工程概况-5 1.1 工程名称-5 1.2 地理位置-5 1.3 气象参数-5 1.3.1 夏季参数 -5 1.3.2 冬季参数 -5 1.4 建筑概况-5 第 2 章设计依据及基础数

10、据-6 2.1 设计依据-6 2.2 基础数据-6 2.2.1 土建资料表-6 2.2.2 室内设计标准-10 2.2.3 建筑热工数据-11 第 3 章负荷计算-12 3.1 空调冷负荷-12 3.1.1 空调冷负荷计算方法-13 3.1.2 空调湿负荷 -17 人体散湿量-17 3.3.1 算例 -18 3.1.4 空调冷负荷汇总 -22 3.2 空调热负荷 -22 3.2.1 空调热负荷计算方法-22 3.2.3 空调热负荷汇总 -24 第 4 章 冷热源工艺设计-25 4.1 方案拟订-25 4.1.1 备选方案-25 4.2 方案比较-25 4.2.1 技术性比较 -25 4.2.2 经济性比较 -27 4.3 确定方案-28 4.4 冷热源设备选型 -28 4.4.1 冷水机组选型计算 -28 4.5 水泵选型 -29 4.5.1 冷冻水泵选型-29 4.5.2 冷却水泵选型-30 4.5.3 热水循环泵 -31 4.6 其他设备选型 -31安徽建筑工业学院建筑环境与热能工程系44.6.1 定压补水装置 -31 4.6.2 水处理装置 -



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