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1、实现产品信息化的交换系统首先,应该建立信息技术基础设施与统一的信息平台。信息物质技术基础设施包括企业的外部网、内部网、知识库、电子数据库及电子数据交换系统等。在完善的物资技术基础设施上,应用相关的软件搭建统一的信息平台。对信息化的意识不强,从而造成我国国内农产品供应链的总体信息化程度很低。国内农产品市场上几乎没有一个经过统一规划设计的信息系统,各企业之间信息化程度差距较大,发展很不平衡。First of all, should be the establishment of information technology infrastructure and unified informatio

2、n platform. Material information technology infrastructure, including enterprises extranet, Intranet, knowledge base, electronic databases, and electronic data interchange system, etc. On the perfect materials technology infrastructure, build unified information platform application related software

3、. Awareness of information technology is not strong, resulting in Chinas domestic agricultural product supply chains overall informatization level is low. Domestic agricultural products on the market almost no one through unified planning and design of information system, the enterprise http:/ http:

4、/ http:/ http:/informationization level gap is bigger, development is very uneven. 供应链上企业之间缺乏统一的信息平台以供各企业进行信息交流,造成本应多边共赢的企业相互之间缺乏必要的了解。既保障信息提供的真实性、可靠性和及时性,又实现对农产品供应链各个环节的实时跟踪、有效控制和全程管理。目前我国各地政府和大型企业建立了一批农产品专业信息平台,为沟通消费者与生产者、流通环节的联系发挥了很好的作用,一个地方或企业必须采用计算机网络技术搭建与外部信息网密切联系的信息平台。Supply chain between ent

5、erprises on the lack of a unified information platform for businesses to communicate information, this should be the multilateral win-win enterprise lack of necessary understanding each other. Both guarantee the authenticity of information, reliability, and timeliness, and realize the agricultural p

6、roducts supply chain each link of real-time tracking, effective control and management. At present, Chinas local governments and large companies to set up a batch of professional information platform of agricultural products, for consumers and producers, circulation link has played a good role, a pl

7、ace or external to the enterprise must use the computer network technology and information network closely related information platform. 供应链管理引入农业为农业产业的发展、农民增收提供了新的思路和途径。目前,国内外的经济社会条件和实践发生了巨大变化。从国际经验来看,供应链管理已成为农业产业发展的利。Introduction of agricultural supply chain management for the development of agric

8、ultural industry, and provides a new train of thought and way of increasing farmers income. At present, the domestic and foreign economic and social conditions, and great changes have taken place in practice. From the international experience, the advantages of supply chain management has become the

9、 agricultural industry development. 实现供应链成员之间的信息系统的无缝隙对接,加快供应链的营运速度,降低供应链的总成本。农户、农产品供应商及农产品经销商之间的信息系统实现无缝衔接,http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/提高了供应链管理的柔性,降低了供应链物流管理的成本和风险,使农产品市场需求信息准确及时地到达供应链中的相关节点,使农业生产更有计划性,从而减少农民的市场风险,提高农民收入。To achieve seamless docking between the members of supply chain information sys

10、tem, speed up the supply chain operations, reduce the total cost of the supply chain. Farmers, suppliers and dealers for agricultural products between the information system to realize seamless, improves the flexibility of supply chain management and reduce the costs and risks of supply chain logist

11、ics management, make the agricultural products market demand accurate and timely information to the relevant nodes in supply chain, make agricultural production more systematic, thereby reducing the market risk of peasant, increasing farmers income. 建立一体化的物流运作体系,提高物流运作效率。对生产、加工、 泰安锅炉配送过程中的物流环节进行设计,使

12、农产品物流作业无缝衔接。三是电子银行结算与支付系统,使供应链成员能方便地进行电子商务活动。Establish the integration of logistics operation system, improve the efficiency of logistics operation. In the process of production, processing, distribution, logistics link to carry on the design, make the agricultural products logistics work together s

13、eamlessly. Three is electronic bank settlement and payment system, make the supply chain members can easy e-commerce activities. 供应链管理就是利用计算机网络技术全面规划供应链中的商流、物流、信息流、资金流等,进行计划、组织、协调与控制。零售终端的 POS 系统,收集消费者需求的第一手资料,能在第一时间反馈到企业资源计划 ERP 系统中和订单管理系统中,指导农产品生产和加工。供货系统通过统一的信息平台,调动农产品 熔铝炉的流动。最后加快我国农产品供应链管理,需强化政府

14、在农业信息化中的主导作用,制定农业产品信息化的法律法规。Supply chain management is the use of computer network technology comprehensive planning in the supply chain business flow, logistics, information flow, cash flow, etc., planning, organization, coordination and control. POS http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/system, retail termin

15、al to collect first-hand information of consumer demand, can in the first time feedback to the enterprise resource planning ERP system and order management system, guide the production and processing of agricultural products. Supply system through the unified information platform, to mobilize the flow of agricultural products. Finally speed up the agricultural products supply chain management in China, the need to strengthen the government leading role in the agricultural informationization, formulate laws and regulations o



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