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1、英语学科教案设计英语学科教案设计备课人备课人学科学科英语英语年级年级六六时间时间课题课题Unit 3 Where did you go ?课时课时1课型课型New teaching教学内容教学内容A .Lets learn Listen,answer and write教教学学目目标标知识目标: 1、能听、说、读、写以下动词短语 rode a horse rode a bike went camping hurt my foot Went fishing.2、能运用一般过去式来询问别人在假期里去了哪里,干了什么并回答。 能力目标: 培养学生听、说、读、写能力和动手能力。 情感目标: 1、培养学

2、生热爱大自然的美好感情。2、教育学生要锻炼身体,多参加户外活动 重重 点点能够正确掌握单词和词组 rode,hurt,went,camping,went fishing;能够正确运用句型: Where did you go last Saturday?What did you do there?难难 点点能够大胆创编和表演有关去过哪里和做过什么的小对话。教法教法游戏教学法;趣味教学法。教学教学 准备准备电子课本,单词卡片。教教 学学 过过 程(双边活动)程(双边活动) 环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计意图 Warm Up1.Show the pictures and go over the

3、 phrases of Unit 2. 同样的方法复习 cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, read a book, saw a film, had a cold and slept.2.Lets listen and chant. 教师为学生播放自编的歌谣S1:watched TV S2: I wathched TV S3: I wathced TV last weekend. 学生倾听模仿并了解其中内容。Where did yo go and what did you do?I rode a horse.I rode a

4、bike.I went camping.I went fishing.And I hurt my foot.歌谣歌词中涉及 了重点句式 Where did you do and what did you do?并 且包括了所有的 重点词组,巩固 了动词过去式。 在歌谣明快的节 奏调动下,学生 学习英语的兴趣 被唤起,使学生 更乐于也更容易 接受本课的重难 点。Present- ation一、Lets learn 1.教师呈现 A Lets learn 板块 的插图,提问:Look,this is Johns blog.When did he send pictures and write on

5、 the blog?It was May 1st,the Labour Day holiday.What did he do on Labour Day holiday? 教师可根据学生的回答继续 追问:Where did he ride a horse?What was the weather like there on Labour Day holiday?Who did he ride a horse with?How did he feel? 教师教授 rode a horse,went camping 和 went fishing 的时候, 注意 rode 和 a 之间的连续。 2.

6、教师提问学生:John had a good time in Xinjiang on Labour Day holiday.Last weekend,he also had two days off.Where did he go last Saturday?What did he do there?教 师教授 hurt my foot。 3.围绕课文插图 John 五月十 二日微博的内容,教师继续 与学生一起讨论 John 上周末 的活动。教师提问:What else did he do last Saturday?Who rode a bike with him?Was it fun to

7、 ride a bike in the forest park?What happened to him later?If you were John,what would you do? 教师教授 hurt my foot。 4.教师播放录音 5.Ask and answer T:What did you do last weekend? T: Where did you go last Saturday? 6.Work in paris 二、Listen,answer and write 1.交代背景,听前预测。 T:Carl,Meimei and Mr Guo 学生看图,说出 John

8、五一假期 所做的事情:He rode a horse.He went camping.He went fishing.学生根据自己对新疆的了解, 结合图片,发挥想象,针对 John 在新疆旅游的细节进行对 话。学习词组:rode a horse,went camping 和 went fishing引导学生猜测 John 上周末去的 地方和做的事情,然后听课文 录音或观看动画,获取信息后, 验证之前的猜测学生谈论并回答学生跟读Ss: I rode a horse/ went camping I went to a forest park.。学生两人一组进行问答练习通过看视频和图 片能充分调动学

9、 生的整体感官, 提高参与度,并 且游戏教学能够 寓教于乐。激发 了学生的学习兴 趣,让他们对此 记忆深刻,在学 习知识的同时形 成了积极的学习 态度,又很好的 巩固了知识。did different things yesterday.What did they do? 2.教师放录音学生读题目并进行猜测学生回答,然后把相关信息写 在横线上 Consol- idation补充阅读材料: Johns classmates,Mary and Sam,are reading a comic.Read and match.Read and match.阅读材料附后。巩固所学知识, 能更好的培养学 生的

10、综合能力, 以愉悦的心情结 束本节课。安全 提示布置课后作业批改情况记录1.抄写并背诵四会短语 2.用本课时句型造句。板板 书书 设设 计计Unit 3 Where did you go?rode a horse, rode a bike, went camping, hurt my foot and went fishing.ride rode go went hurt - hurt Zhang Peng: Where did you go last Saturday? John: I went to a forest park. Zhang Peng: What did you go th

11、ere? John: I rode a bike. http:/w ww .xkb1. com 教教 学学 反反 思思英语学科教案设计英语学科教案设计备课人备课人学科学科英语英语年级年级六六时间时间课题课题Unit 3 where did you go ?课时课时2课型课型新授新授教学内容教学内容Part A Lets try Lets learn教教学学目目标标知识目标: 1、能够正确听、说、朗读 What happned?Where did you go?等询问发生了什么 和去过哪里的交际用语。2、能够独立完成 lets try 中的相关练习。 能力目标: 能够听懂、会说、会表演 Lets

12、 talk 的内容,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行 交流。 情感目标: 在对话交流中能养成用英语交流的习惯,培养良好的语音、语调和语感。重重 点点能够表演 Lets talk 的交际内容,能够根据实际情况用英语表达去过哪里和做了什么。难难 点点用英语准确询问并回答去过哪里和做过什么,如:Where did you go?Mt.Tianshan.I rode a horse.Did you go to Turpan?Yes,I did 等。教法教法情境教学法、任务型教学法。教学教学 准备准备电子书。教教 学学 过过 程(双边活动)程(双边活动) 环节教 师 活 动学 生 活 动设计意图Warm

13、Up1、Sing a song2、复习 Lets learn.3、Lets listen and chant 教师幻灯展示自编歌谣Sing a song “Tell me about your holiday.”复习短语:rode a horse. I rode a horse last weekend. 学生有节奏的吟唱: Where did you go?Where did you go? I went to Mt.Tianshan and I went to Turpan! What did you do?What did you do? I rode a horse!I rode a

14、horse! But but but.歌谣内容渗透 了本课的重点 句式和重点词 汇。学生在听 歌谣的过程中, 不仅预习了将 要学习的句型 和词汇,而且 歌谣以其明快 的节奏调动了 学生学习的积 极性,激发了 学生学习英语 的兴趣,使其 能较快地投入 到英语学习之I didnt eat any grapes!中。Pres-entati-on一、完成 lets try 1、交代背景,听前预测。教 师在听前介绍 Lets try 的对 话背景:Listen,there is a phone call.Who is phoning?Yes,John had a phone call with Amy.

15、Where is John now?Where is Amy now?Why did Amy give a phone call to John?When was it? 2、教师放录音 3、教师追问学生 Why was John at home?并继续播放录 音 二、学习 Lets talk1、教师呈现 Lets talk 部分 图片,提问学生:On Labour Day holiday,John went on a trip,too.Where did he go?These are two of the pictures he took over his holiday.Can you

16、guess where did he go? 2、教读 mule 和 Turpan。教 师在教 mule 的时候,提供 mule 和 horse 的图片,让学 生知道骡子和马外形很相似。3、教师提问:There are so many interesting things we can do in Xinjiang.What did John do when he was in Xinjiang?Can you guess?教师 放动画。 4、播放 Lets talk 部分的录 音。 5、组织学生分角色朗读对话。学生了解对话背景,尝试预测 听力内容。学生完成第一、二题。学生完成听力第三题学生观察图片,并回答 John 五 一假期去的地方新疆。学习单词 mule 和 Turpan,并知 道骡子和马的区别学生观测 Jo



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