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1、Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神,New words and expression 生词和短语,goddess n.女神 immortal 神仙 fairy 仙女 hostess waitress actress stewardess mistress murderess tigress,archaeologist n.考古学家,archaeology arch 拱形 architect architecture psychology psychologist 心理学 physiology physiologist 生理学 special specialist

2、专家 race 种族 racist 种族主义者 terrible terrorist 恐怖分子 pacific 和平的 pacifist 和平主义者 natural 自然的 naturalist 自然主义者 zoo 动物园 zoologist 动物学家,Aegean adj. 爱琴海的,Aegean Sea 爱琴海,情定爱琴海,explore v.考察,勘探,- The archaeologists are exploring the cave.exploration n.探险 / explorer n.探险家We have explored several solutions to the

3、problem.,promontory prm()nt()rn.海角,Channel 海峡The English ChannelStrait 海峡Taiwan Strait,prosperous adj. 繁荣的,昌盛的 prosper v 使繁荣 prosperity n. 繁荣 成功,- Our finance is prosperous 我们的经济非常的繁荣。 thriving adj.昌盛的,兴旺的 (thrive v.)- thriving business booming adj.蓬勃的,景气的 (boom n. v.)- a booming market繁荣的市场 flouris

4、hing adj.繁茂的,健康的 (flourish n. v.) - Those plants are flourishing. 那些植物长得茂盛。,civilization n. 文明 civil adj. 公民的,civilize vt.使开化, 使文明- high level of civilization 高度文明 The city enjoys a high level of civilization.Civilized behavior 文明行为Civil rights 公民权力,storey n.楼层 英式英语 storey 美式英语 storyfirst floor一层(美式

5、英语)/二层(英式英语) ground floor一层 (英式英语),storey n. 楼层,drain n. 排水沟 =ditch 下水道 draining system=drainage system 排水系统,drainage drend n.排水,worship n.v.祟拜 / respect vt.尊敬, 尊重 / admire v.赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕,worshipper 崇拜者 admirer - Who do you worship in the world? warship n.军舰, 战船The worship of money. His admirers worsh

6、ipped at his feet.,sacred adj.宗教的, 神圣的 holy religious,- sacred music 圣乐 / sacred promise 神圣的诺言 a sacred place 圣地 a sacred oath 誓言 holy adj. 神圣的, 圣洁的 - a holy person/ a holy place solemn adj. 庄严的, 庄重的 - a solemn face 严肃的面孔 - a solemn ceremony 隆重的仪式,fragment n.碎片 She dropped the bowl on the floor, and

7、 it broke into fragments/pieces.,remains n.遗物,遗迹,废墟 wreck wreckage remainder ruins The remains of the meal is in the refrigerator. The remains of ancient Rome. His remains were buried in the churchyard.,classical adj.(希腊和罗马)古文化的(即传统的);文科的, 人文科学的,- classical music 古典音乐 / classical education 人文科学教育 cl

8、assic adj. 第一流的, 标准的, 著名的, 典型的 - This is the classic example of love at the first sight. classic n.杰作, 经典之作 - That joke is a classic; it really is funny. “这个笑话确属一流,真是妙趣横生。“,reconstruct v.修复 (Re -重新, 再次) rebuild restore,construct vt.构造, 建造, 组织(通过装配或组合部件而构成) - construct a sentence - build a house 造建筑物

9、 / put up a tent construction n.建设, 建造 constructive adj.有教育意义的 constructor n.建造者, 建设者 instruct 指导 instruction 指导 destruct 破坏 destruction 破坏,rest v.倚放, 放置,rest sth on/against sth place 正式 The professor placed the examination paper in front of me. put 非正式 He put the book on the table. lay 把某物放在某物的表面 S

10、he laid her hand on my shoulder. rest靠某物支持 He rested his elbows on the table.,hip n. 屁股,ass 屁股 buttock 臀部 kick your ass 揍你 kiss my ass 吻我的屁股 表示看不起 hip-hop 街舞 hip-pocket 裤子后兜 be really hip 非常时尚,full-length adj.(裙衣)拖地长的, 全长的, 全身的,- a full-length dress 拽地长裙 - a full-length mirror 穿衣镜 half-length 半身的 fu

11、ll-grown adj.生长完全的, 发育完全的 full time n.专职, 全部时间,graceful adj.优雅的,- a graceful lady A graceful letter of thanks. gracious 和蔼可亲的彬彬有礼的 elegant adj.优雅的(举止) - an elegant gentleman. 举止文雅的绅士 An elegant style of writing. A charming man gentle文雅的 tender温柔的 naive天真的,identity n. 身份,Please prove your identity. I

12、dentity card= ID=identification 鉴别 Identify v 认出,作文讲解,To whom it may concern,My name is Karen Goodrich and I am 27 years old.I am an American citizen and am interested in working in your university,I have a particular interest in teaching English as a second language in your university. Although I h

13、ave never done that job, I feel that I have had enough experience teaching basic words to young children which I believe would be useful in teaching in your university.,With my experience, patience, determination, and my love for people, this teaching position would be great opportunity and learning

14、 experience for both myself and Chinese students. Not only could I bring my language skills, but also can share American culture with them. I hope you will consider me for a teaching position.You can reach me at my address or phone number. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.Sincerelyxxx,H

15、omework:,1. 复习单词L1-L3课,并听写单词表里的前50个单词。 2. 写第3课练习册作文。,Thank you!,Lesson 3 An unknown goddess 无名女神,Text 课文,Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. some time ago 作时间状语 ahead of time 提前 at one time 曾经 at a time 一次中文习惯用主动语态。 英文习惯用被动语态。以事件、结果、影响、效果为主

16、语,强调对客观事实的陈述。make a discovery make a study of make an attempt make a promise,An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini(艾伊亚.依里尼,位于希腊).,stand/in/at/on 耸立在高处 lie/in/at/on 位于低处 be situated in/at/on= be located in/at/on坐落于.方向 which stands in. = which lies in = which is located in = which is situated in. Stand 1 身高 2表示高高坐落于, 矗立于 - She stands 1.75m. 她身高1.75米 - A great tree stands on the mountain. 一棵大树竖立在山上。,


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