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1、1 武当山古建筑群文物保护单位分布图、金顶建筑群 :含金殿、古铜殿、朝拜殿、太和宫、天池、天鹤、天云三楼、皇经堂、吊钟台等。金殿位于天柱峰顶端,海拔1612 米。大顶宋代有铜亭一座,元大德十一年建古铜殿,明永乐十四年(1416)敕建金殿时将元代铜殿转置小莲峰上。永乐17 年( 1419)在天柱峰建紫禁城,设城门四座,象征天阙。工峻后嘉封武当山为“大岳太和山”,紫金城赐名为“大岳太和宫”,自此使武当山的地位驾驭五岳之首。本宫到嘉靖年间已有建筑余间,清代多有修葺和重建,占地面积达二十余万平方米。金顶建筑群,历代建设者始终注重建筑与自然的和谐,宫殿随其山势的高低,借势营造,使其建筑布局合理、排列有序

2、、错落有致,与自然混为一体,突出地体现了人文与自然高度和谐的统一,为后世的建设者们奠定了一座丰碑。2、一、二、三天门:元代建有石山门,明永乐皇帝重新敕建时扯除旧门,新建歇山顶式,选址险要,风景独特,1983 年屋面全部大修。3、清微天宫(清岳宫):始建于宋、元时期,明永乐十年(1412 年)重新敕建庙宇31 间,后因失修逐渐毁废。现仅存21 间。元代武当山著名道人张守清曾在此学清微雷法,史传其师傅也在此授法得道;庙外有盐池。4、琼台上观:初创于元文宗年间(1329-1331),上观,清代已废弃,2 现存遗址。三观通称“琼台观”,元代称“琼台宫”。明改宫为观,分为琼台上观、中观、下观。5、琼台中

3、观:初创于元文宗年间(1329-1331),明清时有所修葺扩建,清咸丰六年( 1856 年)毁于兵, 2005 年重修大殿、厢房、钟鼓楼、道院等百余间。传说:净乐国太子得玉清圣祖紫气元君传授“无极上道”在武当山修炼成功,玉皇大帝选宝地“授册”于此,随即封太了为“玄天上帝”。时建石殿一座,道院、厢房数间,以旌表太子修真之功。6、琼台下观:始建于元代,明清时修葺、扩建,咸丰六年(1856 年)重毁于兵, 1999 年殿宇屋面倒塌,现为遗址。7、“不二”墓塔:俗称“不二”和尚墓,坐东朝西。不二和尚,名园信,北京房山县人,熟知天文、地理,很受世人敬崇,也数次得到皇后的赏赐,曾住武当山虎儿岩修真,享年1

4、20岁。是武当山保存最大的一座古墓葬,具有较高的历史价值。8、八仙观:始建于元,废祀。明永乐十年(1412年)建庙 18 间,嘉靖扩建,后毁。清代原址重建四合院,保存较好。Distribution Map of Mt. Wudang Ancient Building GroupCultural Relic Preservation Organ3 1.Golden Summit Building Group: Including the Glden Place, ancient Bronzes Place,Wrship Place,Tai He Palace Haven Pool , Heave

5、n Crane , Heaven Cloud 3 Buildings, Emperor Scripture Hall, Hangging Clock Platform and so on. The golden palace locates at the top of Tianzhu peak, its elevation is 1612 meters. In Song Dynasty it was built a copper pavilion in the big summit. The 11th year of Dade, Yuan Dynasty constructed the bro

6、nze palace. The 14th year of Yongle, Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1416) ,Yuan Dynasty bronzes palace was shifted to the Small Lotus Peak when the golden palace was constructed. The 17th year of Yongle (A.D. 1419) constructed Forbidden City in the Tianzhu peak and it had 4 city gates that symbolized heaven pal

7、ace. After completion, Mt. Wudang was confered “Big Mt. Taihe Hill” and Forbidden City was named “Big Mt. Taihe Palace”. Therefor, Mt. Wudang was the head of the Five Mountains. The palace had already have more than 520 buildings up to Jiajing(Zhu Houcong,the 12th emperor of Ming Dynasty) period. In

8、 Qing Dynasty it had repaired and reconstructed frequently, its area amounted to over 200,000 square meters.To golden summit building group, the previous dynasties constructors paid great attention to the harmony of construction and nature. The palace was built along with appearance of the mountain

9、and caused its architectural composition to be reasonable, arrange orderly, organize well and unify with the nature. It had manifested prominently the highly 4 harmonious unification of humanity and nature, it had established a milestone for the later constructors.2.One, Two, Three Fontanels:Constru

10、cted the grottoy mountain gate in Yuan Dynasty. Ming Dynasty Yongle Emperor ZhuDi eliminated the old gate and newly built the Xie-summit type when constructed again. The selected location is steep and the scenery is unique. The roof completely overhauled in 1983.3. Qing Wei Heaven Palace (Qing Yue P

11、alace): Built in Song there was the Salt Pond outside the temple.4.Qiongtai Up-Taoist Temple: Firstly established in Yuan Wenzong period (A.D. 1329-1331). The Up-Taoist Temple had ruined in Qing Dynasty and now only remains the sites. Three Taoist Temples generally call “Qiongtai Taoist Temple”, in

12、Yuan Dynasty named “Qiongtai Palace ”. In Ming Dynasty “palace ” is changed into “Taoist Temple”, which is divided into Qiongtai Up-Taoist Temple, Mid-Taoist Temple 5 and Down-Taoist Temple.5. Qiongtai Mid-Taoist Temple: Firstly established in Yuan Wenzong period (A.D. 1329-1331). It was repaired an

13、d expanded in Ming& Qing periods. The 6th year of Xianfeng,Qing Dynasty (A.D. 1856) it was destroyed by the soldiers. In 2005 the main hall, side building, clock&drum tower, and Taoist temple were repaired , the total of which is over one hundred. It is said that Yu Qing Saint Deity taught the Princ

14、e of Jingle country “Limitless Top Taoism” and the prince trained successfully at Mt. Wudang. The Jade Emperor chose the good place to conter here and then confered the prince “Taoist Deity”. At that time it had constructed one stone palace, several Taoist temples and side buildings to praise the pr

15、ince for his cultivating true virtue .6.Qiongtai Down-Taoist Temple: Built in Yuan Dynasty . It was repaired and expanded in Ming& Qing period. The 6th year of Xianfeng,Qing Dynasty (A.D. 1856) it was destroyed heavily by the soldiers. In 1999 the palace roof collapsed and presently remains the ruin

16、s. 7. “not two” grave tower: The popular name is “not two” monk grave, it locates in the east and faces to the west. “Not two ” buddhist monk, named Yuanxin, was born in Beijing, Fangshan County. He was good at the astronomy and geography, respected by the people and also obtained the empresss granting several times. He once lived in the Mt. Wudang Tiger Grotto to cultivate true virtue and died at the age of 120. It is the 6 biggest ancient grave preserved in Mt. Wudang and has higher histo


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