80128_20140929 李润生老师作文课

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1、10月雅思预测,社会生活类 教育类 科技类 政府类,雅思议论文,李威廉老师下载绝杀雅思写作和阅读宝典和最新8分范文集,雅思图表作文,饼图 柱图 表格 流程图,1.Some people believe that students should always learn in a group rather thanstudy individually. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(教育)2.The news report on crimes and violence will impose negative influence onindiv

2、iduals as well as the society. Why media create the coverage? Whatmeasures should we take to deal with this problem?(犯罪)3.In some big cities, people plan to knock down old buildings in order to makespace for new development. Is it a positive or a negative trend?(社会)4.The proportion of aging populati

3、on in some countries is increasing currently,which causes many unpredictable effects on both individuals as well as thesociety. What are the effects on both sides?(社会)5.The shortage of fossil fuels will boost the development of new energies likenuclear and solar system. What are the advantages and d

4、isadvantages of thisevent?(环境),6.The local government should invest more money in basic facilities such ashospital and elementary school. However, others believe that governments shouldfocus on space research for the future. Discuss both sides and give your ownopinion.(社会)7. The invention of newtech

5、nology will make peoples life far more complex rather than simple. To whatextent do you agree or disagree?(科技)8. The development ofprivate cars will cause many traffic problems in big cities. What are thoseproblems? What measures should we take to deal with this issue?(环境)9. The relationshipbetween

6、family members is less close than ever before. What are the causes ofthis change? What measures should we take to deal with this problem?(report ) 10. Some people believethat it is illegal to take some money from peoples salary monthly by the localauthorities. To what extent do you agree or disagree

7、?(政府),自我介绍李润生 李威廉老师南京大学与美国霍普金斯大学硕士 雅思阅读写作7分速成专家; 作者:绝杀雅思写作宝典绝杀雅思阅读宝典2014最新雅思高分范文留学与职业规划咨询师;性格匹配以及Face Reader 高手,新浪微博:李威廉老师下载讲座PPT 和绝杀雅思-写作宝典;绝杀雅思-阅读宝典 “十大必背段落结构”加公共微信:DFIELTS 推送每期作文预测与范文微信:Dianfengyasi及时互动QQ群交流:246218826,最精准和科学的提分方案 从4.5到5.5,从5.5到6.5,从6.5 到7.5,#0927 最新写作真题分析#:小作文是表格,The number of ca

8、rs made in 3 countries in the year of 200320062009。 去请记住小作文快速7分法则原理:“ 先总后分,先一般后特殊。”,0927 大作文是:In some countries, many people have chosen to live by themselves in recent years. what has caused this to happen? Does it have a positive or negative effect on the development of society? 该题的问法决定了他的写法。最佳观点确

9、定:“ 年轻人对于生活态度的转变以及经济上的独立是导致这个现象的主要原因。,这题的难点在于要写对于社会发展的优缺点的分析,而不能写对于个人的优缺点,而且从这2个角度写的思路是完全不同的,对于社会来说,这个是弊大于利的事情。问法决定了写法。最佳观点确定:“ 1,年轻人对于生活态度的转变。经济上的独立,包括大量的女性的经济上的独立,导致这个现象的主要原因。,对于生活的多样性的要求更高。3,越来越多的人不喜欢住在大家庭里面,甚至结婚后生活在小家庭里面。他们的家庭观念有很大的改变,也有部分人是逃避家庭责任的束缚。对于社会来说, 总体来说,社会所需要付出的社会成本会更高。虽然人们的生活方式朝着更加多元和

10、个性化解放自由的思路发展,但是对于社会来说缺点更多一些。甚至可以提高社会成本,(因为结婚是节约社会成本的事情) ,老年之后,单人家庭需要独立的房间,社会公共设施,养老成本,NURSING 的成本会增大。,Men and women are increasingly independent as never before. Although the majority of people still choose marriage and live in a core family with family members together , we can see the soaring popu

11、lation who determine to live by themselves, thinking independently and managing their daily necessities on their own hand.,The contributing factors to this phenomenon are multi-faceted. To begin with, the young generation are highly demanding for mobility , sense of freedom and independent thinking.

12、 It means that those people are likely to live in a highly mobilized way , incapable of too much restrictions. We can find them with excellent education background and comparably higher income. They can deal with the all the bills and deals including the housing ,dietary , travelling by themselves,

13、without relocating the cost on others.,For another thing, as the females are equally employable and also taking important social roles. They never be attached with males to afford their daily cost. We always interestingly find those females requiring more spiritual enjoyment. Therefore ,they prefer

14、to live by themselves, when they meet no matched or proper partners. Otherwise, they are restricted too early by moral code and family chores.,When it comes to the would-be effects on the society, viewpoints differ greatly. Although this practice is generally positive to the individuals , allowing t

15、hem to meet their personal demands and contributing to the diversity of lifestyles, the total consequences on the society are mainly negative. It unexpectedly add too much social pressure on the limited social resources and breed more living outlay. The explanations are obvious as can be probed by t

16、he following perspectives.,0920 最新作文深度解析以及范文参考,#0920今日作文题解析#小作文又回归地图(心塞吧),对比描述河两侧1980年和现在变化对比,图中显示主要functional zones 从原来的运输功能,逐渐变成娱乐休闲综合体。需要先从宏观上给出2幅图的对比the past ships floating on the river disappeared while the docks tend to be more recreational.,大作文题目还是政府政策类话题:In developing countries, some people think governments should introduce new technology to people in order to improve quality of life, while others believe governments should offer free education for all.DG.注意重点细节词汇developing new technology和free education ,避免跑题。双边充分展开,可稍做评价,可有倾向。最好有例子佐证。,



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