
上传人:飞*** 文档编号:53593343 上传时间:2018-09-03 格式:PDF 页数:3 大小:20.20KB
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1、1 When the lovers send out the Dove chocolate, it means that he or she also sends out the question: DO YOU LOVE ME? If you love him or her, please let him or her know right now that you love him or her deeply and never give up In the spring of 1919, Princess Charlotte succeeded to the throne, and sh

2、e was married to the Prince Felix at the same time.As a royal kitchen fink , Leon was busy all day cleaning up dining utensils and plates, and his hands was cracked with a lot of incision, when hes using salt water to wash the wound, a girl came up and said to him: so it must be very painful? The gi

3、rls influence Leon for the rest of his life-Bazaar Princess . 1919 年春天,卢森堡王室的夏洛特公主继承王位,同时她又嫁给了费利克斯王 子,后厨的一个帮厨莱昂忙坏了,整天都在清理碗筷和盘子,双手裂开了好多口 子, 当他正在用盐水擦洗伤口时, 一个女孩走了过来, 对他说:这样一定很疼吧? 这个女孩就是后来影响莱昂一生的芭莎公主。 Two young people are thus met. Because of Bazaar is just Felix Prince distant relatives and friends, so

4、 the royal family in position is very low, rare cate - ice cream, also will not turn to her to taste. So Leon slipped into the kitchen every night making ice cream for Bazaar .They are always tasting the ice cream and talking about the past,and Bazaar has taught Leon English. One set of puberty of s

5、weet linger into the two young peoples mind. However, at that time, because of the conservative force and the special situation, they did not say the love of heart , just silently buried in the bottom of their heart. 因为芭莎只是费力克斯王子的远房亲戚,在王室的地位很低 ,所以稀罕的美食 冰激凌轮不到她去品尝。 于是,莱昂晚上就偷溜进厨房 ,为芭莎做冰激凌吃 ,芭莎则 教莱昂英语。

6、 情窦初开的甜蜜萦绕在他们心头。但是在那个尊卑分明的时代,他 们只是默默的将这份感情埋在心底。 At the beginning of the 20th century , in order to make the Luxembourg throughout European position stronger, Luxembourg and Belgium concluded alliance, in order to strengthen the relations between the two countries, royal marriage become the best way,

7、 and selected is Bazaar princess. For days, Leon could not see her, he anxiously worry about her. Finally ,a month later , Bazaar appeared on the table, however, she has been thin and pallid, and looked very distressed. So when the preparation for dessert, Leon made an ice cream with hot chocolate w

8、ritten several English letter “DOVE“ means “DO YOU LOVE ME“ . He believed Bazaar could guess his mind, however Bazaar just stayed still until hot chocolate melts. 在 20 世纪初 ,为了使卢森堡在整个欧洲的地位强大,卢森堡和比利时得出联盟 ,为 了加强两国关系 ,皇室婚姻成为最好的方法 ,选择的是芭莎公主。 一连几天 ,莱昂都 看不见 ,他焦急地芭堤雅 ,莎莉。终于在一个月后,巴莎莉出现在桌子上 ,但是,她已 经失去了一个圈 ,整个

9、人看起来很憔悴。 莱昂为了准备甜点 ,在芭堤雅 ,莎莉和热巧 克力冰淇淋写几个英文字母“DOVE”是“你爱我吗”的英文缩写。他相信巴莎 可以猜到他的意思 ,然而巴莎却只对着冰激凌发呆直到热巧克力完全融化。 After a few days, Bazaar got married. A year later, missing Bazaar so much,Leon left the royal kitchen and came to the 2 United States a fancy restaurant. The boss was very appreciate him, and marr

10、ied his daughter to Leon. Although all this ,his mind can not get away from Bazaar .His wife was so angry and grieved that she left him. 几天之后,芭莎出嫁了。一年后,忍受不了相思的折磨,莱昂离开了王室后厨。结婚、生子,平静的生活都不能抚平莱昂内心深处的创伤,他始终不能忘记芭莎,他的妻子因此伤心的离开了。Leon since then has been single with their son managing his candy store. In 194

11、6 , Leon saw his son going after a car selling ice cream, memories immediately burst into his mind. Since Bazaars away, Leon had never made an ice cream. Then Leon decided to complete the research that once havent finished for Bazaar. 莱昂此后一直单身带着儿子,经营他的糖果店。1946 年的一天,莱昂看到儿子 在追一辆贩买冰淇淋的车, 记忆的门顿时被撞开, 莱昂决

12、定继续过去没有为芭莎 完成的研究。 After several months of careful research, one ice cream wrapped up with chocolate appeared, and was engraved the four letters. Son naive asked Leon “DOVE“ (the virtuous fu) what that means. Leon said softly: is this ice cream name. 经过几个月的精心研制, 一款被巧克力包裹的冰淇淋问世了, 并刻上了四个字母: “DOVE” (德芙)

13、 。 The ice cream soon widely spread around the couuntry. Meanwhile, Leon received a message from a working partnership in the royal kitchen with a letter Bazaar princess had sent around to ask for his informations hoping he could go to visit her, but she learned that he has gone to America. Due to t

14、he influence of the second world war, this letter has been late for a whole year and 3 days. 德芙的冰淇淋一推出就大受好评。而在此时,莱昂收到了一封来自卢森堡的信, 莱昂得知, 芭莎公主曾派人回国四处打听他的消息,希望他能够去探望她, 但却 得知他离开了王室。 由于受到第二次世界大战的影响,这封信到莱昂手里时, 已 经迟到了整整一年零三天。 Leon tried his best and got through all kinds of hardships.Finally, Leon met Bazaa

15、r.But they were all old, Bazaar was weak lying in the bed, she told him that once her went on a hunger strike to revolt the royal marriage but she was punished for a month staying in the room. she knew they could never escape the fate of this marriage, besides Leon never said love to her, nor any co

16、mmitment.She finally compromised to fate, but the condition is she can go back before leaving to drink one afternoon tea, because she wanted to be there with Leons final goodbye. She ate the chocolate ice cream he made, but did not see the letters on it. 莱昂经历千辛万苦终于见到了芭莎公主。芭莎虚弱地躺在床上。芭莎告诉莱昂, 当年她曾以绝食拒绝联姻,因此被限足一个月。她深知自己无法逃脱联婚的命运, 何况莱昂并没有说过爱她,更没有任何承诺。最终她向命运妥协,条件是回卢森堡 吃一次下午茶 ,她想在那里与莱昂做最后的告别。当天,巧克力冰激凌到她手中时 ,3 字母已经融化。 过去的误解终于有了答案,但一切都太晚了 ,三天之后 ,芭


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