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1、Social Communicative Spoken Language in Hotel 交际口语:宾馆,金字塔酒店 Luxor lks: Hotel,米高美大酒店 MGM Grand Hotel,威尼斯人酒店The Venetian vnin,PPT流程,At the reception(在接待处)Check in 入住 & 简单信息咨询 Laundry service(洗衣服务) Wake-up call service (唤醒服务) Check out(退房结账) 美国入住宾馆的注意事项,Check in 入住,R: Good afternoon , welcome toHotel!

2、How can I help you ? G: Good afternoon ! Wed like to check in, please ! R: May I have your name please ? G: Im .We have reserved . R: Just a minute, please. Ill check the reservation on my screen. yes! you have reserved. Is that right ? G: Yes , that sounds right ! R: All right ! May I see your pass

3、ports please ? G: Wait a moment please !Here you are ! R: Thank you. Could you please fill the registration form , please ?Okay. Here is your room card and youre in room,简单咨询,-What time is the restaurant open for breakfast? -Do you have wireless Internet in the rooms? -And every room has a refrigera

4、tor, right? -Can I have a non-smoking/smoking room? ,Laundry Service I 洗衣服务 1,A:Excuse me. Have you any laundry?The laundry man is here to collect it B:No, not now, thank you A:If you have any, please just leave it in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door. The laundry man comes over to collect it

5、 every morning B:Thank you,Laundry Service II 洗衣服务 2,-Can I help you? -Yes. I have some laundry to be done -Certainly, sir. Could you fill out the laundry form, please? When will they be ready? We will deliver them tomorrow evening around 6 Fine,Thanks a lot,洗衣服务的基本词汇,By hand in cold water v. 冷水手洗 i

6、ron an v熨烫 dry-clean v干洗 mend v修补,缝补 stitch stt v缝缀 valet vlei n旅馆中替客人洗烫衣服的人员 express service 快洗服务,Wake-up call service 唤醒服务,-Good evening!This is in room -Good evening, What can I do for you? -I wonder if your hotel has the morning call service -Yes,sirWould you like a morning call? -I want to -At

7、what time do you want me to call you up,sir? - I would like you to call me at -What kind of call would you like,by phone or by knocking at the door? - By phoneI dont want to disturb my neighbors,Check out 退房结账,A: Good morning. Can I help you? B: Yes, Id like to check out. Room 714. A: Hold on a seco

8、nd Okay, Mr. Ota, how would you like to pay? B: On my Visa viz card. Do you need the card? A: No, we have your number on our computer. Let me print out the receipt for you. If everything is okay, would you sign here please?. A: Thank you for staying at Oceanside Hotel. Would you like me to call a ta

9、xi for you? B: Yes. Id appreciate it. A: You have a nice day! B: Thanks. You too.,各地区退房时间不同,照国际酒店惯例,当日中午12点是退房时间,因此,大部分客房都是可以12点开始打扫的。 在中国,当天中午12点退房比较多; 在欧美,一般是下午两点的比较多. 美国通常都是12点,有些地方为了方便顾客,优惠到1点;德国和澳大利亚都是12:30;中东的大多都是14点以前;泰国是12点;越南不是很严格。 现在普遍认为12点退房存在不合理性,然而现今并没有强制所有酒店必须遵守“取消12点前退房”的规定;只是大部分酒店会顺应

10、时代发展以及顾客需要合理的调整酒店分退房时间。 广州大部分酒店一般都选择2点,也有部分是下午四点的,有的香港酒店就是下午4点退房,方便很多。但如果酒店住房率很高的话,一般不会4点这么晚。,美国入住酒店的注意事项,1.如果你未满18岁,意味着你还未成年,未成年儿童外出住酒店、宾馆需要有成年人陪同。 2.入住酒店后应立即取一张标有酒店名称、地址、电话的名片,以备急用。 3.进入房间后,先熟悉各项设备的用法,不懂之处可以询问陪同人员或酒店服务员。 4.在酒店的盥洗间,有些浴盆设施有塑料挂帘,请在淋浴前将挂帘下摆放入浴盆内,以免水流入房间内。5.有些酒店设有收费电视节目,请先问明后再使用,收费电视节目

11、的费用一律自付。或者类似于迷你吧台之类的,里面的酒水都是要额外收费的,不要随便自取。 6.在酒店内打电话费用较高,无论当地还是国际长途电话都有电脑计费,而且是个人付费,所以建议使用电话卡,这样费用较低。 7.美国各地酒店一般不直接提供牙刷、牙膏、拖鞋,如需要可向前台索取。如果前台没有的话,需要自己购买。,8.美国酒店多不备开水,水龙头打开的冷水为无菌饮用水,但热水不可饮用。习惯饮茶者需自备热水壶和茶叶。有的酒店房间有咖啡壶,不放咖啡时也可烧开水。 9.酒店里房间分为吸烟房间和不吸烟房间,入住之前请先了解清楚。如果在不许吸烟的房间内吸烟,将有可能会被罚款。10.勿将洗涤衣物挂在窗外或阳台上,也不要在阳台上饮酒。 11.需要纪念品,一般会有专门的柜台出售。12.小费:一般来说,餐饮小费,是用餐总费用的15%至20%左右,会在小票上专门列示,类似国内的服务费。住酒店,给房间打扫员的小费基本以现金支付,并放在房间醒目的位置,比如枕头上,或压在枕头下。金额也不大,1至5美元不等,丰俭由人。 13.贵重物:请勿将贵重品放于房间内,可存入前台保险柜。 14.美国使用的是电压为110伏特60赫兹交流电,三眼插座也与中国不同,需使用转换插座。请在出行前自行准备。,Thank You !,



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