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1、第 1 页 共 36 页http:/ 第 2 页 共 36 页Contents 目录一、单元教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands) 二、教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials)三、学生分析(Analysis of the students)四、教学设计及安排(Teaching design and arrangement) 五、教学步骤(Teaching procedures) 六、评价与反思 (Assessment and reflection) 七、背景参考资料 (Background knowledge)PARTI

2、CIPANTS:第 3 页 共 36 页王丽鸯张小哲吴仙芬郑玉华蔡菊兰一、教学目标和要求(Teaching aims and demands) 根据课程标准实验教材(英语必修)关于总目标的具体描述,结合高一学生实际和教材内容,我们将教学目标分为knowledge objectives, ability objectives, strategy objectives, moral objectives and Cultural awareness objectives. knowledge objectives 词汇(Vocabulary ) :能理解、内化、运用以下生词-Verbs: infe

3、ct examine conclude analyse repeat defeat attend expose cure control absorb pump blame handle link announce instruct contribute complete spin reject Nouns: engine steam engine characteristic radium theory cholera conclusion repeat defeat cure outbreak control clue pump pub blame handle germ addition

4、 certainty virus construction calculation movement god loop brightness view Adj:infectious scientific deadly severe valuable creative co-operative positive strict revolutionary logical backward complete enthusiastic cautious persuasive Adv: immediately backward privately Phrases: put forward draw a

5、conclusion in addition link ,to,apart from (be) strict with lead to make sense point of view Grammar structures past participle used as attribute and predicative Functional sentences What job do you want to do? What personality will be needed? What work experience would be useful? What education wil

6、l you need? How long will the training take? How will you prepare for this career? I always wanted to because I might find it difficult toMy greatest problem will be toThe experience I will need is I need to practiseability objectives 第 4 页 共 36 页Listening: 通过两个学生谈论科学家钱学森的故事,使学生了解科学家的生活经历,并通过回答问题训练学

7、生的分析、解决问题的能力。Speaking: 通过学生分组讨论将来选择什么科学工作,需要什么样的教育、品格及经历来完成提问和应答的交际功能任务训练,同时也实施了对学生的德育. Reading:精读文章是关于英国著名医生John Snow是如何通过考察、 分析、 探究的科学方法,发现并控制 “霍乱”的。泛读文章介绍了哥白尼是如何发现日心说的。通过阅读文章,使学生感悟科学家的周密观察、勇于探索、认真分析的科学精神,使学生了解科学发现的全过程具有其科学的严密性。通过阅读帮助学生 :获取语篇知识,丰富形式图式;获取语言知识,丰富知识图式;获得写作技巧,丰富策略图式Writing:针对泛读文章给哥白尼写

8、一封信,表达自己对于他是否应该公布这项发现的观点并阐述理由。培养学生收集信息、并对信息进行思考取舍的能力。同时训练学生“ persuasive writing ”的写作方法。strategy objectives Persuasive communication, Searching for information, Discovering by themselves, Harmonious co-operation. moral objectives1. Be aware of the advantages and convenience the scientific inventions

9、have brought to us. 2. Be inspired by the great spirit and qualities of these great scientists. 3. Be encouraged to learn from these scientists and make contributions to our society. 4. Learn the scientific ways and procedures of solving a problem Cultural awareness objectives1.Broaden students hori

10、zon2.Develop students love for science.二、学生分析(Analysis of the students)高二学生处于高中英语学习兴趣加强和学习习惯巩固阶段。他们希望在学习过程中享受到乐趣,不希望老师死板地讲解字词及语法。能够激发他们好奇心和创造力,并与他们日常生活紧密相连的学习语境是他们希望教师在课堂上能呈现的东西。一旦教师走进他们的生活,他们就愿意跟着教师走,掌握文化知识,了解学习策略,形成良好的人生观和价值观。三、教材内容分析(Analysis of the teaching materials )本单元的中心话题是“科学家如何以探索、钻研、无畏的科研

11、精神验证未知 的科学真理。” Warming up 和 pre-reading 激活背景知识,为进入阅读课文 打好铺垫 ;阅读文章介绍英国著名医生John Snow是如何通过考察、分析、探第 5 页 共 36 页究的科学方法发现并控制“霍乱”的。运用图式理论激活背景知识的过程,Doctor Zhong NanshanSARS 8,9 20 and 21 Broad Street and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street had no deaths .They didnt drink the water from the Broad Street pump. 7 These fa

12、milies worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street. They didn t drink the water from the pump. Then ask Ss to think about these results and figure out the cause of cholera. Stage 5 Analyse the results: What happened to the pump water? Stage 6 Repeat if necessary: What extra evidence did he find? Stage 7

13、 Make a conclusion with certainty: the water carried the disease. Attention: When dealing with the 7 stages, T should try to make the process interesting and mysterious to arouse Ss interest. In every step, T s leading is very important. StepVI. Comprehending Read the text again, then fill in the ch

14、art below. ( Ex 1, on Page 3 ) Step VII Discussion Good hygiene will prevent you or your family from getting cholera. What should we pay attention to in our daily life in order not to get infected with cholera? Ask Ss to think discuss first, then show a series of pictures and let Ss draw a conclusio

15、n about each picture. Step VIII. Team work Show a poster about cholera first, then ask Ss to design a poster, following the example. In the poster, the symptoms and the ways of preventing us from getting infected with cholera should be included. Purpose: This part is intended to connect the text wit

16、h our real life. And it can also get Ss ready for the next task. Difficulty : Form: whole class Purpose: Let Ss have a revision of what have learned and train the summarizing ability. Difficulty : Form: pair work Purpose: this part is designed to let Ss experience the 7 stages and learn to find out and analyze results by themselves. This process is also helpful for their study in other subjects. D


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