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1、中考写作训练,基本要求对写话要求的解读:,能根据要求写不少于60个词的常见文体的短文,在文中能对人物、事件、物件和场所等作简单的描述和议论。内容贴切,意思连贯,语言基本正确。,写作总体要求:,1)合乎语法 规范 避免低级错误 2)词语准确贴切 避免词不达意 3)思路清晰严谨 避免语体混乱 4)句子灵活多变 避免句式单一 5)承上启下 自然 避免不当连接,中考写作评分标准 内容:8分,所写内容紧扣提示语,切题得分。 千万不能偏题、离题。 语言:8分,句式规范,表达准确,脉络清晰。 结构:4分,整篇语言通顺,意义连贯,逻辑 性强,句式多变,好词好句点睛全篇。,1.审题立意,2.结构安排,3.语句组

2、织,4.文采润色,5.检查修改,写作的基本步骤:,1) 审文体,2)审要求,3)审人称,4)审时态,审题立意审什么?,审文体,例如: 1)My 15th Birthday PartyMy visit to the World Expo 2)How to be a better readerMy attitude towards the uniform rule3)Love Around Me (2008 中考题) 叙述你身边的爱,举出一两个例子,这是叙;再谈你内心的感受,这是议;最后谈谈你打算做些什么以及为什么这样做来表达你的爱。爱是这篇文章的主题。,记叙文,议论文,夹叙夹议,Love is

3、always around me. Every day, mum cooks meal for me, thats love. Classmates say “morning” and “goodbye“ to me when I reach or leave school, its also love. I feel that Im on top of the world when I get love from others. Love is like sunshine, it will warm you if you are in trouble. Love is like cloud,

4、 it will blow away your tears. What am I going to do to show my love? Nothing special, just give them a warm hug and try my best to study hard to reward them in the near future. (A),审要求,*Use the following points as a reference : 以下要点仅供参考(近两年常用形式) 1.简单要求:把这些问题用完整句回答再加上适当的上下连接就可成为一篇比较合格的作文 2.想让文章出彩,就必

5、须对它进行“精雕细琢”。 3.注意有无“短文须包含下列要素”之类的要求。,审人称,04年作文 Leaving School:人称用we或I 05年作文 Growing pains and gains:人称用we或I 06年作文 I have a dream:人称用I 07年作文 Things I hate to do人称用I 08年作文 Love around me人称用I 09年作文 I want to do something for my school人称用I 10年作文 I am proud of myself人称用I 11年作文 I am a member of _.,审时态,1)M

6、y 15th Birthday PartyMy Visit to the World Expo 2)My HobbyMy Attitude Towards the Uniform Rule 3)A plan for the weekendA design for the study trip,文章主体用过去时,主体用一般现在时,主体用一般将来时,注意:因行文的需要,一篇文章需要两种或以上的时态,注意时态的呼应。,立意(2),误区:hate too much homework hate to take too many testshate to have no time for funhate

7、to be made to go to tutors,控诉大会,投诉信 缺乏应有的健康立意, 没有高度,例如: The things I hate to do,建议: 反题正写 例如: hate to waste time hate to waste water hate to tell lieshate to cheat in the exams,2. 有高度,I hate doing things against rules. I hate being indifferent when others are in trouble. But, the thing I hate doing m

8、ost is to be dishonest. It is really a bad habit to be dishonest. You will feel guilty after cheating others. If your lie is known, youll get punishments. You will never be trusted if you usually tell lies, and not respected as well. I hate people 【who are dishonest】. I hate being dishonest, and I h

9、ope that everyone is honest to others. 中考实录篇,*议论性命题写话主要类型1、“我认为”型引言+优缺点+结论如“My view on fast food”(弊多利少) 2. “一分为二.”型.如: “Exams” (利多弊少) 3、“二选一型”如: “ Is it necessary for middle school students to own mobile phones?” 4、“怎样(how to)”型如:“How to keep fit ?”5、“抒发感受”型如:“0ur Junior School Life”,结构安排,例:How can

10、we relax (如何放松自己),须包含: How do you feel as you are a Grade Nine student? Write at least two ways we can use to relax. What is your favourite way to relax? And tell your reason.,结构安排,词,句,段,篇,循序渐进,全面掌握“考纲”词汇,熟练运用基本句型,连句成段注意衔接,谋篇润色注意文采,写作的基本过程,以词定基本结构(全面掌握“考纲”词汇),结构安排,I feel busy and tired as I am a Gra

11、de Nine student.,We can have many ways to relax ourselves.,句 (连词成句,熟练运用基本句型),We need to relax.,We often listen to music and have ball games in our spare time.,I like reading best.,It can enrich my knowledge.,It is a pleasure.,We should have a good way to relax ourselves.,语句组织,Para 1: I feel busy and

12、 tired as I am a Grade Nine student. So we need to relax.,Para 2:We can have many ways to relax ourselves. For example, we often listen to music and have ball games in our spare time. But I like reading best, because it can enrich my knowledge. And I think reading is a pleasure as well.,段 (连句成段,注意 )

13、,Para 3:In one word, we should have a good way to relax ourselves.,语句组织,衔接,1、用于开篇引出:nowadays, It is adj.to do, I think 2、有关“承”的常用词语. 用来承接上文,表递进. also/too, besides, in addition, in fact, in other words, of course, more importantly, whats more 3、有关“转”的常用词语. 用来表示不同或相反. however, though/although, but, ye

14、t, on the other hand4、用于总结的词语generally speaking, in a word, as you can see, needless to say;,常用的衔接词,语句组织,开头段如何写:开头是全文的引言,既要点题、表明观点,又要为中间核心段的具体论述做好铺垫。 1)以新奇开篇,吸引读者的眼球 2)开宗明义,直抒胸臆起承转合:定好基调,兼顾中间,开头,1.开门见山式的开头文章一开头就可以直截了当交待清楚文章的主题是什么。 e.g. 1) “My life at school”(我的校园生活):My life at school is both busy an

15、d colorful 2) “How to be honest”(怎样做到诚实): Honesty is one of the best qualitiesAn honest man is always reliable and can be trusted,4、交待写作目的的开头 在文章的一开头就交待写作目的,如通过文章要谈论一个什么问题等。 e.g. “A bad habit”(一个坏习惯):In this article, I shall draw your attention to a bad habit that we usually do in our daily life.,开头

16、,5、用问句开头 用问句的形式来吸引阅读者的眼球。 e.g. “What is your family education like?”(你们家的家庭教育方式是怎样的):What is your family education like? Are you in favour of it or not? Id like to tell you something about my family education now.,开头,中间段的写作技巧,中间段是全文的核心所在。1)意思的完整性2)意思的统一性 3)意思的连贯性段落首句(topic sentence)取到承上启下的作用,统领核心段。分层论述,把握好层次间的切换,不能次序颠倒、不顾逻辑的随意乱写。,1、首尾呼应式的结尾 在文章的结尾,把含义较深的话放在末尾,以点明主题,深化主题,起到画龙点睛的效果。 e.g. “Water” (水): 开头:Water is one of the most important natural resources in the world. 结尾:In one word, water is so important that we should save as much water as possible in our lives. Tips: 要避免同一句话在首尾的简单重复,没有变化。,



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