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1、助动词&情态动词,(一)、助动词概述,助动词(Auxiliary Verb)本身没有意义,只是用来帮助主要动词构成各种时态、语态以及用于否定和疑问结构。 英语中的助动词主要有: be 、been、being、am、 is 、are、was、were have、has、had shall、will、should、would do 、 does、did,(二)、助动词的基本用法,We shall be there at 10. 我们十点到达那里。 I am writing the letter. 我正在写信。 Tim had finished his homework. 提姆已经做完了作业。,1.

2、时态助动词有be、have、shall(should)、will(would), 它们和非限定动词一起构成各种时态语态。,用shall be构成 一般将来时,用am构成现在进行时,用had构成 现在完成时,(二)、助动词的基本用法,Jacob is not easily pleased. 雅各布很难取悦。 An agreement will be arrived at soon. 协议将很快达成。 My car has been repaired. 我的车已经修好了。,2.有be构成被动语态。,一般现在时被动,一般将来时被动,现在完成时被动,(二)、助动词的基本用法,If I hadnt ta

3、ken your advice, I would have made a mistake. 如果我没采取你的建议,我就会犯错。 If she were here , everything would be all right. 如果她在,一切都会好的。,3.由were、had、 should、would、should have、would hav等 构成虚拟语气。,(二)、助动词的基本用法,Do you have any question? 你们有问题吗? Does John like swimming? 约翰喜欢游泳吗? Did you go to school yesterday? 昨天你

4、上学了吗?,4.由do、does、did 构成一般现在时和一般过去时的疑问句。,(二)、助动词的基本用法,I dont know what to do. 我不知道干什么。 Tim doesnt like swimming.提姆不喜欢游泳。They didnt take my advice.他们没听我的建议。,5.由do not , does not , did not 构成一般现在时和一般过去时的否定。,(三)、助动词 be,be的形式,(三)、助动词 be,He is reading. 他正在读书。(现在进行时) I will be waiting for you there then. 我

5、到时在那里等你。(将来进行时)What have you been doing these days?,基本用法,1.与现在分词构成进行时态,2.与have及现在分词构成完成进行时,(三)、助动词 be,The ship was seriously damaged. 这艘船受到严重的破坏。 They shall be punished. 他们将会受到惩罚。Tom is a teacher. 汤姆是老师。 He is out of work again. 他又失业了。 It cant be so. 不会是这样吧。 We were late today. 今天我们迟到了。,3.与过去分词构成被动语

6、态。,4.be用作系动词,(三)、助动词 be,We are to discuss it in the following week. 我们打算下周讨论这件事。(计划) All junior officers are to report to the colonel at once. 全体下级军官都必须立即向上校报道。(命令) Her father was often to be seen in the bar of this hotel. 在这家酒吧的旅馆经常可以见到他父亲。(可能) What is to be done? 应该做什么?(应该),5.与不定式连用,表示计划、命令、可能、应该等

7、意思。,(三)、助动词 be,What am I to do? 我该怎么办? Where am I to go ? 我该去哪里?If we are to succeed , we must redouble our efforts. 我们要想成功。必须加倍努力。(are to 译为想要),6.用于固定习语。,7.用于条件从句。,(三)、助动词 be,Its going to rain. 快要下雨了。 They are ging to get married. 他们要结婚了。 she is on the point of leaving. 她正要走。,8.be 后接going to , abou

8、t to , on the point of 等表示将来时间,或根据计划、意图等将要发生的事。,(四0、助动词have,have的形式,(四)、助动词have,I have read the book. 我已经读过这本书了。 Justin has left. 贾斯汀已经走了。 Kenny had not kept the door locked; there had been no need.肯尼没有锁门,因为没必要锁门。,基本用法,1.与过去分词连用构成完成时态。,(四)、助动词have,I have been washing my cloth the whole morning. 一早上我

9、都在洗衣服。 Lawrence has been working as a worker there for nearly five years. 劳伦斯在这里工作了将近五年了。,2.与been +现在分词 构成各种完成进行时态。,(四)、助动词have,I have to/ must leave now. 现在我必须离开。 I didnt catch the bus , so I had to walk home. 我没有赶上公交,所有只有走路回家。 Do you have to go now?/Have you to go now? 你现在必须走吗? Mike doesnt have to

10、 be there./Mike hasnt to be there. 麦克没有必要呆在那里。,3.构成have to结构,与must意思相近。,(四)、助动词have,You had better stay at home. 你最好还是呆在家里。 You d better have had that experience before。 假如你以前有过经验就好了。 Youd better not run the risk. 你最好别在冒那个险了。,4.构成had better(最好还是) , had best(还是最好) ,had rather等词组。,(五)、助动词do,do 的形式,(五)

11、、助动词do,Do you understand this? 你明白这一切吗? Dont go yet. 先别走。 They didnt tell me why. 他们没告诉我原因。 Did She go to the party? 他去参加了舞会吗?,基本用法,1.接动词原形,构成疑问句和否定句。,(五)、助动词do,Did you visit Mt. Tai? Yes, we did. 你们访去过泰山吗? 是的,我们去过。 Sally got lost yesterday. Did She? 萨利昨天迷路了。 是吗? You like it , dont you? 你喜欢它,是吗?,2.构

12、成简略问答以及反意疑问句。,(五)、助动词do,Do have another cup of coffee before you go. 在你走之前一定再来一杯咖啡。 But I do want to go. 但是我确实想走。 Not until late that night did they get back. 他们那天晚上很晚才赶回来。,3.表示强调。,(五)、助动词do,May I come round in the morning? Yes, please do. 我可以上午来拜访吗? 可以,请来吧。 I do not agree. Nor does she. 我不同意,她也不同意。

13、 You like the pop music , dont you ? Yes, I do. 你喜欢流行音乐,是吗? 是的。,4.用来代替前面出现的动作。,(五)、助动词do,Never did I tell him about that. 我从来没有告诉过他那件事。 Rarely does it snow in the South. 南方很少下雪。 Only after a short delay did they come. 只耽搁了不久他们就来了。,5.在一些以否定副词never,rarely,scarcely,only等为首的句子中, 如果实义动词是现在时或过去时,助动词do和did

14、可以构成主谓倒装。,(六)、助动词shall & should,We shall / will arrive tomorrow. 我们可能明天到。 Shall we be back now? 现在我们要回去吗? What shall you do next? 接下来你要做什么? When shall you be there? 你什么时候在那里。,1.助动词shall用来构成将来时,在表示一般将来情况时,shall用于第一人称。,(六)、助动词shall & should,I told him that I should see him the next day. 我告诉了她,我第二天要去看她

15、。 I should have bought it if I hd the money. 如果我有钱的话,我就买了。,2.should用于构成过去将来时,在表示过去时间范畴内的一般将来情况时, 多用于间接引语或是虚拟语气,用于第一人称。,(七)、助动词will&would,You will be in time if you hurry. 要是你抓紧时间,会来得及。 Tomorrow will be Saturday. 明天是星期六。 Will they have anything to do tonight? 今天晚上他们有事吗?,1.will用于构成一般将来时,用于二、三人称。,(七)、助

16、动词will&would,I said that She wouldnt go. 我说过她不会走的。 We should have come if it had not rained. 要不是下雨,我们就来了。,2.助动词would用于过去将来时,多用于间接引语或虚拟语气, 用于二三人称,并可以代替should用于第一人称。,情 态 动 词,英语常见的情态动词主要有: can , could may, might, must , ought to shall , should will , would need , dare,(一)、can & could 的用法,can本身表示能力或可能性,用于指现在或将来。 could表示能力或可能性,用于过去,也可以指现在,指现在时多用于虚拟,比can委婉。I can speak English. 我会说英语。 The hall could sat 1000 people. 这个大厅可容纳1000人。 If you shut your eyes , you cant see. 你闭上眼睛就看不见了。,



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