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1、2015届高考英语语法复习课件,介 词,定义:介词是一种虚词,在句中不能单独作句子成分。介词后面一般有名词、代词或相当于名词的其他词类作它的宾语。,分类: 1由一个单词构成的介词,叫作简单介词。 2由两个或两个以上单词构成的介词,叫作复杂介词。 3由两个介词构成的介词,叫作双重介词。,指出介词短语在句中充当的成分 1. He is a writer of promise. 他是一个有前途的作家。2. The book is out of print. 此书已绝版。,表语,定语,3. The umbrella was eventually found behind the door. 雨伞最终在

2、门后面找到。4. Keeping everything in good order takes energy. 把一切弄得井然有序很花精力。,主补,宾补,5. Thoughts are expressed by means of words.思想通过语言来表达。 6. To my delight, he has recovered.使我高兴的是,他已经康复。,独立成分(插入语),状语,介词短语/词组在句中作定语,表语,状语,(主/宾)补语,或独立成分。,在句中空格上填上适当的介词,并总结其用法规律 1. What will happen _ the 22nd century? 2. The s

3、tory of The Long March took place_ the 1930s. 3. A terrible disturbance broke out _ 1989. 4. Generally, fishing is forbidden _ Spring.,in,in,in,in,5. Mothers Day falls _the second Sunday of May. 6. _ those old days, farmers led a miserable life. 7. I received a card posted from the UK _Christmas. 8.

4、 Reading English aloud _ the morning helps improve our English study. 9. The theft happened_ noon, when all the workers were sleeping.,In,on,at,in,at,10. Did you witness the traffic accident _ a rainy morning? 11. Traffic jams are quite usual _ Friday afternoon. 12. The City Library opened _eight_ t

5、he morning_ this week. 13. Days _ Monday_ Friday are called weekdays.,on,on,at,in,from,不填,to,14. It is said that the railway will be put into use _ three months. 15. WW began in 1939 and _ 6 years it came to an end. 16. You may go to have breakfast _6 oclock _ 8 oclock. 17. She is always talking _lu

6、nch time.,after,in,between,and,during/at,18. You plane leaves at 10 and you should get your package ready _8 oclock. 19. I didnt go to sleep _ deep into the night. 20. China has experienced great changes _ liberation.,since,until,by,可以连接时间的介词十分繁多。 1在某个世纪用介词in 2. 在某个年代用介词in 3. 在某一年用介词in 4. 在某个季节用介词in

7、 5. 在某一天用介词on 6. 在某些日子里(复数)用介词in,2,7. 在圣诞节用介词at,但注意:on Christmas Day。 8. 在笼统的上午,下午,晚上用介词in 9.在一天的某个特定部分(dawn,sunrise,daybreak,noon,sunset,night)用at,此时名词前无修饰词。 10. 在一天的某个部分前有形容词修饰时用介词on 11. 在具体某天的某个部分用介词on,12. 在某时刻用介词at,时间名词前有this,that,next,last修饰时,介词省略。 13. 表示时间起止用fromto 14. 以现在为起点,过多久以后用介词 in 15. 以

8、过去为起点,过多久以后用介词after 16. 在之间用介词betweenand,2,17. 在期间用介词during 18. 到什么时候为止用介词by 19. 直到什么时间用until 20. 从过去时间点到现在用介词since,根据汉语提示,填写正确的介词 1. _ 在某地点(表示比较小的地方) 2. _ 在某地(表示比较大的地方) 3. _ the farm在农场 4. _ 在上面(有接触面) 5. _ 在上方 6. _ 在正上方 7. _ 在正下方,在以下,at inon on above over under,8. _ 在下方(不一定是正下方) 9. _ 在的旁边(比near的距离要

9、近) 10. _ 在两者之间 11. _ 在两者以上之间 12. _ 环绕,在的周围,在的四周 13. _ 在对面 14. _ 在后边 15. _ 在之内(表示静态) 16. _ 进入,below by between among around/about opposite behind ininto,17. _ 从出来 18. _ 沿着 19. _ 横过(平面物体) 20. _ 贯通,通过 21. _ 去/朝 22. _ 从地点起 23. _ 在的前面 24. _ 在的前部 25. _ 在中部,out of along acrossthrough to / for/toward from i

10、n front of in the front of in the middle of,26. _ 在中心 27. _ 在腹地 28. _ 在的脚下 29. _ 在的底端 30. _ 在的后部 31. _ 在的顶部 32. _ 超出(范围),在较远的一边 33. _ 越过 34. _ 靠近,in/at the center of in the heart of at the foot of at the bottom of at the back ofat/on the top of beyond over near/ next to,3,表示地点、方向/方位的介词,数量繁多(如上所述),学习

11、时要注意其用法区别。,在句中空格上填上适当的介词,并总结其用法规律 1. The soldier was severely punished _having disobeyed the order.这个士兵因违背命令受到了严厉处罚。 2. The old man died_ hunger on a cold night.那位老人饿死在一个寒冷的晚上。3. The little girls hands turned red_ cold.小女孩的手冻红了。,for,of,with,4. A number of smokers died _ lung cancer.许多吸烟者死于肺癌。 5. The

12、 pupil didnt go to school _ _ his illness.这个学生因病未去上学。 6. He did it totally _ _ kindness, not for the money.他做那件事完全是出于好意,而不是为了金钱。,of/from,of,of,because,out,4,表示原因的介词主要有: 1. for,用于常见结构: thank sb. for (doing) sth. praise sb. for (doing) sth. reward sb. for (doing) sth. scold sb. for (doing) sth.,4,表示原因

13、的介词主要有: 1. for,用于常见结构: punish sb. for (doing) sth. criticize sb. for (doing) sth. apologize to sb. for (doing) sth. charge sb. some money for (doing) sth.,4,2. of/from, 用于常见结构: die of;die from;be tired of;be tired from; suffer from 3. with, 用于常见结构:be pleased with;be bored with;be satisfied with;be a

14、ngry with; with anger; with cold 4. because of,同义表达有:on account of; as a result of; due to; owing to; thanks to 5. out of,接抽象名词,有“出于”之意。,翻译下列句子,指出画线介词或介词短语的用法 1. Most of the time, we communicate each other by email.,答案 大多数时间我们通过电子邮件相互联系。by 常接交通工具,通讯工具,此时名词用单数且其前无修饰词。也可接动名词,表方式。,2. Please fill in the form in pen.,答案 请用钢笔字体填表。in后接抽象名词,通常表“用字体”,“用语言”,“用颜色”等,表示用何种字体时,书写工具名词用单数且其前无修饰词。,


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