land, people and history of Canada

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《land, people and history of Canada》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《land, people and history of Canada(58页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Land, People and History of Canada,Land Physical geography Location and size Geographic regions Climate Major cities,People and history Waves of immigration Demography Discovery and exploration European settlement British Canada Canadian nation Canada since the1980s,The Land Where Is Canada?,The Lan

2、d Provincial Canada,Welcome to Canada!,Canada is the second largest country in the world. (Over 10 million square kilometers.)Longest coastline in the world.10 provinces and 3 territories.A large and geographically diverse country with a small population.Density 4:1,The 4 parts of the CanadaGreat La

3、kes and St. Lawrence LowlandsCanadian Shield Canadian Interior PlainsWestern Cordillera,The Lakes in Canada,Canada has numerous lakes which cover 7.6% of its landmass. Among them, the Great Lakes on the border between Canada and the U.S are the largest group of the freshwaters lakes in the world. Ca

4、nada shares with the U.S Niagara Falls, one of the most spectacular natural wonders on the North American continent.,The Great Lakes,Superior, Ontario, Huron. Erie, and Michigan. The Great Lakes helped industrial development by making transport easier. They helped develop trade with the USA. They al

5、so provide hydroelectric power.,St. Lawrence Lowlands,Alongside Lake Ontario: has highly developed agriculture.Political and economic centre of the country.Over 50% of pop. Live here. of industrial production.,Canadian Shield,Largest area of the country: 36% of landmass: mostly bare rocks.Extensive

6、mineral reserves.Name comes from the fact that it covers most of the northern part of the country and shields it from the Arctic.,Interior Plains or Great Plains,The barn of Canada. Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. 18% of the country. Once the home of the Buffalo. Endless horizo

7、n.,Western Rockies,16% of the country. Various topography: snow, forests, rivers. Okanagan Valley is a major wine industry.,The Forests and mountains in Canada,Canada is abundant in forest resources. In fact, approximately 39% of the country is covered with forest. Westward, toward the Pacific Ocean

8、, the area is covered by mountain ranges from north to south including the Rockey Mountains. The countrys highest peak is Mount Logan (洛根山) located in the southwestern part of the Yukon Territory at 5,959 meters.,Climate (What is the coldest temperature ever recorded in Canada?,Maritimes: cold, damp

9、, cloudy. Great Plains: long, warm summer days. Western Rockies: wet and mild on coast, dry inland. Arctic region: severe winters at -35/50c Coldest temperature ever recorded in Canada is -81c.,Canadians enjoy four very distinct seasons and each season has its own characteristics. Fall is the most b

10、eautiful season of all, the maple trees are the most shinning scenery in the whole country.,Terrorism suspects appear in court in Canada,Raed Jaser, 35, did not enter a plea and waived his right to have the charges read against him after being charged with terrorism Monday and was remanded into cust

11、ody until his next court hearing on May 23. Jasers lawyer, John Norris, was able to secure a publication ban on future evidence and testimony. No details were available about Jaser. Neither man is a Canadian citizen.,waves of immigrationthe first wave: most of them are Frenchthe second wave: most of

12、 them are Britishthe third wave: most of them are Europeansthe fourth wave: substantial non-English or non-French speaking populationthe fifth wave: most of them come from South Asia and China and this trend is expected to continue,The People Two Cultures,The 2006 census a total population of 31,612

13、,897 in Canada.Both English and French are the official languages at the federal level.,Self-Reported Ethnic Origins(2006 Census),Other Origins(2006 Census),The Land Canadian Provinces and Population,Multicultural History,1969 Official Languages Act made English and French official languages of Cana

14、da. 1971 13% 2001 17.6% bilingual. This idea is in tension with the more multi-cultural population. 35% British origin and 25% French origin. But half of all immigrants 1981-91 from Asia. Chinese 3rd most popular language. Multi-racial nation emerging.,Chinese Canadians History,188 first Chinese gol

15、d miners arrive in BC. 1872 BC denies Chinese Canadians the right to vote. 1885 head tax of $50 regulates Chinese immigration to Canada. Head tax raised to $100 in 1900. 1919 Chinese population of Vancouver 6,000. 1923 Chinese Exclusion Act (repealed 1947). 1947 Chinese given the vote in Canada. 195

16、7 first Chinese Canadian elected to federal parliament.,4.Major Cities,Canadas capital and its major cities are situated in the south, near its border with the United States.,Big Cities,Ottawa(渥太华):the capital of Canada, the countrys fourth largest city, located in the Ottawa Valley Toronto (多伦多):Located in Ontario(安大略省),the largest city in Canada Montreal (蒙特利尔):Located in Quebec(魁北克省), the second largest city in Canada Vancouver (温哥华): Located in British Columbia(英属哥仑比亚), Canadas third largest city (the forth, Ottawa),


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