高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解九月训练选编(三)11

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1、1贵州大方县贵州大方县 20172017 高考英语阅读理解一轮九月训练选编(三)高考英语阅读理解一轮九月训练选编(三)【2016 高考训练】阅读理解推理判断题。The word proactivity is fairly common in management literature, but you wont find it in the dictionary. It means that as a human being you take responsibility for your own life.Look at the word responsibility: ability to

2、 choose your response, response-ability. Effective people are proactive because they take responsibility. Their behavior is a product of their own decisions, based on values, rather than being a product of their own conditions, based on feelings. For instance, you are planning a picnic with your fam

3、ily. Youre excited. You have all the preparations, Youve decided where to go, and then it becomes stormy, killing your plan. Proactive people carry weather within them. They realize what their purpose really was, and they creatively have a picnic elsewhere even if its in their own basement with some

4、 special games, and make the best of that situation. The opposite of being proactive is to be reactive. Reactive people would say, “Whats the use?” ”We cant do anything.” “Oh this is so upsetting after all of our preparations and arrangements.” They try to persuade the people around them and usually

5、 the picnic will be cancelled.Being proactive is really just being true to your human nature. Your basic nature is to act, and not to be acted upon. Thats true, despite widely accepted theories of determinism used to explain human nature. Determinism says that you dont really choose anything and tha

6、t what you call choices are nothing more than automatic responses to outside conditions.The language of reactive people is lie:”I cant .” “Dont have time.” ” I have to .” I must.” The whole spirit of that language is the transfer of responsibility. They think things are determined by their environme

7、nt, or by their conditions, or by their conditioning or their genetic makeup. Psychologically, people who believe they are determined will produce the evidence to support the belief, and they increasingly feel victimized and out of control. 2Theyre not in charge of their life at all.On the contrary,

8、 a proactive person exercises free will, the freedom to choose the response that best applies to his values. In that way, he gains control over the circumstances, rather than being controlled by them.1.According to the passage, a proactive persons behavior can result from .A.The environment B. an in

9、ner beliefC. the genetic makeup D. a temporary feeling2. When a picnic plan is threatened by a sudden storm, reactive people will probably .A. have the picnic as plannedB. make the best of the picnicC. complain and give up the picnicD. find somewhere else for the picnic3. What does” carry weather wi

10、thin them” in the second paragraph probably mean?A. Manage to improve the weather.B. Give in to the weather passively.C. Stress the influence of the weather.D. Find a solution to the weather problems.4. It can be concluded from the passage that determinists(宿命论者) .A. accept things passivelyB. are in

11、 charge of themselvesC. are similar to proactive peopleD. respond to outside conditions actively语篇解读 本文主要介绍了积极的人和消极的的之间的区别,例如在遇到天气不好野餐计划搁浅的时候,积极的人会想办法进行野餐,而消极的人却由周围的环境左右其决定。1.B 细节理解题。根据第三段 Being proactive is really just being true to your human nature. You basic nature is to act, and not to be acted

12、 upon. 可知,积极主动是按照天性来做最真正的自己。人的本性是行动,而不是任人摆布。可知一个积极的人,他的行动源于他的内心和本性。故选 B。2.C 细节理解题。根据第二段 They try to persuade the people around them and 3usually the picnic will be cancelled. 可知,消极的人会试图说服他们周围的人并最后取消野餐。3.D 推理判断题。根据下文 They realize what their purpose really was, and they creatively have a picnic elsewh

13、ere even if its in their own basement with some special games 可知,当环境不得于计划的时候,积极的人会创造性的想出解决方法,达到目的。4.A 推理判断题。 根据第四段 They think things are determined by their environment, or by their conditions, or by their conditioning or their genetic makeup. 可知,消极的人认为事情是由环境决定的。又根据第二段野餐的例子可知,消极的人在面对计划不得不改变时,他们会抱怨但接

14、受现实,而不会想办法去创造机会实现目标。20162016 高考英语高考英语*阅读理解。阅读理解。阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 I prefer Lynne Trusss phraseology: I am a grammar “sticker”. And, like Truss author of Eats, shoots & Leaves I have a “zero tolerance” approach to grammar mistakes that make people look stupid.Now, Truss and I disagr

15、ee on what it means to have “zero tolerance”. She thinks that people who mix up basic grammar “deserve to be struck by lightning, hacked (砍) up on the spot and buried in an unmarked grave”, while I just think they deserve to be passed over for a job even if they are otherwise qualified for the posit

16、ion.Everyone who applies for a position at either of my companies, iFixit or Dozuki, takes a compulsory grammar test. If job hopefuls cant distinguish between “to” and “too”, their applications go into the bin.Of course, we write for a living. iF is the worlds largest online repair manual (指南), and Dozuki helps companies write their own technical documentation, like paperless work instructions and ste


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