高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解选习题2

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1、1江苏海门市江苏海门市 20172017 高考英语一轮阅读理解选习高考英语一轮阅读理解选习阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的 A,B,C 或 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。George Gershwin,born in 1898,was one of Americas greatest composers.He published his first song when he was eighteen years old.During the next twenty years he wrote more than five hundred songs.Many of Gershwins so

2、ngs were first written for musical plays performed in theatres in New York City.These plays were a popular form of entertainment in the 1920s and 1930s.Many of his songs have remained popular as ever.Over the years they have been sung and played in every possible wayfrom jazz to country.In the 1920s

3、 there was a debate in the United States about jazz music.Could jazz,some people asked,be considered serious music? In 1924 jazz musician and orchestra leader Paul Whiteman decided to organize a special concert to show that jazz was serious music.Gershwin agreed to compose something for the concert

4、before he realized he had just a few weeks to do it.And in that short time,he composed a piece for piano and orchestra which he called Rhapsody in Blue.Gershwin himself played the piano at the concert.The audience were thrilled when they heard his music.It made him worldfamous and showed that jazz m

5、usic could be both serious and popular.In 1928,Gershwin went to Paris.He applied to study composition (作曲)with the wellknown musician Nadia Boulanger,but she rejected him.She was afraid that classical study would ruin his jazzinfluenced style.While there,Gershwin wrote An American in Paris.When it w

6、as first performed,critics (评论家)were divided over the music.Some called it happy and full of life,to others it was stilly and boring.But it quickly became popular in Europe and the United States.It still remains one of his most famous works.George Gershwin died in 1937,just days after doctors learne

7、d he had brain cancer.He was only thirtynine years old.Newspapers all over the world reported his death on their front pages.People mourned the loss of the man and all the music he might have still written.【语篇解读】 本文讲述了 George Gershwin 一位伟大的音乐家的一生,对音乐界及世界的影响。1Many of Gershwins musical works were_.Awr

8、itten about New Yorkers2Bcomposed for Paul WhitemanCplayed mainly in the countrysideDperformed in various ways解析 细节理解题。根据原文第二段末 Over the years they have been sung and played in every possible wayfrom jazz to country.其中“they”指代 Gershwins musical works, “in every possible way ”与 various ways 属于同义替换,所以

9、选 D。答案 D 。2What do we know about the concert organized by Whiteman?AIt attracted more people to theatres.BIt proved jazz could be serious music.CIt made Gershwin leader of the orchestra.DIt caused a debate among jazz musicians.解析 细节理解题。根据原文第三段中 In 1924, jazz musician and orchestra leader Paul Whitem

10、an decided to organize a special concert to show that jazz was serious music .其中“show that jazz was serious music”和 B 选项是表达的一个意思,所以选B。答案 B.3What did Gershwin do during his stay in Paris?AHe created one of his best works.BHe studied with Nadia Boulanger.CHe argued with French critics.DHe changed his

11、music style.解析 细节理解题。根据原文第四段中“It still remains one of his most famous works.”其中 it 指的就是 An American in Paris, “one of his most famous works.”即 A 选项中的 one of his best works。答案 A.4What do we learn from the last paragraph?AMany of Gershwins works were lost.BThe death of Gershwin was widely reported.CA

12、concert was held in memory of Gershwin.DBrain cancer research started after Gershwins death.解析 推理判断题。根据原文最后一段, “Newspapers all over the world reported his death on their front pages.”即说明了 B 选项“The death of Gershwin was widely reported.”故 B 正确。其它选项均没有涉及。3答案 B.5Which of the following best describes Ge

13、rshwin?ATalented and productive.BSerious and boring.CPopular and unhappy.DFriendly and honest.解析 主旨大意题。从全文看,这个人不可能用 boring 这样感情色彩负面的词来形容,故 B错误;文中提到他 popular,但没有说他 unhappy,故 C 错误;friendly 和 honest 在文中没有具体体现,没有根据,故 D 错误;A 选项中 talented 有天分的,productive 多产的,准确地描述了 Gershwin 作为一个作曲家所具备的素质。答案 A.【广东省广东省 2012

14、2012 届高三考前冲刺卷届高三考前冲刺卷( (二二)】)】CThere is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling.No school I have taught in has ever considered spelling unimportant as a basic skill.There are,however,quite different ideas about how to teach it,or how much priority it must be

15、given over general language development and writing ability.The problem is,how to encourage a child to express himself freely in writing without holding him back with spelling.If spelling becomes the only point of his teachers interest,clearly a bright child will be likely to “play_safe” He will wri

16、te only words within his spelling range.Thats why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal experience:“This work is terrible!There are far too many spelling mistakes.” It may have been a sharp criticism of the pupils technical abilities in writing,but it was also a sad thing for the teac


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