高中英语 Unit 3 Under the sea Section Ⅰ Warming up & Reading-Prereading课时作业版选修7

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1、UnitUnit 3 3 UnderUnder thethe seaseaSectionSection WarmingWarming upup andand ReadingReadingPrereadingPrereading.完形填空When I was in first grade,doctors found a cancer in my head.It changed my_1_.After an operation,I spent a whole year getting treatment.The_2_medicine that cured the cancer made my st

2、omach hurt.One day,when I found out about a program that trains dogs to be friends with people,I_3_my parents to let me have one.They knew it had been a(n)_4_year for me and they said yes.I was really happy,but I didnt_5_that my life was about to change again.We went to visit a few dogs to see if an

3、y seemed_6_for me.We went outside to play with them,and I found there was_7_magical about one dog.Instead of running around and playing like the other dogs,Coco just_8_with me on the grass.Since I felt so_9_,taking a rest was all I wanted to do.Coco seemed to_10_it.Right then,I started to feel bette

4、r with Coco sitting next to me.I knew she was the right dog,and she came home with us.Coco was_11_there for me and with the help of her_12_,my cancer was cured.That was when I realized that I _13_to help someone else get a dog like Coco.I_14_that if I could do that,another kid with cancer could star

5、t to feel better,too.I needed to_15_enough money for one_16_dog.I sold homemade dog biscuits and after a summer of sales,I had enough money to pay for a(n)_17_.My first adopted dog,Lucky Bug,went to Krysta,who had lost most of her_18_when she got cancer.She couldnt see the dog,_19_she could get to k

6、now him by touching and smelling him.I_20_cancer,and I knew Lucky Bug would help Krysta the way Coco had helped me.语篇解读 作者上小学一年级就得了癌症,但她很坚强并且在一条狗的陪伴下战胜了病魔,也因此开始帮助一些像她一样得癌症的小朋友。 1A.habits BhobbiesCcharacterDlife解析: 根据本段末 my life was about to change 及下文内容可知,癌症改变了作者的生活(life)。答案: D2A.terribleBtraditiona

7、lCexpensive Defficient解析: 由本空后 made my stomach hurt 可推测,此处是作者在抱怨治癌症的药很糟糕(terrible)。答案: A3A.advised BbeggedCallowed Dhelped解析: 由下文 and they said yes 可知作者请求(begged)父母给她买一条小狗。 答案: B4A.strangeBtoughCnew Dexciting解析: 因为得了癌症,一年的治疗是很难熬的,故 tough(艰难的,艰辛的)符合语境。答案: B5A.believeBrememberCrealize Dunderstand解析: 父

8、母答应给自己买一条小狗作伴,作者很高兴,但她此时还没有意识到(realize)自己后来的生活会因此而改变。答案: C6A.beautiful BfriendlyCright Dgentle解析: 作者一家去看了很多狗,是想为作者选一条合适的(right)。下文的 I knew she was the right.为提示。答案: C7A.everything BsomethingCanything Dnothing解析: 由下文 Coco 与其他狗的不同可知,作者觉得 Coco 身上有些东西(something)很神奇。答案: B8A.played BlayCranDsat解析: 由下文 wit

9、h Coco sitting next to me 可知,Coco 没有和其他狗一起奔跑玩耍,而是坐在(sat)作者身旁。答案: D9A.sickBsadCboredDlonely解析: 由作者身患癌症及“只想休息”可知,作者感觉不舒服(sick)。答案: A10A.enjoy Bsense CshareDkeep解析: 由下文 Coco 呆在作者身旁,因此作者感觉好多了及最后作者带 Coco 回家可知,作者觉得 Coco 似乎能感觉到(sense)她不舒服。 答案: B11A.alwaysBsometimesCseldom Dnever答案: A12A.care BeffortCmedici

10、ne Dfriendship解析: 由上下文不难得知,Coco 总是(always)陪着作者,并且在她友谊(friendship)的帮助下,作者战胜了癌症。答案: D13A.planned BpreparedCwanted Doffered答案: C14A.admittedBdoubtedCfigured Ddiscovered解析: 作者在 Coco 的陪伴下,战胜了癌症,因此意识到自己想要(wanted)帮助其他患有癌症的孩子也能有一条像 Coco 一样的狗,因为她认为(figured)自己能做到的事情,其他孩子也能做到。答案: C15A.borrow BraiseCsaveDreceiv

11、e解析: 由下文作者出售自己家做的狗饼干可知,作者在为别的孩子可以拥有一条像Coco 这样的狗而筹集(raise)善款。答案: B16A.abandoned BtrainedCcured Dlost解析: 由文章第一段 I found out about a program that trains dogs to be friends with people 可知,这些狗都是经过训练(trained)的。答案: B17A.adoption BtreatmentCproject Dbiscuit解析: 由本空后的 My first adopted dog 可知,作者经过一个夏天的辛苦筹钱,终于筹

12、足了钱可以领养第一条狗,此处 adoption 指具体领养的东西。答案: A18A.patience BenergyCeyesight Dhearing解析: 由下文的 She couldnt see the dog 可知,Krysta 因为患上癌症而失明(eyesight)。答案: C19A.as Bor CifDbut解析: “她看不见狗”和“能够通过抚摸和嗅觉来了解狗”之间是转折关系,故选but。答案: D20A.forgot BsurvivedCignored Dhated解析: 由上文 my cancer was cured 可知,作者最终战胜了癌症,故 survived(幸存)符合

13、语境。答案: B.阅读理解Robert Ballard was born in 1942.From an early age,he loved the sea.Ballard grew up in Southern California.He spent his free time at the beach near his home.He enjoyed fishing and swimming.He even learned to scuba dive.When Ballard wasnt at the ocean,he loved reading about it.At age 10,h

14、e read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.That was one of the first sciencefiction books.It describes the undersea adventures of Captain Nemo.Ballard decided he wanted to be like Captain Nemo when he grew up.His parents helped him follow his dream.Ballard was a hardworking student.He spent many years lear

15、ning all he could about the ocean.By the age of 28,he was an expert.In 1970,he took a job as a scientist at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Massachusetts.There he studied underwater mountains of the Atlantic Ocean.He came up with ways to predict volcanoes under the oceans.Working with other sc

16、ientists,Ballard also found previously unknown sea animals.These animals lived far below the oceans surface,where scientists had believed no animals could live.By the 1980s,Ballards interests changed.He developed unmanned vehicles to explore the oceans depths.His first find,the wellknown ship Titanic,mad


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