八年级英语下册 Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents Period 3教案人教新目标版

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1、1Unit4.Unit4. whywhy dontdont youyou talktalk toto youryour parents?parents?Period3 SectionB1a-1e【教学目标】知识与技能知识与技能(1)熟练掌握下列词汇: Member,compete , pressure, opinion, skill, typical, continue, push, development, cut out, (2)熟练掌握下列短语: compete with sb.(3)掌握下列句型:.I think Wei Ming should 1 Although you may b

2、e, you should talk to them. Life shouldnt just be about Why dont they just let their kids be kids? Although its normal to want successful children, its even more important to have happy children. 过程与方法过程与方法讨论,听力训练情感、态度与价值观情感、态度与价值观遇到问题要主动地去和家人、朋友或亲近的人交流;如果遇到身边的人遇到问题,能主动提供帮助。【教学重难点】重点:重点:1.掌握 8 个单词,1

3、 个短语(member, pressure, opinion, skill, typical, continue, push, development, cut out, )2.能根据具体语言环境,灵活运用各个短语和词组。难点:难点:解决问题. 听力训练【导学过程】2一新课预习一新课预习1.单词(拼读听写过关)member n 成员, 分子 pressure 压力, opinion 意见,想法,看法 skill 技巧, 技艺, typical 典型的 , continue 持续, 继续存在push 推动, 移动 development 发展,发育, 成长cut out 删去, 删除 compa

4、re .with . 比较, 对比2.短语。Play sports_, hang out with friends_,spend time alone_, play computer games_read books_, watch movies_二二. . 情景导入情景导入1 .RevisionDaily greeting. 复习提建议的表达方式,并完成相关任务。 Let some Ss give advice.2. Warming up T: Show a picture of student. Whats wrong with the girl? Shes too stressed ou

5、t. What should she do? Can you give her some advice?Ss discuss the problem and give some advices: e.g.S1: Why not hang out with her friends. S2: She could play sports. S3: She could play computer games. S4: She should listen to music and read some books. 三合作探究三合作探究1.Work on 1b Ask one student read t

6、he sentences in 1a. Explain some main sentences. What activities do you like to help lower your stress? Order them from 1-8 3with being the most favorite thing you do to lower stress. Ss discuss with their desk mates then order them. Let some Ss say their answers 2.Talking Let some Ss talk about the

7、ir answers. S1: I always hang out with my friends to lower stress.S2: I like to listen to music to lower stress best. 3. Listening .Work on 1c: Tell Ss to read the sentences 1c first. Play the recording for the Ss. Ss just listen for the first time. Play the recording again and check the problems We

8、i Ming talks about. Check the answers: 4.Work on 1d: Let Ss read the sentences in 1d first. Tell Ss to listen again and fill in the blanks.Play the recording again for the Ss to listen and write. Ss listen to the recording carefully and try to write the words in the blanks. Check the answers with th

9、e class. 5. Pair workWork in pairs. Let two students make a model for the Ss. Ss practice their conversations 四点拨总结四点拨总结1.member noun (of sth) 成员;分子 a member of the family 家庭中的一员 member noun 成员;会员party members 党员How much does it cost to become a _?要成为会员得花多少钱?2. compete/kmpi:t /verb (in sth) (against

10、 sb) 参加比赛(或竞赛)4Hes hoping to compete in the London marathon.他期盼着参加伦敦马拉松比赛。compete/kmpi:t /verb (with sb) (for sth) 竞争;对抗We cant compete with them on price.我们在价格上无法与他们竞争。我们在跟大我们一倍的公司的竞争。We are _ with companies that are twice our petition noun 比赛;竞赛a music/photo competition 音乐、摄影比赛to enter/lose a comp

11、etition 参加/ 输掉比赛 赢得比赛_五训练评价五训练评价 用 compete,compete, pressure,pressure, membermember 的适当形式填空。1.1.His father put _on him to become a doctor.2.2.The lion is a _of the cat family.3.3.Shes been experiencing a lot of p_ at work lately.4.4.Its difficult for a small shop to _against/with the big supermarkets.5.5.Are you _ in the 100 meters?6.6.They both work well under _.7.7.The club has 300 _.六学习反思六学习反思 开心 ,我学会了:1. 2. 3. 加油 ,这些我还不懂:1. 2. 3.


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