八年级英语下册 Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks(第2课时)练习人教新目标版

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1、1UnitUnit 2 2 IllIll helphelp toto cleanclean upup thethe citycity parksparks第二课时 SectionSection A A(3a3a3c3c) .根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1 1Jack has several(几个) good friends here,and he often visits them. 2 2Im going to make a long journey(旅行) to Yunnan with my parents during the summer holidays. 3 3To her jo

2、y(高兴),she won the first pri ze. 4 4The tiger is very strong(强壮的) because it eats lots of meat every day. 5 5Those famous singers had a concert to raise(募集) money for Project Hope last Saturday. .用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 6 6She looked at her sons picture with great satisfaction(satisfy) 7 7She has a feeling(

3、feel) that someone is following her. 8 8We should help the lovely cat find its owner(own) 9 9The students stopped talking(talk) when the teacher came in. 1010Could you tell me what to_do(do) next? .单项选择。(选出能替换句子画线部分的最佳选项)(D)11.11.There are _ students studying hard in the classroom.They must get good

4、 grades. A much Blittle Cfew Dseveral(D)12.12.The little boy could read by_himself at the age of four. Afast Bhappily Cquietly Dalone(D)13.13.Why did you organize the party? To _ some money for the poor children. Acontrol Bcheer Ccarry Draise(A)14.14.Ann could swim _ the age of five. Aat Bon Cin Dwi

5、th (D)15.15.Mom,can I leave my homework for tomorrow?Im afraid not.Dont _ what you can do today till tomorrow. Aput on Bput down Cput up Dput off .根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1616我觉得物理很难,但我不想放弃它。 I think physics is very difficult,but I dont want to give it up 1717她决定尝试当一名志愿者。She decided to try out for a volunt

6、eer. 1818我希望我的梦想能够实现。 I hope that my dream can come true 1919此刻妈妈正忙于做晚饭。Mom is busy making dinner at the moment. 2020比尔为找好的工作而担心。Bill is worried about getting a good job.1 1givegive upup 放弃 动副短语。当代词作其宾语时,代词应放在 give 和 up 之间,即 give it/them up。 give up doing sth.放弃做某事 2 2 【辨析】 suchsuch 与 soso (1)sucha/

7、anadj.nc.(单)soadj.a/annc.(单) (2)suchadj.nc.(pl.)/nu.soadj./adv.nc.(pl.)/un. 3 3feelingfeeling n n感觉;感触 feel v感觉;觉得;摸起来24 4satisfactionsatisfaction n n满足;满意 satisfy v使满意 satisfied adj.满意的 be satisfied with 对满意 5 5ownerowner n n物主;主人 own v拥有 6 6atat thethe ageage ofof 在岁时 7 7trytry outout 尝试 8 8gogo o

8、non a a journeyjourney 进行旅行 9 9comecome truetrue 实现 1010a at t thethe samesame timetime 同时 1111bebe busybusy withwithbebe busybusy doingdoing sth.sth.忙于 1212bebe worriedworried aboutaboutsbsb./sth/sth. doingdoing sth.sth.担心 1313raiseraise moneymoney forfor sb.sb.为某人筹集资金 1414stopstop doingdoing sth.sth.停止做某事 stopstop t to o dodo sth.sth.停下来去做某事


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