【人教版】英语七下同步教学课件:Unit 8 Is there a post office near here Section A 1(51张图片)

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1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?,Section A Period One,Review,Words and expressions,Read the words and expressions loudly.,post office post office police police station hotel restaurant bank hospital street,n. 邮政 n. 办公室 邮局 n. 警察 警察局 n. 旅馆;酒店 n. 餐馆 n. 银行 n. 医院 n. 大街,Words and expressions,pay p

2、ay phone near across across from front in front of behind town around,v.&n. 付费 付费电话 prep. 在附近 adv.&prep. 过;穿过 在对面 n. 前面 在前面 prep. 在的后面 n. 镇;市镇 adv.&prep. 到处;大约,Words and expressions,Objectives,To learn to use There be structure To learn to use prepositions of place,Lets enjoy a video.,点击此处,Lets stud

3、y some places around us.,library,Do you know what it is?,Do you know what it is?,supermarket,restaurant,Do you know what it is?,post office,Do you know what it is?,bank,Do you know what it is?,street,Do you know what it is?,park,Do you know what it is?,pay phone,Do you know what it is?,airport,Do yo

4、u know what it is?,museum,Do you know what it is?,1. post office _ 2. police station_ 3. hotel _ 4. restaurant _ 5. bank _ 6. hospital _ 7. street _ 8. pay phone _ 9. park _,f,a,b,c,d,e,h,i,g,Match the words with the places in the picture. (1a),Listen and circle the places you hear. (1b),There is a

5、_on Bridge Street. 2. There is a _ on Long Street. 3. There isnt a _on Center Street.,restaurant,post office,hospital,Listen again and fill in the blanks.,Practice the conversation with your partner. Then ask and answer questions about the other places in 1a. (1c),Pair work,A: Is there a hospital ne

6、ar here? B: Yes, there is. Its on Bridge Street.,- Wheres the ball?,- Its _ the box.,in front of,Look and say,- Where is she?,- Its _ the box.,across from,- Wheres the ball?,- Its _ the box.,behind,- Wheres the ball?,- Its _ the box.,next to,big small,- Where is she?,- Its _,between the big box and

7、the small box.,A,B,F is E.,G is H.,F,G,J,E,H,I,K,J is _I _K.,D,C,C is D.,across from,in front of,between,and,A is B.,behind,next to,Read the sentences in 2a of Section A, then match them with the pictures. (2a),4,6,2,1,5,3,The police station is _the restaurant and the supermarket. 2. The park is _th

8、e bank. 3. The hospital is _Bridge Street. 4. The pay phone is _the post office. 5. The restaurant is _the post office. 6. The hotel is _the police station.,Listen and fill in the blanks. (2b),between,across from,on,next to,in front of,behind,Ask and answer the questions about the places in 1a of Se

9、ction A. (2c),Pair work,Role- play the conversation. (2d),Pair work,Tony: Hi, excuse me. Linda: Yes. How can I help you?Tony: Well, Im new in town. Is there a bank around here? Linda: Yes, there is. Its on Center Street. Its across from the park.Tony: Ohwheres Center Street? Linda: Its not too far f

10、rom here. I can walk with you.Tony: Oh, thats great! Thanks so much. Linda: No problem.,school,book store,park,bank,post office,super- market,restaurant,hotel,library,payphone,school,library,bank,park,hotel,restaurant,book store,payphone,super- market,post office,Picture 1,Picture 2,Memory Challenge

11、 What are the differences between the two pictures?,- Where is the.? - It is,Pair work,Go straight,Turn left,Where is the bank?,Its across from the hotel.,practice,Language points,1. 选择填空。 _ the bank? Its on Fifth Avenue.Hows B. Whats C. Wheres D. Whos 【解析】 句型“Where is / are +主语?”通常用来询问 人或物的地点、方位,常用

12、“Its / Theyre + 介词 + 名词.”来回答。如: Its near / across from / next to / in front of the post office.,2. 根据汉语完成英语句子,每空一词。 学校在医院和银行之间。 The school is _ the hospital _ the bank. 【解析】 介词between意为“在之间、介于之间”,常与and连用,即between and ,表示“在和之间”。如:Tom is between Linda and John.,between and,3. 填入适当的介词。 If you go down t

13、he street, youll see my house _ your left. 【解析】 down意为“沿着、顺着”。on the left / right意为“在左 / 右边”,此短语 中的left和right均作名词。 【拓展】 表示“在某人的左 / 右边”应为on ones left / right;而on the left / right of 则表示“在的左 / 右边”。如:The park is on the right of the school.,on,4. How can I help you?需要我帮忙吗?(我可以帮您做些什么?) 这是一句向他人伸出援手、主动提出帮助

14、的套语,此句还可说成:How could I help you? 或How may I help you? 类似的套语还有: May I help you? (Could/Can I help you?) Do you need any help? Is there anything I can help (you) with? (Is there anything I can do for you?) What can I do for you?,5. Im new in town. 我新来此地。 town表示“所居住的地方”或城市里的“闹市区;城里”,为不可数名词。如: Is there

15、a good place to eat here? Im from out of town. 这儿有吃饭的好地方吗?我对这里不熟(我是外乡人)。 My parents are not at home. Theyre shopping in town. 我父母不在家,他们在城里买东西呢。,- Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is. Its on Center Street./ No, there isnt. - Are there any restaurants near here? Yes, theres one in front of the po

16、st office. Wheres the hotel? Its behind the police station.,课时重点回顾,Review,注: 另附word文档。 点击此处链接,根据汉语提示填入正确的单词。 1. Every day there are lots of people on that busy _(街道). 2. Can you see the old _(桥) over the river (河)? 3. He needs to go to the _(银行) to get some money (钱). 4. Those boys in the _(中央) of theplayground (操场) are my friends. 5. There are lots of _(付钱的) phones on Green Street.,


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