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1、被动语态 江苏句容春城 应国庆,被动语态复习,被动语态 江苏句容春城 应国庆,We use the keyboard to type.,= The keyboard is used to type by us.,We use the printer to put the words and pictures onto paper.,= The printer is used to put the words and pictures onto paper by us.,被动语态 江苏句容春城 应国庆,被动语态的构成,主语 + be + 过去分词 + 其他,被动语态 江苏句容春城 应国庆,The

2、 simple present tense: (一般现在时),The simple past tense: (一般过去时),带情态动词的被动语态:,被动语态 江苏句容春城 应国庆,被动语态的各种句型 The book is liked by young people. (肯定句) The book liked by young people. (否定句) the book liked by young people ? (一般疑问句) Yes, it . No, it . (回答) the book liked by ?(特殊疑问句) The room is cleaned, it? (反义疑

3、问句),被动语态 江苏句容春城 应国庆,被动语态的谓语动词形式,时 态 动词的被动形式 例 句一般现在时 am isare done He is asked to do this. 一般过去时 waswere done The room was cleaned by her mother. 一般将来时 will be done The trees will be cut down tomorrow. 现在进行时 amisare being done The book is being written. 过去进行时 waswere being done At that time the desk

4、 was being made. 现在完成时 havehas been done The building has been built. 过去完成时 had been done He said that his homework had been done. 过去将来时 would be done They said the trees would be planted soon,被动语态 江苏句容春城 应国庆,被动语态的用法:(见课本P45)1当动作执行者显而易见时。(即没必要指出动作的执行者)Our classroom is cleaned every day.2当我们不知道或不能想起谁

5、是动作的执行者时。he cars were made in Tianjing in 1995 .3当我们认为行为(动作)比谁是这个行为(动作)的执行者更重要时。The red coats in this shop were sold out yesterday.,被动语态 江苏句容春城 应国庆,牛津8B Unit 3被动语态英语动词的语态主动语态:主语是动作的执行者被动语态:主语是动作的承受者例: We speak English. (主动语态)主 谓 宾English is spoken by us. (被动语态)主 谓 介词+宾语主动语态 被动语态We clean the classroo

6、m. The classroom _ _by us. She closed the window. The window _ _by her. He wrote a letter last night. A letter _ _by him.,被动语态 江苏句容春城 应国庆,主动语态改为被动语态的方法1把主动句中的宾语改成被动句的主语, 原主语改成宾语2 动词改为被动形式 be +P.P (同时注意时态)3 原来的主语如果需要的话放在介词by后面,以指明做事的人或物, 如果没有必要则省去.例:(1) We speak English. (主动语态)主 谓 宾English is spoken

7、by us. 主 谓 介词+宾语(2) The man killed a tiger.A tiger was killed by the man.,被动语态 江苏句容春城 应国庆,特殊句型的被动语态一 双宾语 give ,pass ,show, teach , tell等动词常常带有两个宾语即双宾语:直接宾语和间接宾语,改为被动语态时,可以选其中任何一个作主语。如果直接宾语作主语,那么间接宾语前要加相应的介词to/for。但ask , answer 后的双宾语,一般将间接宾语(人)变为主语;buy, make 等后的双宾语,一般将直接宾语(物)变为主语例: He gave me a pen.

8、= He gave a pen to me.间 直 直 间 I was given a pen by him.间 A pen was given to me by him.直 My mother bought me a new coat. = My mother bought a new coat for me. A new coat was bought for me by my mother.,被动语态 江苏句容春城 应国庆,特殊句型的被动语态二 使役动词(make /let /have)或感官动词(hear , see, listen to, find , watch, feel 等),

9、在主动语态中,其后作宾语补足语的不定式不带to,但是在改成被动语态时必须加to,另外help在主动语态中后面的动词不定式可以带to,也可不带to, 但在被动语态中也必须加to。例: Mother often makes me do some housework.I am often made to do some housework by mother. We saw him run into the classroom.He was seen to run into the classroom by us.,被动语态 江苏句容春城 应国庆,特殊句型的被动语态三 复合宾语 含有宾语补足语的句子

10、改为被动语态,只能把宾语作为被动语态的主语。(宾补放在原来位置不变)例: We call him Tom.主 谓 宾 宾补 e is called Tom by us. He found the book very interesting. The book was found very interesting by him. 四 不及物动词(vi)+介词/副词宾语的句子改成被动语态时,介词或副词不能丢掉。例: e should speak to old people politely.Old people should be spoken to politely ( by us). He t

11、ook away the boxThe box was taken away by him.,被动语态 江苏句容春城 应国庆,没有被动语态的动词1. 不及物动词或动词短语无被动语态: happen take place(发生), break out(爆 发),break down (坏了) , appear, die, end, fail, last, lie, sit, spread(传播), stand, come true, fall asleep, belong to, consist of等只用主动语态,而不用被动语态2. 大多数系动词:be ,feel (摸起来),sound(听起

12、来),look(看起来),smell(闻起来), taste(尝起来)等词无被动语态,它们的主动形式表示被动意义。 3. 表示状态或特征的动词. 如 have, cost, fit, suit 等没有被动形式. 例: he milk tastes strange. The story happened in in 2000. The meeting lasted for 2 hours.,被动语态 江苏句容春城 应国庆,被动语态练习 一、单项选择:(注意语态和时态.) 1. The tall building_ years ago. A built B was built C is built

13、 D builds B 2 What a nice garden! It _ every day.A is cleaning B was cleaning C must clean D is cleaned D 3 The trees _ every day.A water B must watered C must be watered D has watered C 4 If the child_, please telephone the police.A found B is found C was found D has found B 5 _ this kind of questi

14、on often_ in your class, Li Ping?A Does, ask B Is, asked C Has, asked D Will, ask B6 She is ofen seen _ basketball on the playground.A play B to play C plays D playing B 7 Rice _ in South China.A grows B is grow C is grown D are grown C 8 We _ trees in spring.A plant B are planted C are planting D w

15、ill plant A,被动语态 江苏句容春城 应国庆,被动语态练习二、动词填空: (注意语态和时态.)1 The room_ (clean) just now. was cleaned2 Trees _ (plant) in spring every year. are planted3 The room _ (should clean) every day. should be cleaned4 This jacket _ (make) of cotton. is made5 Sandy _ just _ (sweep) the floor. has sweeped6 Oh, the milk _ (taste) strange, do you think its OK to drink? tastes7 The story _ (happen) in 2005. happened,



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