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1、阅读技巧点拨,英语博客网 专业英语服务,成就英才事业,一熟悉高考阅读理解题的命题方法,“知己知彼,百战不殆”。,从题型设计上,高考阅读理解题大致可以 分为以下几种题型:,A.事实询问题;B.推理判断题; C.数据推算题;D.识图解意题; E.主旨大意题;F.常识题。,2从解题方法上来区分,高考阅读理解题可分为以下几类:,1)直接解答题,2)词句理解题,3)归纳概括题,4)推理判断题,二感悟高考阅读理解题的考查内容:,1.话题:话题或论题指一篇文章或一段短文所涉及的中心内容。,2.题旨:题旨又称中心思想或主题。,3. 细节:细节或支撑细节, 是在段落中发挥主题句的一系列句子,是归纳、概括中心思想

2、的基础。,4. 寓意:寓意指作者的暗含的意义。,5. 结论:有些文章往往提出或涉及某些问题,而 不明确的表示出来,要求读者在理解全 文的基础上,通过分析、推理、判断、 得出结论。,6. 词义:理解词义是阅读理解的最基本的要求。,命题上常用suggest (暗示)should (必须)等词语去发问。,1.直接解答题,第一类:Wh-questions,这类问题可以从阅读材料中直接找到答案;,第二类:Why-questions和How-questions,这类问题从阅读材 料中可以找到答案,但不能直接引用文章的句子;,第三类:不能从阅读材料中直接找出答案,而是要从材料的 内涵中经过推断找出答案;,第

3、四类:读者从阅读材料中经过判断(Judgment)或评价(Evaluation)得出自己的看法。,三探讨高考阅读理解题的解题对策,1).根据构词法来推断词义。 掌握一定的构词知识会有助于我们的阅读。,2).根据上下文的对比关系来推断词义。 有时在行文中可能会同时出现某一生词的同义词或反义词,这时我们可以通过上下文的对比关系来猜测词义。,3).根据文中解释推断词义。 有时候,文中对生词给出了注解或说明,在阅读中应善于捕 捉这一信息。,4).根据上下文之间的逻辑关系推断词义。 He is so stingy that he never gives anything to others, even

4、his friends or relatives.,2.词句理解题,stingy即为“吝啬的”之意,)要把握好长难句,所谓长难句,是指结构稍微复杂一点的句子, 只要善于分析理清结构,困难就会迎刃而解。,(1).结构分析理解法。,结构分析理解法,就是指通过对句子进行语法结构分析,迅速弄清其结构,把握住它的基本框架,进而理解句子的方法。,具体可以分两步走:,第一步,判断句子是简单句、并列句还是复合句;,第二步,找出句子的核心或成分,即主语和谓语动词, 然后再分清句子中的一些附属成分。,(2).意群阅读法。,意群阅读法,就是把在意义和语法结构上有关联的几个词, 连接成较完整的信息,成组成组输入大脑的

5、方法。使用这种方法 进行阅读,不仅可以提高阅读速度,而且有利于对句子的整体理 解。,When two cars traveling at 30 mph hit each other(1),an unbelted driver(2), Would meet the windshield (3),with a force equal to diving headfirst into the ground from a height of 10 meters(4).,我们阅读这样的文章时, 应当首先记住作者所提供的事实、观点、和事件, 在大脑中形成初步印象,然后根据作者提供的事实、 观点和事件,综合

6、归纳成一般性的概念。不论是“记忆” 还是“归纳”,都要求同学们在阅读过程中分析事实、 细节,注意细节的安排的方式, 如: 按重要的程度安排细节, 按时间顺序安排细节, 按空间顺序安排细节, 还是一个一个地列举事实和细节; 注意细节与细节间的内在联系, 最后做出简明的概括。,3.归纳概括题,捕捉关键词。,转换解题法。,排除法。,分析体裁,具体方法:,4.推理判断题,在做结论推理题时,应选择“全面而不笼统、具体而不片面”的答案,而就事论事以及含有绝对单词的结论一般都是错误的。,1). 正确区别陈述事实的语句与表达观点的语句。 2). 领会作者的观点和意图,它们往往通过语气、遣词造句及修辞技巧表现出

7、来。,推断注意事项:,四点拨高考阅读理解题的答题技巧:,询问主旨大意题,此类题型用以考查学生对文章主题或中心思想的领会和 理解能力。 一类题型为主题问题。 如:What is the main idea of this passage? What does the passage mainly talk about? What does the writer want to tell us? 另一类为标题问题。 如:Which title is the best title of this article? 寻找主题句往往是做好此类题的关键。因此,在做题时, 要注意每段的主题句(往往为第一句)

8、。英文叫“Topic Sentence”, 它一般都用来表示一个段落的主旨大意,抓住主题句,就不难 确定文章的最佳标题。,*这里介绍一下“寻找主题句”的技巧:,主题句的特点是: 1).相对于其他句子,它表达的意思比较概括; 2).主题句一般结构简单; 3).段落中其他句子必定是用来解释、支撑或发展相互题句所表达的思想的。,下面举几个例子说明:,(A).In the United States, most people who live in cities and small towns receive their mail at home. Letters are delivered to t

9、he familys door every day.Some people have boxes or baskets ,for letters are delivered by pushing through an opening in the door.Large packages are sometimesleft beside the door.,Mails at Home in the United States.,(B) One of the most important uses of gold is for money.Gold can be used to make ring

10、s, earrings, and other things. Gold is also used to make gold leaf, a very flat ribbon of gold that is often used on pictures frames. Cups and dishes can also be made from gold.Gold has many uses.,Gold has many uses.,( C ) How many languages are there in the world? There are about 15 hundred ,but ma

11、ny of them are not very important. English is one of the most important because so many people use it, not only in England and the U.S.A., but in other parts of the world. About 200,000,000 speak it as their own language, and another 200,000,000 use it as a second language. It is difficult to say ho

12、w many people are learning it. Many millions of schoolboys and schoolgirls are trying to do so.,English is one of the most important languages.,2、询问某个细节题或事实询问题,*下面介绍一下“理解细节”的技巧:,此类题型的问题以what、who、which、when、where、how 或者why等词引导,就文中某句、某段或某一具体细节进行提问 并要求考生回答。,1).明确题意,顺藤摸瓜。,2).按照要求,寻找答案来源。,3).找准关键词,明白其暗示作

13、用。,4).多读原文,正确使用排除法。,()The search for ways of preserving(保存)foods is not new. Primitive(原始的)man learned that he couldmake foods by drying them. The Indians, for example,hung deer meat in the sun. The greatest singleadvance began in 1800 when a Frenchman discovered that he preserved certain foods by s

14、ealing (密封) them in jars and keeping the air from them. This was the start of the can industry which brings usmany foods in all seasons.,主题句为第一话:The search for ways of preserving foods is not new.,).The name “television” comes from the Greek word “tele”, meaning “far”, and the Latin word “videre”,me

15、aning “to see”. Thus, “television” means “seeing far.”,“Television” means “seeing far”.(尾句)。,.做出判断题,在阅读过程中,“判断”是进一步理解文章内容 与深层含义的关键环节, 是一种主要的阅读理解 技巧。“判断”是以文章所提供事实为依据,经过分 析思考,作出唯一的,合理的决定。,下面举一例来说明:,In many factories, working conditions are poor. Workers have to spend eight to nine hours a day doing ti

16、resome jobs in dirty surroundings. Cleaner working areas and better pay will improve the workers situation. But more thought and planning are needed to create better conditions under which workers can take real pride in their work and get satisfaction from their jobs. Q: According to the passage, what must bosses of factories think of first?A. Better pay B.Cleaner working conditions C. The workers total needs.,


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