2016届高考英语一轮复习 Module3 My First Ride on a Train写作能力提升课件 外研版必修1

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1、,必修一Module 3 My First Ride on a Train,大一轮复习英语,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),81It is/has been two years since his father died. 82It has been three years since I came here.,句型41:It is/has been时间段since.did. 81他的父亲去世两年了。82我来这儿已经三年了。,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),83We cant have you lying all the way.

2、84Its rude of you to speak to your mum like that and I wont have you speak to her like that in the future.,句型42:wont/cant havesb./n.doing/done 83我们决不允许你总是说谎。84你刚才对母亲那样说话太粗鲁了,今后我决不允许你这样对母亲讲话。,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),85What an amazing world it would be if we were known as people who have a smile and a

3、kind word for everyone. 86How terrible it would be if there were no electricity!,句型43:It would beadj.if.did. 85如果我们能让周围每个人都感受到我们的微笑与友善,那么这将是多么精彩的一个世界啊!86如果没有电,那会是多么可怕!,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型44:.soadj./adv.as to do./.such.as to do. 87他如此愚蠢以至于相信了这样一个人。88别忧心忡忡,我的病不至于严重到去担心。,87He was so foolish as to

4、 believe such a man. 88Dont be so upset; my illness is not such as to cause anxiety.,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型45:.would rather do A than do B 89很多长者宁愿忍受独自在家的寂寞而不去老人院。90很多旅游者发誓他们宁愿待在家里而不愿再以这样的方式出行。,89Many elders would rather stand the loneliness at home than go to nursing homes. 90Many tourists swore

5、 they would rather stay at home than travel under such conditions again.,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型46:It is only/just a matter of doing sth. 91老年人认为他们知道的最多,可这只是经验的问题。92只要调整他的精力与注意力即可。,91The old assume that they know best, but it is only a matter of experience. 92It is just a matter of redirecting his

6、 energy and attention.,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型47:More/Most importantly. 93更重要的是一种好的学习技能将对你终生受用。94预祝你们有一场精彩的比赛,但最重要的是玩得开心!,93More importantly, a good learning skill will be useful all your life. 94Have a great match, but most importantly, have a great time.,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型48:Obviously,./I

7、t is clear/obvious/true that. 95显然他已经对电脑上瘾了。96可见,在竞争社会中压力和生活是形影不离的。,95Obviously, he is addicted to computers. 96It is clear that stress has much to do with life in a competitive society.,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型49:A be doing/did sth.while B be doing/did sth. 97汤姆擅长理科,而他的兄弟绝对不可救药。98这个国家的南方越来越富裕,而北方却

8、越来越贫穷。,97Tom is very good at science while his brother is absolutely hopeless. 98The south of the country grows richer, while the north grows poorer.,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型50:either.,or. 99她不是一位老师就是一位医生。100你得规矩点,要不别想再和我出去。,99She is either a teacher or a doctor. 100You will either behave yourself,

9、 or youll never go out with me again.,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型51:with宾语宾补(n./adj./adv./prep.phrase/to do/to be done/doing/being done/done) 101有这个男孩带路,我们很容易就找到了那家商店。102老师走了进来,手里拿着一本书。,101With the boy leading the way, we found the shop easily. 102The teacher came in, with a book in his hand.,答案,TOP O

10、ne 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型52:For one thing,.;for another,. 103这个周末我不想去听音乐会。一来我没钱,二来我太忙。104他们都喜欢她,则她教得好,二则她心地善良。,103I dont want to go to the concert this weekend. For one thing, I have no money; and for another,I am too busy. 104They all like her, for one thing, she teaches well; for another, she is kindheart

11、ed.,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型53:Besides/In addition/Moreover/Worse still/Whats worse/Instead/Finally. 105他没有参加海军,而是决定当一名老师。106房租合理,而且地段极好。,105He didnt join the navy. Instead, he decided to become a teacher. 106The price is reasonable and, moreover, the location is perfect.,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型5

12、4:.soadj./adv.that./such(a/an)adj.n.that. 107杰克如此诚实,以至于我们都相信他。108这儿噪音太大了,我没法集中精力学习。,107Jack is such an honest man that we all believe him./Jack is so honest that we all believe him. 108There is so much noise around that I cant concentrate on my lessons.,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型55:When it comes tost

13、h 109说到音乐,我一点也不懂。110当谈到“安全性”这个问题时,你对居住在某个美国城市怎么看?,109When it comes to music, I know nothing at all. 110What do you think of living in a US. city when it comes to safety?,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型56:It occurred to sb.that. 111她突然明白了她并不是毫无希望,她应该再试一次。112她这才意识到她儿子在校门口等她。,111It occurred suddenly to her t

14、hat she was not without hope. She should try again. 112It occurred to her that her son was waiting for her at the school gate.,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型57:That is why. 113过去的一年我非常努力学习;这一切得到了回报。那就是我高居榜首的原因。114昨天我感冒了,这就是我没完成作业的原因。,113I did a lot in the last year and it paid off. Thats why my name is o

15、n the top of the list. 114I had a cold yesterday. This is why I didnt finish my homework.,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型58:To ones surprise/delight/joy/disappointment/anger/annoyance/fear,. 115使我高兴的是我自己解出了那道数学难题。116令他失望的是,他考试没及格。,115To my delight, I worked out the difficult math problem by myself. 116To

16、his disappointment, he failed the exam.,答案,TOP One 抓基础 句子先行(三),句型59:It goes without saying/It is needless to say that. 117不言而喻,年轻人的教育对于一个国家的未来至关重要。118不用说,这确实是个令人激动的消息。,117It goes without saying that the education to the youth is significant/critically important to a nations future. 118It is needless to say this is exciting news indeed.,


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