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1、阿什娜巴拉克里希南阿什娜在美国纽约大学获得人体毒理学硕士学位,当前在哥印拜陀布担任依莎瑜 伽学校和依莎瑜伽中心的教员。她于 2009 年在纽约市首次接触依莎瑜伽计划。受启发于萨古鲁的清晰教导,她 继续去完成依莎基金会提供的所有其它高级瑜伽计划。她曾参与由萨古鲁在 2010年美国田纳西州依莎内科学机构主持的,为期九十天的强化训练计划。随后,她决定在萨古鲁的直接指导下接受古典哈达瑜伽的训练,所以她可以将那 些打动她的东西传播给更多的人。 阿什娜四年以来一直协助管理艾萨哈达瑜伽学 校,来自世界各地的老师都在那里接受为期五个月的古典哈达瑜伽强化训练计 划。在这 4 年里,阿什娜曾经带领训练来自全世界2

2、0 多个不同国家超过 200 位老师 参与训练。她强烈的驱动型人格与来自萨古鲁的强力的瑜伽练习完美结合在一 起,在过去 7 年中,对瑜伽高妙之处的敏锐理解和持续有规律训练达到了极致。可以通过 ashvina.bishafoundation.org 来与阿什娜接触Ashvina Balakrishnan Ashvina holds Masters of Science in Human Toxicology from the New York University and is currently volunteering as Faculty at Isha Hatha School of Y

3、oga, Isha Yoga Centre, Coimbatore. She did her first Isha Yoga Program 2009 in New York City. Inspired by the clarity of Sadhgurus teachings, she went on to complete all other advanced yoga programs offered by the Isha Foundation. Notably she had the rare privilege of participating in a one-time-onl

4、y ninety-day intense training program with Sadhguru held at the Isha Institute of Inner Sciences in Tennessee, USA in 2010. Little later, she decided to train directly under Sadhguru in classical Hatha Yoga so she could offer what had touched her to more and more people. Ashvina has been coordinatin

5、g the Isha Hatha School of Yoga for the last four years, where teachers from around the world train to impart classical Hatha Yoga in a five month intensive training program. In these 4 years, Ashvina has led training of over 200 teachers coming from around 20 different countries around the world. Her strongly driven personality pairs perfectly with the powerful yogic practices from Sadhguru culminating in a keen understanding of the intricacies of yoga and a regular disciplined practice for the last 7 years. Ashvina can be contacted through ashvina.bishafoundation.org



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