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1、Cinderella,Unit 1,A:Do you like cartoons? B: .,A:Why do you like cartoons?,B:Because.,为什么,因为,Cinderella,stepmother继母,stepsisters,Does Cinderella look happy? Why is she sad?,Princes house 王子,What do they need for the party? 需要,Cinderella doesnt have any nice clothes or shoes.,fairy 仙女,hair,她们会说些什么呢?,

2、Try on this dress.,尝试,试穿,Does it fit(合适)? Yes, it fits well.,take off 脱下,What does the prince say? 王子会说什么呢?,Would you like to dance with me?,You look beautiful/pretty/cool.,Nice to meet you.,同桌扮演一下王子和公主吧, 充分发挥想象力哦,Cinderella has a good time at the party.,Does she want to go home?,和同桌扮演一下王子和公主吧,充分发挥想

3、象力哦! A: . B: . A: Whats your name? B: My name is. A: You are beautiful/pretty. B: Thank you. A: Can you dance with me? B: . A: Where are you from? B: Im from. A: Whats your bobby? B: I like. A: . B: .,Sorry, I have to go now.Hey, your shoe.,Its 7 oclock. I have to _. Its 5 oclock. I have to _. Its 9

4、:30 . I have to _.,The fairy says,“Come back before 12 oclock.”.,What do you think of Cinderella?,Punctuality is the soul ofbusiness,It is important that you keep your word.,守时是立业之本。,守信是为人之本。,(你觉得她是个怎样的女孩),The prince visits every house. Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit. Finally, Cinde

5、rella tries it on.,How does the prince find Cinderella?,Read and answer,注意模仿 人物的语音语调,Show time,Lets read,Read and match,a,b,c,d,Unit 1 Cinderella,There is a party at the princes house, but Cinderella cannot go.Cinderella, come and help me.Cinderella, where are my gloves?A fairy comes.Why are you so

6、dad, dear?Because I cant go to the party.Why?Because I dont have any nice clothes or shoes.Let me help you.,Unit 1 Cinderella,Cinderella puts on the new clothes and shoes.Come back before 12 oclock.Cinderella has a good time at the party.Sorry, I have to go now.Hey, your shoe!The prince visits every

7、 house. Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit. Finally, Cinderella tries it on.It fits.,1、Read in roles.(分角色读),3、Act in roles.(分角色演),2、Read together.(齐读),Read and act,评星标准:,Lets act,There is , but ,A fairy ,Why Because Let me , puts on before , visits Many , but Finally It !, has a good time Sorry Hey,Homework,1,Read after the tape three times.跟读录音三遍。 2,Act the story to your parents or your friends. 讲故事表演给爸妈或者朋友看。 3,Image an ending for the story. 给故事想个结尾吧。,以小组为单位,选择一种喜欢的 方式读一读课文。,Read in roles.(分角色读),Read after one. (跟一个学生读),Read together.(齐读),Lets read,


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