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1、销售优秀电子版英文简历模板销售优秀电子版英文简历模板英文简历就不仅仅是简单的履历介绍,它也是一份营销清单,求职者必须在简历中以最佳的方式展现自己,必须以自己最希望用人单位看到的方式介绍自己。下面提供销售优秀电子版英文简历模板,欢迎下载!销售优秀电子版英文简历模板 英文简历制作技巧1、Rsum Section 简历结构You have some flexibility with the section on your rsum. There are 3 sections that you must have: your contact information your education and

2、 some kind of experience.简历的结构设置有一定的灵活性,但是联系方式、教育背景以及实践经历这三个模块是必不可少的。Other sections are optional. Your choice to use will depend on how well they would convey your fit for the position. These optional sections include the objective, the skill summary, or summaries of qualifications, relevant course

3、work, projects, extracurricular activities, honors and awards, and interests.其它模块是选择性的。你的使用选择取决于模块将传达你和职位很高的匹配度。这些模块包括求职意向、技能综述、资历综述、相关课程、项目、课外实践活动、荣誉奖项、兴趣爱好。2、Developing Rsum Content 简历内容的编写For contact information at the top of your rsum, put your name, address and phone number and email. If you ar

4、e still in school, you can include both your current address, and your permanent address.简历最上方的联系信息需要包括姓名、联系地址、电话号码以及电子邮件地址。如果你还是在校学生,你可以在联系地址这一栏写上你的暂住址以及籍贯。If you include objective on your rsum which should come next, it can simply be what you want to do for your next job.如果你要在简历上写求职意向,它应该写在联系信息模块后

5、,而且只需简短描述意向的工作行业、职位。Everything include below the objective should help show that you have the qualification and experience to support your objective.求职目标以下的内容都应该帮助证明你有足够的资质和经验支撑你的求职意向。If you applying for a position you found on advertise. You can just list the job title.如果你申请的职位是在招聘广告上看到的,你可以列明职位名称。

6、If you give your rsum to networking contact or representative at the career fair, you can just name the type of position you want.如果你通过上或招聘会递交简历,你仅需列出应聘职位的类型。You can also include the type of organization where youd like to work. It would be obvious to an employer which position you are applying for.

7、你还可以说明你的意向企业,这可以使 HR 明白你申请的职位。You do not need to include the objective.这就你就不用写求职意向了。If you are still in school or recently graduated, the education section goes near the top of the page. They need to fit the objective.如果你是在校生或应届毕业的学生,教育背景应该被放在简历的前面,教育背景应该匹配你的求职意向。If it has been a year or more since

8、you graduated put this or add near in your rsum unless you want to bring it to the employers attention right on front.如果你毕业已经有一年以上了,教育背景可以被搁置在后面,除非你要利用这点吸引 HR 的注意力,则可以提前。In the education section you usually list the education institution you graduated or will graduate from. Degree or degree is earne

9、d, and the month and year of graduation.在教育背景这一栏,通常你应该列明你毕业学校或者即将毕业的学校,已获得学位以及即将获得的学位,以及毕业的年月。You can also include your GPA, the title of your subject to be honored thesis.你也可以在教育背景这一栏列出你的 GPA,获奖毕业论文题目 。And in the education abroad you participated in. Remember the name of the school you attended, wh

10、ere and when, and in the coursework related to the objective.至于你的海外学习,应该列明学校名称,时间地点,以及参加的与求职目标相关的课程。You dont need to include your junior or community college education unless it would help mark you from the place you are seeking or if omitting it would be confusing.你不需要写出你的初中以及社区大学的教育经历,除非这些经历使你非常出彩或略去这些经历会让 HR 产生疑惑。If you want to highlight your transfer GPA, list the institution and include your GPA.如果你想要突出你的交流成绩,你可以在学院旁注明。Dont recalculating in combining GPA from the community college.不要把社区学院的 GPA 加在一起来重新计算你的 GPA。


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