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1、,Warm Up,Lesson 1Excuse me !,1.话题导入Lead-in,3.你的答案 Your Answer,2.问题Question,Today we will listen to a story about a handbag.,Listen carefully and see if you can answer the question - Whose handbag is it?,Its _s handbag.,,Words Learning,仔细听老师读一遍,仔细听老师解释一遍,大声跟着老师读出来哟,excuse /ikskju:z/ v. 原谅,me /mi:/ pr

2、on. 我(宾格) is /iz/ v. be 动词单数第三人称,yes /jes/ adv. 是的,this /is/ pron. 这,handbag / hndbg/ n. 手提包,单词学习,仔细听老师读一遍,仔细听老师解释一遍,大声跟着老师读出来哟,pardon /p:dn/ V. 原谅,请再说一遍,it /it/ pron. 它,thank you /k-ju:/ 感谢你(们),very much / veri-mt / 非常,Diagram,课文讲解,,练习,1. I broke your bike. 我把你的自行车弄坏了。,2. I have to speak to you.我有话

3、跟你说。,3. I want to go to the toilet.我要去趟洗手间。,4. . Are you Mr. Wang?请问你是王先生么?,几种情况,分别应该用什么?,Im sorry,Excuse me,Excuse me,Excuse me,Pardon?,课文讲解,有关感谢,要感谢某人 (注意:不可以单独使用 Thank),Thank you.Thanks.Thank you very much.,Thank you so much.Thanks a lot.,Its my pleasure. Dont mention it.,Youre welcome.,对于感谢的回答:,

4、I,人称代词1. 形式 人称代词的五种基本形式: I me my mine myself you _ _ _ _ _ us _ _ _ he _ _ his _ she _ _ hers _ it _ _ _ _ _ _ their _ _,Yesterday my mother bought _(I) a new bike.,me,I usually go to movies with _ (she)on weekends.,her,This is _ (I) book. Thats _ (he)book.,my,his,His book is much newer than_ (= my

5、book).,mine,She teaches_(her) English.,herself,one boat,boats/ s /boats/ ts/,a car,two cars/ z /,a bus,buses/z /,Sum up:以,s、x 、ch 、sh,结尾的名词,在其词尾加es,potato,some potatoes,tomato,five tomatoes,Sum up: 以辅音字母加结尾的名词,在其词尾加es.但photo、piano(钢琴)除外,photos, pianos.,knife,four knives,leaf,some leaves,Sum up:以,f或f

6、e结尾的名词要将f或fe变为,V再加,es.,Is this your?,这是一个一般疑问句。,一般疑问句就是把陈述句中的谓语动词提前到句子的前面,同时句子的语调为升调。,比如:,This is my handbag.,Is this your handbag?,A,B,一般疑问句的回答,1. 一般疑问句的回答比较简单。一般来说,是“用什么问,用什么答。”,2. 答案是Yes或No的疑问句是一般疑问句。,Is this your handbag?,1.是的,它是。Yes, it is. 2.不,它不是。No, it isnt. =No, it is not.,游戏练习时间到!,按模板做对话,-

7、Excuse me. -Yes?,-Is this your handbag? -Pardon?,-Is this your handbag? -No, it isnt.,-Is this your handbag? -Yes, it is. -Thank you very much.,两个小朋友一组,进行分组SHOW,Summary总结,与陌生人的搭话,问路,打断别人对话或从别人身边挤过、走过时,请求对方把刚才的话再说一遍,一般疑问句 (哪个是正确的?) 1. This is your handbag? 2. Is this your handbag?,“感谢”,怎么说?,作业,不 多 哟 !,Thank You !,Thank you,


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