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1、Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,By Wang Jianjun from Chapeng Middle School,一 单元分析,本单元以“UFO” 为话题展开一系列教学活动.通过UFO到达地球时不同人物的活动, 学习过去进行时when / while的用法. 观察图片和利用图片来培养学生情景思维和讲故事的能力,这是本单元的重点和难点.八年级学生对UFO会有强烈的好奇心和探索欲望,教材以次为入点,使原本枯燥的时态学习变得丰富多彩.教师可借助这点,引导学生开展丰富的想象,使课堂真正变成学科综合,心灵交汇的智慧场所.在本单元的教学

2、全过程中,采用任务型教学方式,让学生通过独立学习,角色扮演,实践体验和合作交流来掌握本单元的英语知识和技能.开发学生的思维能力,发展他们的个性,使学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维和大胆实践的过程.,二 学情分析,学生在七年级下册已学过现在进行时,而且掌握了一些描述日常活动的短语,并能够使用现在进行时来描述日常活动,这有利于他们学习过去进行时.同时,八年级下的学生对看图讲故事已有一定的接触,这也有利于本单元故事讲述的顺利开展.,三 教学目标,语言技能目标(1) 能谈论过去某个时刻正在发生的事情,如: I was sitting in the barbers chair.(2)能询问过去某个时刻正

3、在发生的事情, 如:What were you doing when the UFO arrived?(3)能用过去进行时态讲故事. 语言知识目标(1) 能用过去进行时态描述过去某一时间内正在发生的事, 如: I was standing in front of the library.(2)能正确使用when/while引导的时间状语从句,如:While he was buying a souvenir, a girl called the police. 情感态度目标(1) 通过了解有关UFO的知识,培养学生从小热爱科学,勇于探索的精神.(2)通过课堂讨论,教育学生从小树立辨证的看待问题,

4、乐观向上的人生观.,4 文化意识目标 了解自然现象在语言学习中具有的文化涵义.,5 学习策略目标 认知策略:借助猜测的方法推测单词的意思,用归类的方法记忆单词. 交际策略:通过role play 等的活动,培养学生的合作能力,并注意倾听他人的意见. 资源策略:鼓励学生通过各种手段,搜集有关UFO的不同信息,帮助学生拓展知识,开阔视野,提高自主学习的能力. 调控策略:通过课堂反馈和Self check, 让学生明确自己的学习状况,不断调整学习策略.,四 重点难点 1教学重点: 重点词汇:bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, bought, got, land, kid, cli

5、mb, jump, shout, rode, ran, met, heard, told, became, flew, rang, cat, anywhere, happen, accident, plane, modern, kill, murder, bright, playground, bell, close, silence, meaning, earth, hero; 重点句型: What were you doing when the UFO arrived?I was sitting in the barbers chair when it arrived?While he w

6、as buying a souvenir, a girl called the police. 话题:以UFO为话题,讲述UFO到达地球时人们的活动:看图讲故事. 2教学难点: 能用过去进行时讲故事.,教学过程: 第一课时(1a1c) 通过教师做动作让学生猜测这活动来复习现在进行时态,向学生展示自己的住所来引出本课新单词.再利用图片呈现过去进行时,之后用pair work 来巩固 ,让学生猜我在做什么来引出UFO这个话题. 从而顺利过渡到课文,并完成1a,1b .之后是一个pair work 再一次巩固重点句型和词汇.之后转入1c.用一个group work 记者采访的活动开展.并把听力转化为

7、口语练习.接着是一个语法总结,最后再利用旧教材初二下册Lesson 95的图片让学生先口头叙述图片,为家庭作业写作做一个铺垫.,Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,UFO,What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,Unit 3 Period 1,bedroom,bathroom,barber shop,barber,kitchen,Word study,Whats he doing now?,What was he doing at three oclock yesterday afterno

8、on?,He football.,was playing,. He is playing football.,What was she doing at seven oclock yesterday morning?,She,Whats she doing now?,She,is running.,was running.,What are they doing now?,They,What were they doingat ten last night ?,They,are dancing.,were dancing.,Ask and answer in pairs Where were

9、you at 6:00 yesterday evening? What were you doing ?,1 in a river swimming 2 in a park playing basketball 3 in a shop doing some shopping 4 at home cooking 5 at home doing my homework,I was watching a TV program about UFO.,Did you see a UFO?,UFO: Unidentified Flying Object 不明飞行物,1._ I was in the bat

10、hroom. 4._ I was in the kitchen.2._ I was in my bedroom. 5._ I was in my barber shop.3._ I was in front of the library.6._ I was in the barbers chair.,d,b,a,c,e,f,1a A TV reporter is asking “Where were you when the UFO arrived?” Match the statements with the people in the picture.,1b Listen to the r

11、eporters questions and circle the correct responses.,a. standing in front of the library / studying in the library b. cleaning my room / sleeping late c. making a milk shake / cooking dinner d. getting out of the shower / talking on the phone e. eating lunch / cutting hair,get out 出去;离开 get out of 从

12、出来 get out of the shower 洗完澡出来 cut 剪;切;割,A: What was /weredoing when the UFO arrived?,Pair work,B: was/were ,Reporter: So, what were you doing when the UFO arrived? Girl 1: Well, I was standing in front of the library. Boy 1: I was sleeping late. Woman 1: I was cooking dinner.,Group work:,Reporter:

13、How about you? Man 1: I was getting out of the shower. Man 2: And I was cutting hair.,过去进行时,含义: 表示过去某个时刻正在进行的动作。结构: be (was/were) + doing例句:What were you doing at nine last night?I was taking a shower at nine last night.,summary,look out of his window,drink some water,play games,boat,buy some fruit,

14、sell some fruit,read newspapers,play football,fish,1 Write a short passage about the picture In the park.2 Make a survey about what your family were doing when you arrived home last Friday?,Homework:,第二课时(Section A2a3b) 让学生齐唱“If you are happy ”, 活跃气氛.值日生上台汇报上节课布置的作业,然后完成2a,2b的练习.接着利用图片重点对when 和 whil

15、e的用法作比较并总结.并做一个小练习.然后阅读3a的电子邮件,为图片排序.并按次序复述故事.,Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,UFO,What were you doing when the UFO arrived?,Unit 3 Period 2,_ The alien visited the Museum of Flight. _ The alien bought a souvenir. _ A UFO landed on Center Street. _ The alien went into a store. _ An a

16、lien got out of the UFO.,2,2a Listen and order these statements 1-5.,land,5,4,1,3,alien,1.The boy was walking down the street _ a UFO landed. 2.The girl was shopping _ she saw the alien get out. 3._ the alien was buying a souvenir, the girl called the police. 4. _ the alien was visiting the museum, the boy called the TV station.,


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