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1、本伯南克,普林斯顿大学,Speech:,Speech:,Princeton University普林斯顿大学,Established in 1746, Princeton is the fourth oldest college in the United States. As a world-famous research university, Princeton seeks to achieve the highest levels of distinction in the discovery and transmission of knowledge,distinction n.优良

2、,杰出;差别 区别 without distinction of sex and age 不分男女老少 gain/win distinction 出名 distinctive adj. transmission n.传授 传递 the transmission of knowledge,Princeton University has been associated with 37 Nobel laureates and 17 National Medal of Science winners. Princeton University topped the list in the 2012

3、American University Rankings released by Forbes. By endowment(捐赠) per student, Princeton is the wealthiest school in the United States. Princetons undergraduate program is highly selective, admitting 7.28% of undergraduate applicants in the 2013.,endowment n.捐赠捐款;才能天资 an endowment fund 捐赠的基金 men of

4、great endowments 极有才能的人,Ben Bernanke 本伯南克,Ben Bernanke served two terms as chairman of the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States from 2006 to 2014. During his term as chairman, Bernanke oversaw(管理监督) the Federal Reserves response to the financial crisis. Obama said it was Bernankes

5、courage and creativity that helped to prevent another Great Depression in 2008.,Bernanke scored 1590 out of 1600 on the SAT and attended Harvard University. Later he received a doctors degree in Economics from the MIT in 1979. Before becoming Federal Reserve chairman, Bernanke was a professor at Pri

6、nceton University for 6 years and chaired the department of economics .,Ten Suggestions for Graduates,-Ben Bernanke,The First Suggestion,The poet Robert Burns once said something about the best-laid plans of mice and men ganging aft agley.(再周密的计划也不能确保成功).A more contemporary(当代的) philosopher, Forrest

7、 Gump(阿甘), said something similar about life and boxes of chocolates and not knowing what you are going to get. Life is amazingly unpredictable(出乎意料的);any 22-year-old who thinks he knows where he will be in 10 years, much less in 30, is simply lacking imagination.,Life is like a box of chocolates.Yo

8、u never know what you are going to get. -Forrest Gump The best laid schemes(计划) of mice and men, gang aft agley.-Robert Burns,Take a few minutes the first chance you get and talk to a schoolfellow(校友) in their 25th, or 30th, or 40th reunion(重聚).Ask them, back when they were graduating 25, 30, or 40

9、years ago, where they expected to be today. But I am willing to bet, those life stories will in almost all cases(情况) be quite different from what they expected when they started out(着手进行) those many years ago. This is a good thing, not a bad thing. Who wants to know the end of a story only in its ea

10、rly chapters(章节)? Dont be afraid to let the drama(戏剧) play out.,chapter n.(书的)章,回篇 a new chapter of ones life 某人生命的崭新一页,The Seventh Suggestion,Im not going to tell you that money doesnt matter, because you wouldnt believe me anyway. In fact, for too many people around the world, money is literally a

11、 life-or-death proposition(建议 计划). But if you are part of the lucky minority with the ability to choose, remember that money is a means, not an end.,minority n.少数,少数派 be in a minority 占少数 be in a minority of one 孤家寡人 majority n.多数,多数党,The Eighth Suggestion,Nobody likes to fail, but failure is an ess

12、ential part of life and of learning. If your uniform isnt dirty, you havent been in the game.,The Ninth Suggestion,I spoke earlier about definitions of personal success in an unpredictable world. I hope that youre able to do it , with a close companion on your journey. In making that choice, remembe

13、r that physical beauty is evolutions way. But while important, those are not the only things to look for in a partner. The two of you will have a long trip together. Speaking as somebody who has been happily married for 35 years, I cant imagine any choice more consequential(重大的)than the choice of a

14、traveling companion for a lifelong journey.,evolution n.进化,发展 a social and economic evolution 社会和经济的发展 devolution n.退化,The Tenth Suggestion,Call your mom and dad once in a while. A time will come when you will want your own grown-up, busy, successful children to call you. Also, remember who paid you

15、r tuition(学费) to Princeton.,It may be a surprise that the three-year senior high school life has passed half. One and a half years ago, we left our junior school and got together in Class 9. One and a half years later, we will be spilt up and fly to different colleges in different cities, even in different countries. We are just in the middle way. How much have you changed and which university do you want? Life is like a one-way train, and I just want to keep going. One day, you will be surprised by what you have gone through today.,Specially thanks to: Jiahao Zhou Great Qingpeng Li,


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